EHAM 07-10-2015

ImageImageForum for all matters concerning Amsterdam-Schiphol airport (and control zone, including heliport). Customary language is Dutch, but English is also accepted.

Moderator: gatso76

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Posts: 3104
Joined: 11 Jun 2005, 14:39
Type of spotter: Civil/Mlitary Transport
Subscriber Scramble: cyclingdutchman
Location: amsterdam

Re: EHAM 07-10-2015

Post by cyclingdutchman »

gatso76 wrote:Oost om 1455 lt.
N192nc g450, taxied out for dep
G-fbkf ce510, taxied out for dep
S5-add cl605
Oh-gvi cl605
Cs-cha cl350
Cs-tfv cl300
9H-aha b737
N524ve g550
N514ea eclipse
N720js g550
Cs-dlf da2000
D-isar r390
G-legc erj135bj
Cs-dxs ce560xl
N930dc g450
D-cabb ce550

Eclipse 550 n269ej is parked inside nlr hangaar 3 and can be seen thru the windows...parked next to ce550 ph-lab
+N978SR SR22

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