Ramstein AB December 2020 logs
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1901 arr from Northolt
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1901 dep to Northolt
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6130 arr from Naples
C-26D 910502 Sigonella AOD CNV6130 dep to Naples
C-40A 165832 VR-58 CNV4703 arr from Al Udeid
KC-135R 62-3540/D 351st ARS E10E2 arr from Djibouti
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH875 dep to Dover AFB
C-5M 87-0037 337th AS RCH313 dep to McGuire AFB
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH103 arr from Travis AFB
C-17A 95-0104 155th TN ANG RCH885 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH738 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH898 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH223 dep to Evreux
C-17A 08-8202 62ndAW RCH557 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH400 arr from McChorf AFB
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH400 dep to Bagram
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N312AA ABX2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
C-37B 09-0525 99th AS SAM265 arr from Andrews AFB
C-37B 09-0525 99th AS SAM265 dep to Ankara
C-40A 165832 VR-58 CNV4703 dep to Sigonella
KC-135R 62-3551/D 351st ARS Quid31 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 62-3551/D 351st ARS Quid31 dep to Mildenhall AFB
UC-12W 168207 H&HS Miramar Atila 07 arr from Moron
UC-12W 168207 H&HS Miramar Atila 07 dep to Stuttgart
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH103 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH554 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH813 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 05-5150/HH 535th AS RCH823 dep to Wroclaw
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH698 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 08-8202 62nd AW RCH557 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH400 arr from Bagram
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH400 dep to Bangor
B747 N471MC CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
B767 N645GT CMB118 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
CL600 D-ATWO AYY162 Air Alliance arr from Cologne
CL600 D-ATWO AYY162 Air Alliance dep to Cologne
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 arr from Papa
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 dep to Sigonella
KA-350R MM62317 71 Gruppo arr from Decimomannu
KA-350R MM62317 71 Gruppo dep to Pratica Di Mare
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6402 arr from Naples
KC-135R 62-3540/D 351st ARS Quid674 dep to Mildenhall AFB
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 96 arr from Stuttgart
UH-60A 84-23936 1-214th AVN Duke 96 dep to Stuttgart
UC-35A 96-00109 6-52nd AVN Ninja 61 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH885 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH825 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH554 dep to Agades
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH813 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH223 arr from Evreux
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH396 arr from Dover AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8704 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B767 N312AA ABX2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1904 arr from Northolt
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1904 dep to Northolt
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 arr from Incirlik
P180 MM62287 93 Gruppo IAM1495 arr from Pratica di Mare
P180 MM62287 93 Gruppo IAM1495 dep to Pratica di Mare
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6402 dep to Sigonella
C-17A 01-0189 155thAS TN ANG RCH559 arr from Kabul
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH825 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH225 arr from Campia Turzi
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH554 arr from Agades
C-17A 05-5150/HH 535th AS RCH823 arr from Woclaw
B767 N645GT GTI8936 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 dep to Sigonella
UC-35A 96-00109 6-52nd AVN Ninja 61 dep to Souda Bay
C-17A 01-0189 155thAS TN ANG RCH559 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH825 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH826 arr from Pope AFB
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH786 dep to Bangor
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH554 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH858 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH858 dep to Bagram
C-17A 05-5150/HH 535th AS RCH823 dep to Travis AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH897 dep to Bagram
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH806 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-40A 165831 VR-59 CNV6606 arr from Rota
KC-135R 61-0315/D 351th ARS Quid 709 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 87-0037 60th AMW RCH597 arr from Travis AFB
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH890 arr from
C-17A 99-0168/AK 144th AS RCH835 arr from Incirlik AFB
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH982 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH926 dep to Ali Al Salem
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH897 arr from
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH806 arr from
B747 N743CK CMB161 Kalitta Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N743CK CK4161 Kalitta Air dep to McGuire AFB
B747 N472MC CMB134 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 arr from Sigonella
C-17A 01 SAC Bartok 10 dep to Papa
C-40A 165831 VR-59 CNV6606 dep to Naples
KC-135R 61-0315/D 351th ARS Quid 709 dep to Prestwick
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH828 arr from Al Udeid AFB
C-5M 87-0037 60th AMW RCH597 dep to McGuire AFB
C-5M 87-0042 60th AMW RCH890 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 99-0168/AK 144th AS RCH835 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH982 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 01-0188 137th AS NY ANG RCH856 arr from Al Udeid AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH857 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH926 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH858 arr from Kandahar
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH433 dep to Niamey
C-17A 07-7170 3rd AS RCH433 arr from Niamey
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH167 dep to Stuttgart
B747 N480MC GTI8128 Atlas Air arr from Miami Int
B747 N480MC GTI8128 Atlas Air dep to Vilnius
B767 N645GT CMB147 Atlas Air arr from Naples
B767 N645GT GTI8937 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore Int
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
BAe146 ZE700 32(TR)sq RRR1908 dep to Northolt
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1907 arr from Northolt
BAe146 ZE708 32(TR)sq RRR1907 dep to Northolt
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6307 arr from Sigonella
C-17A 95-0105 155th AS TN ANG RCH983 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 98-0052 62nd AW RCH232 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 01-0188 137th AS NY ANG RCH856 dep to Bangor
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH695 arr from Kabul
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH857 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH926 dep to King Abdullah II AB
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH926 arr from King Abdullah II AB
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH348 arr from Incirlik
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH704 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 05-5146/HH 535th AS RCH858 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH841 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH911 dep to Bagram
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH106 arr from Andrews AFB
B747 N499MC GTI8675 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N499MC GTI8675 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B767 N640GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6307 dep to Sigonella
C-17A 01-0192 137th AS NY ANG RCH695 dep to Stewart AFB
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH857 dep to
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH926 dep to Bangor
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG RCH348 dep to Jackson Int
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH704 dep to Agades
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH102 arr from Pease AFB
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH911 arr from Bagram
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH339 arr from Incirlik
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH339 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 09-9206 437th AW RCH106 dep to Ciampino
B747 N472MC CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N472MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N640GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N640GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6309 arr from Naples
C-40A 165831 VR-59 CNV6610 arr ftom Sigonella
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH888 arr from McGuire
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH857 arr from
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH409 arr from
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH704 arr from Niamey
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH704 dep to McGuire
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH437 arr from Wroclaw
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH102 dep to Agades
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH102 arr from Agades
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH867 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH1815 arr from Al Dhafra
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH807 arr from Al Udeid
B747 N412MC GTI8059 Atlas Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B747 N412MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6309 dep to Stuttgart
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM267 arr from Andrews AFB
C-40A 165831 VR-59 CNV6610 dep to Trondheim
C-130J 07-3170 317th AW RCH707 arr from Belfast
C-130J 08-3178 317th AW RCH705 arr from Belfast
C-130J 08-5693 317th AW RCH706 arr from Belfast
HH-60M 15-20760 6-101st AVN Army20760 arr from Illesheim AAF
HH-60M 15-20760 6-101st AVN Army20760 dep to Illesheim AAF
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH888 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH851 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1100 155th AS TN ANG RCH857 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH409 dep to
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH178 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 05-5143 729th AS RCH240 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH904 dep to Mostar
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH867 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 06-6168 3rd AS RCH841 dep to Fort Drum AAF
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH1815 dep to Geneve
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH339 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 09-9210 62nd AW RCH807 dep to Fort Drum AAF
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N492MC GTI8369 Atlas Air arr from Bagram
B747 N492MC GTI8369 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
Gulfstream III N198PA PH468 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N198PA PH468 Phoenix Air dep to Souda Bay
KA-350ER MM62317 71° Gruppo IAM1495 arr from Pratica di Mare
KA-350ER MM62317 71° Gruppo IAM1495 dep to Pratica di Mare
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM267 dep to Dubai Int
C-130J 07-3170 317th AW RCH707 dep to Souda Bay
C-130J 08-3178 317th AW RCH705 dep to Souda Bay
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH888 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0183 156th AS NC ANG RCH851 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH101 arr from NAS Oceana
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH443 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH146 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 04-4136 6th AS RCH178 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 05-5143 729th AS RCH240 dep to Agades
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH102 dep to
C-17A 06-6157 21th AS RCH694 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH655 arr from Zagreb
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 dep to Baghdad
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 arr from Baghdad
C-40B 05-4613 73rd AS SPAR18 arr from New Delhi
C-40B 05-4613 73rd AS SPAR18 dep to Shannon
C-130J 08-3173 40th AS RCH451 arr from Belfast
C-130J 08-5726 317th AW RCH450 arr from Belfast
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH981 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 98-0052 62nd AW RCH232 dep to Souda Bay
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH101 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH333 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH146 dep to Baghdad
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH172 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 04-4133 6th AS RCH172 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH840 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 09-9208 437th AW RCH655 dep to Bangor
B747 N446MC GTI8677 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N471MC CMB136 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N471MC GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1488 Fai Rent A Jet arr from Bahrain
CL600 D-AFAB IFA1488 Fai Rent A Jet dep to Nuremberg
CL600 OH-WIW JEF22 Jetflite arr from Palma de Mallorca
CL600 OH-WIW JEF22 Jetflite dep to
AC-130J 14-5803 73rd SOS RCH1004 arr from Souda Bay
C-130J 08-3173 40th AS RCH451 dep to Souda Bay
C-130J 08-5726 317th AW RCH450 dep to Souda Bay
C-130T 165349 VR-62 CNV3183 arr from Sigonella
C-17A 96-0005 137th AS NY ANG RCH981 dep to Baghdad
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH864 arr from Burlington Int ??
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH864 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH101 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH443 dep to Prestwick
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH333 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 05-5145 729th AS RCH840 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH708 arr from Niamay
C-17A 06-6157 21th AS RCH694 dep to
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH797 arr from McChord AFB
B747 N446MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
G-V 676 122sqn IAF353 arr from Nevatim
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM267 arr from Al Udeid
C-40C 05-0932 73rd AS Avlon35 arr from Shannon
C-130J 08-5693 317th AW RCH706 dep to Souda Bay
C-130J 15-5826 317th AW RCH452 Arr from Belfast
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS E10E2 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS E10E2 dep to Djibouti
UH-60M 15-20745 1-214th AVN Duke 45 arr from Wiesbaden
UH-60M 15-20745 1-214th AVN Duke 45dep to Wiesbaden
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH878 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 98-0052 62nd AW RCH845 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH859 arr from Kiev
C-17A 02-1101 758th AS RCH101 dep to Bangor
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH813 arr from Campbell AAF
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH318 arr from Prestwick
C-17A 05-5143 729th AS RCH240 arr from
C-17A 06-6157 21th AS RCH694 arr from
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH805 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH805 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH469 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH925 arr from
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH500 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH803 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH797 dep to
B767 N641GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N198PA PH469 Phoenix air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N198PA PH469 Phoenix air dep to Souda Bay
Gulfstream IV N338MM Noble01 arr from Niamey
G-V 676 122sqn IAF353 dep to Nevatim
AC-130J 14-5803 73rd SOS RCH1004 dep to Keflavik
C-37B 18-1942 99th AS SAM267 dep to Andrews AFB
C-40C 05-0932 73rd AS Avlon35 dep to Bangor
C-130J 05-1436 143rd AS RI ANG RCH153 arr from Belfast
C-130J 15-5826 317th AW RCH452 dep to Souda Bay
C-130T 165349 VR-62 CNV3183 dep to Lossiemouth
CH-47F 17-08238 6-101st AVN Army08238 low approach
UH-60M 09-20183 5-101st AVN Army20183 arr from Niedersetten
UH-60M 09-20183 5-101st AVN Army20183 dep to Illesheim AAF
UH-60M 10-20245 1-214th AVN Duke42 arr from Wiesbaden
UH-60M 10-20245 1-214th AVN Duke42 dep to Wiesbaden
C-5M 85-0008 9th AS RCH878 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH853 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH853 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 98-0052 62nd AW RCH845 dep to Bangor
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH813 dep to
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH525 arr from Bangor
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH983 dep to
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH333 arr from Erbil
C-17A 05-5143 729th AS RCH240 dep to Wright-Patterson AFB
C-17A 06-6157 21th AS RCH544 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH469 dep to
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH469 arr from Cairo
C-17A 07-7180 437th AW RCH327 arr from Charleston
C-17A 07-7184 437th AW RCH925 dep to Bangor
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW Bandage 01 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH797 arr from Erbil
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 dep to Kabul
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 arr from
B747 N471MC CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N641GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream IV N338MM Noble01 dep to Niamey
C-130 6191 Esc.901 Av.Tra ROF302 arr from Munster
C-130 6191 Esc.901 Av.Tra ROF302 dep to Bucarest
C-32B 99-6143 150th SOS RCH467 arr from Amman
C-32B 99-6143 150th SOS RCH467 dep to Bangor
C-130J 05-1436 143rd AS RI ANG RCH153 dep to Souda Bay
C-130J 16-5834 317th AW RCH190 arr from Belfast
KC-10A 83-0076 60th AMW RCH838 Arr from Travis AFB
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS E10E2 arr from Djibouti
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS E10E2 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 85-0006 68th AS RCH558 arr from Rota
C-17A 93-0600 155th AS TN ANG RCH555 arr from Incirlik
C-17A 95-0104 155th AS TN ANG RCH853 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH859 dep to Kiev
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH859 arr from Kiev
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH983 arr from
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH805 arr from Bagram
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH469 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW Bandage 01 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH797 dep to Cambpell AAF
MC-12S 11-00286 15th MI Bn Argus 68 arr from Constanta
MC-12S 12-00280 15th MI Bn Argus 58 arr from Constanta
KC-10A 83-0076 60th AMW RCH838 dep to Al Dhafra
KC-10A 86-0031 60th AMW RCH838 arr from Al Dhafra
C-130J 16-5834 317th AW RCH190 dep to Souda Bay
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH824 arr from Koln
C-17A 93-0600 155th AS TN ANG RCH555 dep to Bangor
C-17A 95-0105 155th AS TN ANG RCH983 dep to Pease AFB
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH859 arr from Kiev
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH891 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 00-0178 86th AS RCH560 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH813 arr from Bagram
C-17A 03-3114 183rd AS MS ANG RCH525 dep to Bangor
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH869 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH802 dep to
C-17A 03-3120 62nd AW RCH802 arr from Ali Al Salem
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH938 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 04-4131 6th AS RCH333 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH805 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH517 arr from Tel Aviv
C-17A 08-8204 437th AW RCH500 dep to
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 dep to Kabul
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 arr from
B747 N496MC GTI8362 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B767 N645GT GTI8936 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB147 Atlas Air dep to Naples
Gulfstream III N198PA PH469 Phoenix Air arr from Souda Bay
MC-12S 11-00286 15th MI Bn Argus 68 dep to Prestwick
MC-12S 12-00280 15th MI Bn Argus 58 dep to Prestwick
KC-10A 86-0031 60th AMW RCH838 dep to Travis AFB
C-5M 85-0006 68th AS RCH230 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 99-0060 62nd AW RCH859 dep to Bangor
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH891 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0178 86th AS RCH560 dep to Niamey
C-17A 00-0178 86th AS RCH560 arr from Niamey
C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW RCH813 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS MS ANG RCH869 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3123 167th AS WV ANG RCH938 dep to Nashville Int
C-17A 06-6156 21th AS RCH545 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7180 437th AW RCH327 dep to Djibouti
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH889 arr from Bangor
C-17A 09-9209 62nd AW RCH804 arr from Siauliai
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH160 dep to Niamey
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH160 arr from Niamey
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH108 dep to Charleston AFB
Gulfstream III N198PA PH469 Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH824 dep to Kuwait
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH163 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH891 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 00-0178 86th AS RCH560 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH890 arr from Thumrait
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH889 dep to
C-17A 08-8202 437th AW Bandage 36 arr from
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH161 dep to
B747 N471MC CMB132 Atlas Air arr from Kuwait Int
B747 N471MC GTI8383 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N645GT CMB137 Atlas Air arr from Naples
B767 N645GT GTI8937 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
A319 MM62243 306° Gruppo IAM3185 arr from Ciampino
A319 MM62243 306° Gruppo IAM3185 dep to Ciampino
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH824 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 87-0029 22nd AS RCH874 arr from
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH850 dep to
C-17A 01-0191 3rd AS RCH275 arr from Patrick AFB
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH557 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH877 arr from Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH455 arr from
C-17A 07-7174 3rd AS RCH455 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 07-7182 437th AW RCH890 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 08-8202 437th AW RCH844 dep to
C-17A 09-9209 62nd AW RCH921 dep to Al Asad
C-17A 09-9209 62nd AW RCH921 arr from Al Asad
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH161 arr from Amilcar Cabral
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH445 dep to Keflavik
B747 N492MC GTI8675 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N492MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
A319 MM62243 306° Gruppo IAM3185 arr from Ciampino
A319 MM62243 306° Gruppo IAM3185 dep to Ciampino
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 35 arr from Moron
C-5M 84-0061 9th AS RCH824 dep to Dover AFB
C-5M 87-0029 22nd AS RCH874 dep to Travis AFB
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG Bandage 37 arr from Baghdad
C-17A 01-0188 137th AS NY ANG RCH473 arr from
C-17A 01-0191 3rd AS RCH275 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS RCH922 arr from
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH557 dep to Niameybut returned back to Ramstein
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH557 arr back after dep
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH877 dep to Bangor
C-17A 09-9209 62nd AW RCH921 dep to Pease AFB
B767 N645GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
B777 N819AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Baltimore
B767 N351AX CMB533 Omni Air Int arr from Campbell AAF
Gulfstream III N198PA PH469 Phoenix Air arr from Stuttgart
Gulfstream III N198PA PH22L Phoenix Air dep to Dakar
KA-350ER MM62317 71° Gruppo IAM1496 arr from Pratica di Mare
KA-350ER MM62317 71° Gruppo IAM1496 dep to Pratica di Mare
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6322 arr from Sigonella
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6322 dep to Prestwick
C-32A 98-0002 1st AS SAM370 arr from
C-32A 98-0002 1st AS SAM370 dep to Andrews AFB
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS Quid703 arr from Mildenhall AFB
KC-135R 63-8878/D 351st ARS Quid703 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 01-0188 137th AS NY ANG RCH473 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH144 arr from Beirut Int
C-17A 03-3119 183rd AS RCH858 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH982 arr from Al Salti
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH801 arr from
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH443 arr from Lossiemouth
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH616 arr from Djibouti
B747 N471MC CMB133 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N471MC GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B767 N351AX CMB533 Omni Air Int dep to Fort Worth
B767 N645GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N645GT GTI8039 Atlas Air dep to Baltimore
Gulfstream III N198PA PH22L Phoenix Air arr from Bamako
Gulfstream III N198PA PH22L Phoenix Air dep to Stuttgart
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6322 arr from Prestwick
C-26D 900530 Sigonella AOD CNV6322 dep to Naples
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 35 dep to Moron
C-17A 00-0176 155th AS TN ANG RCH891 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 01-0197 156th AS NC ANG RCH144 dep to Bangor
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH888 arr from Andrews AFB
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH275 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 07-7169 3rd AS RCH275 dep to Dover AFB
C-17A 08-8196 62nd AW RCH801 dep to Charleston AFB
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH801 dep to MCAS Beaufort
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH720 dep to Souda Bay
B747 N446MC GTI8369 Atlas Air arr from Bagram
B747 N446MC GTI8369 Atlas Air dep to Dover AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8671 Atlas Air arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N496MC GTI8059 Atlas Air dep to Seoul
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH888 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH557 dep to Niamey
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH557 arr from Niamey
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH720 arr from Souda Bay
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH882 arr from Al Udeid
B747 N450PA PO8976 PO8976 arr from McGuire AFB
B747 N450PA PO8976 PO8976 dep to Seoul
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH888 arr from Al Udeid
C-17A 06-6158 21st AS RCH982 dep to Campbell AAF
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH103 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH103 dep to Souda Bay
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1497 FAI Rent a Jet arr from Souda Bay
CL600 D-AFAG IFA1497 FAI Rent a Jet dep to Nuremberg
Gulfstream III N163PA PH120 Phoenix Air arr from Souda Bay
C-12U 84-00162 1-124th AVN Duke 69 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-12U 84-00162 1-124th AVN Duke 69 dep to Wiesbaden
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 31 arr from Moron
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 31 dep to Mildenhall AFB
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH729 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH103 arr from Djibouti
C-17A 04-4132 6th AS RCH557 dep to McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH845 arr from Dover AFB
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH736 dep to Agades
C-17A 10-0217 62nd AW RCH443 dep to McChord AFB
C-17A 10-0219 62nd AW RCH882 dep to McChord AFB
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Baltimore
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int dep to Incirlik
Gulfstream III N163PA PH120 Phoenix Air dep to Baghdad
Gulfstream III N163PA PH120 Phoenix Air arr from Baghdad
Gulfstream III N163PA PH120 Phoenix Air dep to Souda Bay
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH729 dep to Al Udeid
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH551 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 98-0052 62nd AW RCH809 arr from McChord AFB
C-17A 04-4137 6th AS RCH104 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH845 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH833 arr from NAS Norfolk
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH555 arr from Mildenhall AFB
C-17A 07-7188 437th AW RCH558 arr from Charleston AFB
C-17A 10-0216 62nd AW RCH736 arr from Agades
B767 N641GT GTI8038 Atlas Air arr from Baltimore
B767 N312AA GB2270 ABX Air arr from Mildenhall AFB
B777 N225AX CMB515 Omni Air arr from Shannon
B777 N225AX CMB515 Omni Air Int dep to Sofia
B777 N828AX CMB118 Omni Air Int arr from Incirlik
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 35 arr from Rota
KC-130J 169533/BH-533 VMGR-252 Bronco 35 dep to Moron
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH830 arr from Al Udeid
C-5M 85-0004 9th AS RCH830 dep to Dover AFB
C-5M 87-0035 9th AS RCH258 arr from Dover AFB
C-5M 87-0035 9th AS RCH825 dep to
C-17A 96-0002 437th AW RCH551 dep to Charleston AFB
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH820 arr from Bangor
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH700 arr from Biggs AAF
C-17A 03-3124 437th AW RCH156 dep to Souda Bay
C-17A 06-6166 3rd AS RCH833 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH555 dep to Agades
B747 N404KZ CMB135 Atlas Air arr from Al Udeid
B747 N404KZ GTI8367 Atlas Air dep to New York JFK
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air dep to Sofia
B767 N641GT CMB119 Atlas Air arr from Sofia
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air dep to Cairo
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr from Cairo
KC-135 60-0316 191st ARS UT ANG RCH020 arr from Souda Bay
KC-135 62-3519 92nd ARW RCH008 arr from Souda Bay
KC-135 62-3528 92nd ARW RCH009 arr from Souda Bay
KC-135 63-7991 173rd ARS NE ANG RCH021 arr from Souda Bay
C-5M 86-0025 9th AS RCH808 arr from
C-17A 01-0187 62nd AW RCH820 dep to
C-17A 02-1108 62nd AW RCH700 dep to Al Salti
C-17A 03-3115 183rd AS MS ANG RCH860 arr from McGuire AFB
C-17A 03-3118 183rd AS MS ANG RCH887 dep to Andrews AFB
C-17A 06-6165 3rd AS RCH845 arr from
C-17A 07-7171 6th AS RCH555 arr from Sigonello
C-17A 08-8198 437th AW RCH809 dep to Kuwait Int
C-17A 10-0222 437th AW RCH892 arr from Pease AFB
B767 N312AA CMBDQ1 ABX Air arr fom Cairo
B767 N312AA GB2271 ABX Air dep to Lajes
Ramstein AB December logs
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Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary |