EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by marco70 »

IT just passed south of waalwijk
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Richard from Rotterdam
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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by Richard from Rotterdam »

ehusmann wrote:Last quote from me on this matter, because in the end, without an official USArmy listing it will remain up for grabs which it really is.
So from the well known Joe Baugher's site:
97-1944 Gulfstream Aerospace C-37A
c/n 566. Gulfstream V N466GA. For US Army, registered as N8VQ. Originally
carried the military registration of 97-0049. Registration
N8VQ cancelled Nov 2005, plane was relabeled 97-1944, apparently
to commemorate the D-Day landings, but had no official meaning. Later relabeled 05-1944
I guess up to each individual how you like it ;-)


(and so indeed, Nilson was right, of course :worship: )

Joe Baugher used to have more incorrect info in his lists. I wouldn't understand the logic of changing a fiscal year on an already operational jet, other than it being reordered into a new subtype after extensive modifications.

I'll stick to the more commonly accepted 1997 fiscal for this one.
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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by perry dirkx »

We all agree it was bought with FY97 funds, delivered in 1999 and registered 97-0049, reregestered 97-1944 for D-Day commemorations. Then in September 2005 it was registered N8VQ in the Experimental Class, but still owned by the US Army, until November 2005 when it returned to its old 1944 registration. A FY change only happens when a budget was used for modifications, like what happend with the rebuild of the CH-47A to C and D moddel or AH-64A to D model for instance.

Who knows what was done to the aircraft in the two months when it was registrated N8VQ and if that was a reason to change the FY from 97 to 05....
Still havn't found any official proof of that, other than Joe's website or who get their info from enthuisiasts like us and not thrue official channels other than the public FAA website for example, something that doesn't bring us any further either.
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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by ehusmann »

Richard from Rotterdam wrote:Joe Baugher used to have more incorrect info in his lists. I wouldn't understand the logic of changing a fiscal year on an already operational jet, other than it being reordered into a new subtype after extensive modifications.

I'll stick to the more commonly accepted 1997 fiscal for this one.
I'll be the the last to claim otherwise. There are indeed tons of errors on the Baugher site (as I recently also mentioned in another topic). However, the same can be said of the Scramble database. AS of any other database for that matter, as everyone in the end usually ends up with the same info anyway. So if you take that approach nothing can be concluded, certainly not in this case. Hence also why I said it will be up to anyone. I'll take the approach of Perry and stick to 05 as I suspect the reserial came with a new budget. No proof of that, so 97 is just as valid. Until somebody finds an official document or datablock on the aircraft.

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by patrick dirksen »

Although I was also sticking to fy 05 so far, I understand from a message on EWAS forum that the crew checked in with the tower at EHEH as 97-01944. Still no guarantee, but....

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

patrick dirksen wrote:I understand from a message on EWAS forum that the crew checked in with the tower at EHEH as 97-01944...
Ik heb dat zo niet gelezen/begrepen op EWAS... Heb ik daar iets gemist?

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by patrick dirksen »

Ja ;-)
Pat44 wordt inmiddels opgepikt door Virtual Radar op FL240 nog boven de Noordzee. 97-01944 geeft hij als idd als regi
By the way, ik weet dat het zomaar posten van info van EWAS forum elders niet de bedoeling is, maar aangezien dit om achtergrond-info gaat ga ik er van uit dat het in dit geval wel kan.

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by Stephan Lodewijks »

Aha kijk. Nou, die info is niet van tower noch van een officiële bron...da's gewoonweg een modeS afgeleide waar op basis van een hexcode via een niet-officiële database het serial wordt afgeleid. Dat zegt niks.


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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by KIER »

De C-37's zijn (bijna) allemaal op leasebasis aangeschaft, zou het dan niet kunnen zijn dat de N8VQ regie gebruikt wordt door de leasemaatschappij ?????

My two pennies :)

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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by ehusmann »

Volgens de FAA database was de N regi voor FAR compliance testen (whatever that may be...).

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Richard from Rotterdam
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Re: EHEH 03-06-2015 MIL

Post by Richard from Rotterdam »

perry dirkx wrote:We all agree it was bought with FY97 funds, delivered in 1999 and registered 97-0049, reregestered 97-1944 for D-Day commemorations. Then in September 2005 it was registered N8VQ in the Experimental Class, but still owned by the US Army, until November 2005 when it returned to its old 1944 registration. A FY change only happens when a budget was used for modifications, like what happend with the rebuild of the CH-47A to C and D moddel or AH-64A to D model for instance.

Who knows what was done to the aircraft in the two months when it was registrated N8VQ and if that was a reason to change the FY from 97 to 05....
Still havn't found any official proof of that, other than Joe's website or who get their info from enthuisiasts like us and not thrue official channels other than the public FAA website for example, something that doesn't bring us any further either.
Normally, entering a military jet on the civil register is for insurance purposes. Those three months as N8VQ and back to 1944 will have started all the confusion obviously and doesn't bring us closer to the definitive answer... Hopefully it'll show up on some air show somewhere for people to have a look inside... :wink:
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