2019: Swiss Constellation sold to Germany, etc...

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2019: Swiss Constellation sold to Germany, etc...

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtop ... &t=1410705
Uh-oh.. :(
Unfortunately however,
the board was informed of some bad news two days before the assembly.

After the tragic events in vintage aviation in recent months,
the FOCA (Federal Office of Civil Aviation)
has increased the scrutiny of all vintage aircraft registered in Switzerland.

Unfortunately, our aircraft is affected by these decisions,
which means that we will have to take an even closer, more in depth look at our aircraft.

Sadly, our concerns became a reality.

It remains uncertain when the Connie will fly again.

Recent findings revealed that one of the materials used for repairs on the main spar (aluminum 7075 T6) may cause inter-granular corrosion.

In order to further investigate this risk, all four wing spars will need to be inspected and possibly replaced.

A definitive plan of action will not be devised until a meeting with FOCA representatives will take place.

FOCA directives will heavily influence future maintenance works on our “HB-RSC”.

If our concerns or discovering corrosion in the main spar become a reality,
restoration costs will by far exceed the possibilities of our associations’ budget.

While nothing is impossible, it will all boil down to how high the expense would be.

The meeting with FOCA representatives was held on November 30. Unfortunately, it will remain uncertain when our Connie will fly again.
According to expert preliminary statements,
these repairs will require the removal of both aircraft wings.

Unless a different, more cost effective procedure can be found to check the spar,
these in depth tasks bear comparison with a complete reconstruction :shock: of the entire wing.

The board is hopeful that our project may continue,
even though the path to getting our Connie back into the air will be long, steep, and costly.

For more information, please read our SuperLetter 3|18 which will be mailed out to members before Christmas 2018.
for much more details... :(
No, it is not a full "unexpected D-check/ "heavy maintenance visit" (HMV)", but it is not that far off... :(
Last edited by Stratofreighter on 18 Nov 2019, 14:57, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2019 to become very difficult for Swiss Constellation op

Post by frank kramer »

Unfortunately, the topic title has become an understatement. According to a press release from the Swiss Constellation Flyers Association, published 1 May 2019, the SCFA has failed to find the full 20 million Swiss Francs needed for the wing job as a result of corrosion and tougher Swiss rules following the Ju52 crash. As a result of this, the SCFA is to be liquidated over the coming months. A decision over the fate of HB-RSC is still pending, but the odds are it won't (ever) fly again... :cry:

The statement as posted on the website of Flypast:

Further to the news story ‘Swiss Connie facing steep repair bill’ in the new issue of FlyPast (page 12), the Board of Super Constellation Flyers Association have made the following announcement:

“Our hopes did not come to pass. As of the SCFA’s last board meeting on April 23, 2019, the CHF 20 million needed to rebuild the Super Constellation “HB-RSC”’s wings have not been fully secured. As a result of the votes submitted by the association members during the general assembly on February 2, 2019, the decision has been made to dissolve the Super Constellation Flyers Association. Peter Manzoni will assume the role of the liquidator. The task of liquidating the SCFA will take several months.

“The fate of our Super Connie, however, has not been sealed completely. Over the coming weeks and months, we will decide what the future will hold for the “Star of Switzerland”. The board will do everything in their power to continue to allow the public access to the Connie in the future. ” www.superconstellation.org
Frank Kramer

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Re: 2019 to become very difficult for Swiss Constellation op

Post by Osprey66 »

Anything altered? (links?)
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Re: 2019: Swiss Constellation sold to Germany, etc...

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-mot ... 31542.html
Lufthansa-Super-Constellation :

Demontage mal zwei

-Aktualisiert am 16.10.2019-10:41

Gleich zwei Oldie-Flugzeuge der berühmten Lockheed-Super-Constellation-Baureihe stehen vor einer ungewissen Zukunft.

So wird die ehemals schweizerische Super Constellation momentan am Flughafen Zürich komplett demontiert.

Noch im Herbst soll sie an den südbadischen Flugplatz Eschbach-Bremgarten zur Reparatur kommen.

Auch die etwas größere Super Star der Lufthansa,
damals das größte und modernste Modell der Baureihe,
ist demontiert und nach langer Seereise über den Atlantik jetzt in einer Halle in Bremen angekommen.
Um die Ex-schweizerische Super Constellation „Star of Switzerland“ ist es seit ihrer Veräußerung im Juli ebenfalls ruhig geworden.

Denn ihre Verkäufer, der sich auflösende eidgenössische Verein „Super Constellation Flyers Association“ und dessen Liquidator,
haben mit den deutschen Käufern Stillschweigen über deren Identität vereinbart.

Die Demontage des 1955 gebauten Klassikers, der bis 2017 flog, schreitet weiter voran.

Wann und wie der gut 30 Meter lange Rumpf nach Eschbach kommen soll, ist unbekannt.

Dort soll eine Spezialfirma Korrosionsschäden an den Tragflächen beheben.

Gelingt dies, könnte sie womöglich in drei bis vier Jahren wieder abheben.

Was die deutschen Käufer mit der Maschine vorhaben, ist aber völlig unbekannt.
https://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-mot ... 31542.html

...also see
FokkerNews.nl per February 2025...
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