Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

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Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

Post by mouscaj »

On thé Mérignac Air Force base on 20th and 21st september, thé air ans espace conservatory which collections round shelter un zone or thé hangars or the base displayed its collection, on which most or public buildings hosting interesting collections are freely open tout thé public
Amont thé collection displayed a large number of french warriors or thé 50's ans 60's
The master pièce
A Dewoitine 520
Also tout ne notices
Dassault super mystère B2 code 12-YP serial 158
Dassault Mirage IIII B code DG serial 209
Dassault Mirage III R serial 560
Dassault Mirage IV P code CC serial 30
Dassault Mirage V code 13-SO serial 29
Dassault Mystère 4 serial 299
Bréguet Alizé code 50
Chance vought Crusader code32
Aerospaciale Super Frelon SA 321G serial NE 164
Max Hoste Broussard 1521 Broussard code 43 28
Lockheed T33 serial 21049
Nord Noratlas serial 188
Douglas A 4SU code 928
Fouga Magister code 11-OD serial 320

Also to be noticed a Douglas B 26 Invader now under restauration for several décades.
To be pointed that all thèse old warriors even not quite complète or un der thé better shape have been préserved from a sad and shamefull scraping. Funds ans volunteers ans enthousiasts are notre quite enough.
Most or thème dedicate most or their free time to this duty
A vert sincère ans Grateful tribute to those who spend a large part or week rends and hollydays to préserve this part or our wings history
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Re: Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

Post by Starman »

Hey Mouscaj,

You are absolutely correct, but before they move us to the Vintage section (and I send a full log and some soft, out of focus, grainy shots) here´s your almost fully restored B26, complete with "Marauder worshipper", oops!)

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Re: Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

Post by mouscaj »

Hi starman, sorry four thé very poor writing, m'y pad makes awfull translation skips. I knew this beautiful black bird years ago, as a gâté guardian. Nice picture
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Scramble Die-Hard
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Re: Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

Post by Starman »

mouscaj wrote:I knew this beautiful black bird years ago, as a gâté guardian. Nice picture
I wonder if she was one of these (I found this amazing pic on the museum wall at Cognac for JdelaP)

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Re: Open day air and space conservatory of Aquitaine

Post by mouscaj »

As far as I can remember the Vultures shown on this picture were later moved towards Mérignac air base about the late sèventies and later on replaced by thé Sepecat Jaguars of thé E/C 4-11. Considering thé Douglas thé only thing I m sûre ils that théy
wore thé same squadron insigna that thé Mirage III B, Mirage IV A ans Noratlas of thé CIFAS 328. A black vulture carrying two red bombs.
I bad thé opportunity flying on one of thèse steady ans rumourous Noratlas, winning a photo contest organised by thé local news paper.
My first flight souvenir.
Other matter, congratulations to The FAB for thé splendid meeting on Klein brogel.
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