And on the move again... back to the Bombardier hangar?Aircolours wrote:BD700 S5-ZFL has just been parked outside again (K72)
Brgds, Peter
Brgds, Peter
Moderator: gatso76
And on the move again... back to the Bombardier hangar?Aircolours wrote:BD700 S5-ZFL has just been parked outside again (K72)
Brgds, Peter
Deze was hier ook in September 2010.T7 wrote:CL604 AP-GAK on the ground since 2025lt.
Second post on this page: LY-VEO opf Air Arabia Marocrené wrote:all white A320/319 at G8 around 18.30??
Also mentioned first page.Nlspot2003 wrote:Deze was hier ook in September 2010.T7 wrote:CL604 AP-GAK on the ground since 2025lt.