Ramstein AB April 2021 logs:
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
UH-72A 09-72107 JMRC Army72107 arr from Hohenfels AAF
UH-72A 09-72107 JMRC Army72107 dep to Hohenfels AAF
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH838 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH838 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH855 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH815 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH544 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS Bandage30 dep to
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS Bandage30 arr from
C-17A 10-0223 437th AW RCH110 arr from
B747 N782CK CKS4722 Kalitta Air dep to Seoul
B767 N662GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N662GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6402 arr from Gdansk
KC-46A 17-46025 22nd ARW RCH554 arr from McGuire AFB
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH804 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH041 arr from McChord AFB
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH855 dep to Abidjan
C-17A 07-7173 3rd AS RCH850 arr from
C-17A 10-0223 437th AW RCH110 dep to Charleston AFB
B747 N471MC CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N662GT GTI8460 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT CMB149 Atlas Air dep to Naples
C-130J Z21121 11Sq Tun16 arr from Bizerte
C-130J Z21121 11Sq Tun16 dep to Bizerte
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6402 dep to Sigonella
KC-46A 17-46025 22nd ARW RCH554 dep to McGuire AFB
C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH555 arr from Bagram
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH848 dep to
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH862 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH862 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH813 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH600 dep to Abidjan
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH868 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7173 3rd AS RCH850 dep to Campbell AAF
B747 N402KZ CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N402KZ CKS4161 Kalitta Air dep to Leipzig
C-130J Z21121 11Sq Tun17 arr from Tunis-Carthage
C-130J Z21121 11Sq Tun17 dep to Bizerte
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH436 dep to Dover AFB
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH552 arr from Travis AFB
C-17A 95-0107 437th AW RCH900 arr from Lviv
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH848 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH600 arr from Abidjan
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH544 dep to Agades
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH544 arr from Agades
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH868 dep to Travis AFB
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH136 dep to Kiev
B767 N662GT CMB149 Atlas Air arr from Naples
B767 N662GT GTI8461 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
CL600 D-AUKE JCL5 Jetcall arr from Bagdad
CL600 D-AUKE JCL5 Jetcall dep to Koln
C-5M 86-0012 337th AS RCH552 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 95-0107 437th AW RCH822 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH661 arr from
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH106 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH800 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH544 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH136 arr from Kiev
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH560 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH560 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH832 dep to Lakenheath
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Andrews AFB
B747 N464MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N464MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik
B747 N471MC CMB136 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N471MC CMB136 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N641GT CMB591 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N641GT CMB591 Atlas Air dep to Powidz
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
C-5M 85-0007 9th AS RCH555 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 99-0169 437th AW RCH848 dep to Bangor
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH145 dep to Evreux
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH106 dep to Pope
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH800 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH832 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Tel Aviv
B747 N409MC GTI8368 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N409MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B747 N464MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Incirlik
B767 N312AA GB2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6307 arr from Sigonella
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
KC-46A 17-46027 56th ARS RCH046 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH205 arr from Mildenhall AFB
B747 N464MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B747 N445MC GTI8372 Polar Air Cargo arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N445MC PO8976 Polar Air Cargo dep to Seoul
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N662GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
C-26D 900528 Sigonella AOD CNV6307 dep to Sigonella
C-40B 01-0015 65th AS SAM115 arr from Keflavik
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG RCH315 arr from Forbes Field
KC-46A 17-46027 56th ARS RCH046 dep to McGuire AFB
C-5M 84-0062 22nd AS RCH829 arr from McEntire
C-5M 87-0036 9th AS RCH896 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH145 arr from Evreux
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH661 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH840 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH800 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH205 dep to Niamey
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH205 arr from Niamey
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH810 arr from Bangor
B767 N312AA GB2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
B767 N662GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N662GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-40B 01-0015 65th AS SAM115 dep to Palermo
C-40B 01-0015 65th AS SAM115 arr from Mildenhall AFB
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Diva 42 arr from Mildenhall AFB
MC-130J 11-5731 67th SOS Diva 41 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 84-0062 22nd AS RCH829 dep to Bahrain
C-5M 87-0036 9th AS RCH896 dep to Incirlik AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH745 dep to Wiesbaden
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH840 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4130 6th AS RCH205 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH810 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH735 dep to Wiesbaden
C-40B 01-0015 65th AS SAM115 dep to Lajes
C-130T 164762 / JW-762 VR-62 CNV6510 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-130T 164762 / JW-762 VR-62 CNV6510 dep to Sigonella
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Carus 12 dep to Constanta
MC-130J 11-5731 67th SOS Carus 11 dep to Constanta
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Carus 12 arr from Constanta
MC-130J 11-5731 67th SOS Carus 11 arr from Constanta
MC-130J 09-5713 67th SOS Diva 42 dep to Mildenhall AFB
MC-130J 11-5731 67th SOS Diva 43 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH745 arr from Uvda
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH469 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH840 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH854 arr from Incirlik
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH179 dep to
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH735 arr from Uvda
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH186 arr from Langley AFB
C-17A 10-0221 437th AW RCH186 dep to Souda Bay
B747 N740CK CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N740CK CKS4203 Kalitta Air dep to Amsterdam
C-40A 165834 VR-61 CNV4159 arr from Bangor
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH469 dep to
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH854 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH179 arr from
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW Bandage 25 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 09-9205 437th AW RCH875 dep to Charleston AFB
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1113 FAI Rent A Jet arr from Al Salti
C-40A 165834 VR-61 CNV4159 dep to Bahrain
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH887 arr from
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH469 arr from
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH811 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW Bandage 25 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH170 arr from
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH170 dep to McChord AFB
B747 N465MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N465MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1113 FAI Rent A Jet dep to Nuremberg
Gulfstream III N198PA PH486 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
H145M 77+04 THR30 Rescue 41 arr from Norvenich
H145M 77+04 THR30 Rescue 41 dep to Norvenich
TBM700 147/XS ET00.60 CTM3831 arr from Brussels
TBM700 147/XS ET00.60 CTM3831 dep to Villacoubly
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6412 arr from Rota
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6412 dep to Naples
C-40A 165834 VR-61 CNV4159 arr from Bahrain
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH887 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH190 arr from
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH144 arr from Memphis Int
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH811 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH556 dep to Amman
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH556 arr from Amman
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH154 dep to Uvda
B747 N472MC CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N472MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B747 N465MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Incirlik
B747 N465MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N198PA PH486 Phoenix Air dep to Souda Bay
C-40A 165834 VR-61 CNV4159 dep to Pease AFB
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH190 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH144 dep to Uvda
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH144 arr from Wiesbaden
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH802 arr from Camp Dwyer
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH469 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH555 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH928 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH874 arr from Orland
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH407 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH823 arr from Orland
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH154 arr from Wiesbaden
B747 N356KD KD8186 Western Global Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B767 N640GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH864 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3116 183rd AS MS ANG RCH811 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH555 dep to Niamey
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH928 dep to Bangor
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS Bandage 35 dep to
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH874 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH407 dep to
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Cairo
B747 N356KD KD8186 Western Global Air dep to Seoul
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N640GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6116 arr from Naples
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6116 dep to Naples
C-37A 97-0400 99th AS SAM 199 arr from Al Udeid
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 arr from Local mission
C-17A 96-0003 62nd AW RCH503 arr from
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH856 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH856 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH802 dep to Fort Campbell AAF
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH864 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH555 arr from Niamey
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS Bandage 35 arr from
B767 N640GT GTI8460 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT GTI8149 Atlas Air dep to Naples
Gulfstream III N198PA PH-486 Phoenix Air arr from Souda Bay
Gulfstream III N198PA PH-486 Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-37A 97-0400 99th AS SAM 199 dep to Andrews AFB
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH866 arr from Robert Gray AAF
C-5M 87-0029 22nd AS RCH467 arr from Moron
C-17A 96-0003 62nd AW RCH503 dep to Oslo
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH856 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH864 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH701 dep to Bagram
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH555 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH823 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Brize Norton
B747 N745CK CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from New York JFK
B747 N745CK CMB161 Kalitta Air dep to McGuire AFB
B747 N472MC CMB136 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N472MC GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
C-21A 84-0079 458th AS RCH150 arr from Keflavik
C-21A 84-0079 458th AS RCH150 dep to Dubrovnik
C-5M 86-0018 356th AS RCH818 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH701 arr from Bagram
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH843 dep to Rota
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH921 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 09-9211 62nd AW RCH645 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 09-9211 62nd AW RCH645 dep to Bangor
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH890 arr from McChord AFB
B767 N640GT CMB149 Atlas Air arr from Naples
B767 N640GT GTI8461 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B767 N477AX CMB503 Omni Air Int arr from Forbes Field
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH866 dep to Amman
C-5M 86-0018 356th AS RCH818 dep to Kuwait Int
C-5M 87-0029 22nd AS RCH467 dep to Fort Hood AAF
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH862 arr from Fort Hood AAF
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH835 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6160 21st AS RCH493 arr from Bangor
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH741 arr from Al Asad
B747 N464MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N464MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik
B767 N477AX CMB503 Omni Air Int dep to Lviv
C-40A 169792 VR-51 CNV6619 arr from Rota
C-40A 169792 VR-51 CNV6619 dep to Sigonella
UH-60L 90-26266 2-1st AVN Army26266 arr from Illesheim AAF
UH-60L 90-26266 2-1st AVN Army26266 dep to Polygone Range
AH-64E 17-03178 2-1st AVN Army26266 arr from Illesheim AAF
AH-64E 17-03178 2-1st AVN Army26266 dep to Polygone Range
UH-72A 09-72105 JMRC Army72105 arr from Hohenfels
UH-72A 09-72105 JMRC Army72105 dep to Hohenfels
C-17A 95-0103 62nd AW RCH453 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH813 arr from
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH813 dep to
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH835 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH405 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6160 21st AS RCH493 dep to
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH376 arr from Bangor
C-17A 06-6162 21st AS RCH523 dep to Lakenheath AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH858 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH858 dep to
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH785 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH890 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH890 arr from Al Salti
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 arr from Local mission
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH425 arr from Amman
C-5M 86-0018 356th AS RCH818 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 86-0018 356th AS RCH818 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 95-0103 62nd AW RCH453 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 95-0103 62nd AW RCH453 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH110 arr from
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH268 arr from
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH615 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH405 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5153/HH 535th AS RCH883 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH830 dep to Lakenheath
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH830 arr from Lask
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH776 dep to Hannover
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH495 arr from Bangor
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH785 dep to
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH890 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH873 arr from Pease AFB
B747 N471MC GTI8372 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N471MC CMB138 Atlas Air dep to Kuwait Int
B747 N472MC CMB137 Atlas Air Al Udeid
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N312AA GB2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
HH-60M 08-20164 2-1st AVN Army20164 arr from Mannheim
HH-60M 08-20164 2-1st AVN Army20164 dep to Illesheim AAF
KC-135R 58-0021 132nd ARS ME ANG RCH334 arr from Bangor
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH425 dep to Bangor
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH862 dep to
C-17A 95-0103 62nd AW RCH453 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH813 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0177 137th AS NY ANG RCH110 dep to
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH845 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH835 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH615 dep to Agades
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH405 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH405 dep to Dover
C-17A 05-5153/HH 535th AS RCH883 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH447 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH435 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH921 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 07-7189 437th AW RCH921 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH858 arr from
C-17A 10-0213 437th AW RCH495 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0220 62nd AW RCH873 dep to
B747 N464MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Incirlik AFB
B747 N464MC GTI8089 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B747 N471MC CMB138 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8371 Atlas Air dep to McGuire AFB
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-40C 05-0730 73rd AS Spar 12 arr from Scott AFB
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 71 arr from Local mission
UH-60L 87-24614 1-214th AVN Duke12 arr from Wiesbaden
UH-60L 87-24614 1-214th AVN Duke12 dep to Stuttgart
C-17A 97-0041 437th AW RCH813 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH845 dep to
C-17A 01-0189 155th AS TN ANG RCH828 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH615 arr from Agades
C-17A 05-5153/HH 535th AS RCH883 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH447 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH435 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH435 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 07-7187 437th AW RCH776 arr from
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH858 dep to Bangor
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH638 arr from Bangor
B767 N312AA GB2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
C-40C 05-0730 73rd AS Spar 12 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 arr from Pope AF
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH615 dep to Pope AFB
C-17A 05-5153/HH 535th AS RCH883 dep to Elmendorf AFB
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH175 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7183 437th AW RCH435 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH638 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH638 arr from Al Salti
B747 N705CK CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N705CK CMB161 Kalitta Air dep to McGuire AFB
C-40C 05-0730 73rd AS Spar 12 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 87-0043 337th AS RCH404 arr from Travis AFB
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH845 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 dep to Ali Al Salam
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH145 arr from Bangor
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH145 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH175 dep to
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH638 dep to Bangor
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH893 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH893 dep to
C-40C 05-0730 73rd AS Spar 12 dep to Shannon
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 58-0021 132nd ARS ME ANG Nacho 71 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 58-0021 132nd ARS ME ANG Nacho 71 arr from local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 72 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG Nacho 72 arr from Local mission
C-5M 87-0043 337th AS RCH404 dep to Westover
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 arr from Erbil
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 dep to Amman
C-17A 96-0003 62nd AW RCH675 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH557 arr from
C-17A 05-5143 89th AS RCH800 arr from Bangor
C-17A 05-5143 89th AS RCH800 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH103 dep to Aviano
C-17A 06-6161 21st AS RCH103 arr from Aviano
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH175 arr from
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH785 arr from
B747 N465MC GTI8088 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B747 N465MC CMB118 Atlas Air dep to Incirlik
B767 N662GT GTI8820 Atlas Air arr from Keflavik
B767 N662GT CMB585 Atlas Air dep to Sigonella
C-37A 97-01944 USAPAT PAT44 arr from Andrews AFB
C-130T 164762/ JW-762 VR-62 CNV6528 arr from Sigonella
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 arr from Local mission
UH-72A 09-72108 JMRC Army72108 arr from Hohesfels
UH-72A 09-72108 JMRC Army72108 dep to Hohesfels
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 arr from Amman
C-17A 96-0003 62nd AW RCH675 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH557 dep but arr back
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH557 arr back after dep
C-17A 06-6154 21st AS RCH847 arr from
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH104 arr from Constanta
C-17A 07-7181 437th AW RCH175 dep to
B747 N756CA CMB141 National Arlines arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N756CA CMB141 National Arlines dep to Mildenhall AFB
B747 N465MC CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Incirlik
B747 N465MC GTI8088 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-37A 97-0400 99th AS SAM328 arr from Andrews AFB
C-37A 97-01944 USAPAT PAT44 dep to Andrews AFB
C-130T 164762/ JW-762 VR-62 CNV6528 dep to Rota
C-130T 164762/ JW-762 VR-62 CNV6528 arr from Rota
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 dep for local mission
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Redeye9 arr from local mission
EC-130H 73-1583/DM 55th ECG AXIS 12 arr from Mildenhall AFB
EC-130H 73-1588/DM 55th ECG AXIS 13 arr from Mildenhall AFB
HH-60M 10-20352 2-1st AVN Army20352 arr from Mannheim
HH-60M 10-20352 2-1st AVN Army20352 dep to Illeasheim AAF
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 arr from Local mission
KC-135R 63-8004 117th AS KS ANG RCH315 dep to Forbes Field
UH-72A 07-72029 JMRC Army72029 arr from Hohesfels
UH-72A 07-72029 JMRC Army72029 dep to Hohesfels
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH434 dep to Pope AFB
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 dep to
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW Bandage 99 dep to
C-17A 06-6154 21st AS RCH847 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH625 dep to Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH655 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 10-0214 437th AW RCH785 dep to
B747 N356KD WGN0186 Western Globalarr from EGUN
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
A400 54+30 LTG62 GAF599 arr from Wunstdorf
A400 54+30 LTG62 GAF599 dep for Local mission
A400 54+30 LTG62 GAF599 arr from Local mission
A400 54+30 LTG62 GAF599 dep to Wunstdorf
C-37A 97-0400 99th AS SAM328 dep to Andrews AFB
C-130T 164762/ JW-762 VR-62 CNV6528 dep to Rota
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 arr from Local mission
KC-135R 58-0021 132nd ARS ME ANG Nacho 71 dep for Local mission
KC-135R 58-0021 132nd ARS ME ANG Nacho 71 arr from local mission
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH954 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH865 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH804 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW Bandage 99 arr from
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH874 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH897 arr from Bangor
C-17A 06-6159 21st AS RCH844 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 06-6159 21st AS RCH844 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH625 arr from Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH655 dep to
B747 N356KD WGN0186 Western Global dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6130 arr from Rota
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Peach 88 dep for testflight
E-8C 95-0121/GA 128th ACCS GA ANG Peach 88 arr from testflight
EC-130H 73-1586/DM 55th ECG AXIS 11 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 57-1440 351st ARS Quid14 dep to Mildenhall AFB
UH-72A 07-72107 JMRC Army72107 arr from Hohesfels
UH-72A 07-72107 JMRC Army72107 dep to Hohesfels
C-17A 97-0046 437th AW RCH954 dep to Agades
C-17A 01-0186 3rd AS RCH804 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH874 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH997 arr from Prince Sultan AB
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH897 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH625 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH655 arr from
B767 N662GT GTI8460 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N662GT CMB149 Atlas Air dep to Naples
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Ramstein AFB April 2021 logs
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- Scramble Addict
- Posts: 1079
- Joined: 25 Aug 2011, 12:23