New York JFK (JFK) 11jun 13.30-20.00
A6-HRS / BBJ / 29251
M-AQUA / BD700 / 9157
N299CX / Ce750 / 750-0299
N452CJ / LJ45 / 45-0090
N609LS / BD100 / 20134
N673BF / B767-238 / 23402
N857AA / Ce550 / 550-0901
VQ-BOS / BBJ2 / 35792
Farmingdale Republic Apt. (FRG) 12jun 08.25-08.45
N100DF / Gulf.4 / 1313
N216RR / Gulf.2 / 22
N318JH / Ce525 M2 / 525-0817
N349AK / H.4000 / RC-042
N48HF / Ce750 / 750-0220
N532CC / Fa2000EX / 238
N55NY / LJ55 / 55-020
N605WG / Legacy / 980
N773MJ / Gulf.650 / 6048
N801QS / Ce560 / 560-0601
N899AK / H.4000 / RC-020
N927MC / Gulf.650 / 6052
N940QS / Ce750 / 750-0285
Long Island MacArthur Apt. (ISP) 12jun 09.15-09.25
N181EF / LJ35 / 35-190
N506BA / Fa900 / 160
N525XL / Gulf.2 / 135
N919SS / Hs125 / 258221
New York JFK (JFK) 12jun 10.30-14.20
2biz (earlier ones seen not mentioned):
N25ZG / CL604 / 5536
N521LF / Ce560 / 560-0132
New York La Guardia Apt. (LGA) 12jun 14.40-15.55
04-1778 / C-37 / 5034
N500N / Gulf.450 / 4296
N752JC / Fa50 / 28
N757AF / B757-2J4 / 25155
VQ-BZZ / Fa900 / 87
White Plains Westchester County (HPN) 12jun 16.45-17.20
CN-SHS / Lineage / 307
M-GRAN / BD700 / 9324
N103EZ / LJ45 / 45-0071
N162QS / BD700 / 9484
N226EC / CL601 / 5090
N226HY / Legacy / 1014
N22RG / Ce750 / 750-0031
N277QS / Fa2000 / 177
N319QS / Phenom / 505-164
N37NY / B737-4Y0 / 23976
N423AK / Be400 / RK-328
N473CW / Gulf.4 / 1194
N50M / Westwind / 327
N538FX / BD100 / 20201
N583AJ / Gulf.4 / 1184
N605CH / Gulf.550 / 5263
N61VC / Be400 / RK-450
N686CP / Hs125 / 258059
N747XJ / Ce750 / 750-0247
N779JS / Ce525B / 525B0036
N900EG / Gulf.4 / 1101
N906QS / Ce750 / 750-0206
N928JA / Astra / 75
N92BE / Ce501 / 501-0098
N949SA / Ce650 / 650-0074
N950DM / Gulf.4 / 1239
N950DP / Hs125 / 258154
N950LG / Gulf.4 / 1441
N98AS / Fa20 / 428
XA-BNM / Fa900EX / 55
XA-NIC / Hs125 / 258552
New York Teterboro Apt. (TEB) 12jun 18.30-19.30
C-FCSS / Hs125 / 257143
C-GKXS / Ce560XL / 560-5169
CS-DSC / Fa7X / 164
EC-JYT / CL604 / 5648
G-KSFR / BD100 / 20189
HZ-MEJ1 / CL604 / 5320
M-GSIX / Gulf.650 / 6032
M-JPLC / Fa900EX / 269
N100EW / Gulf.4 / 1477
N100HG / Gulf.4 / 1026
N106JT / Ce525B / 525B0106
N1125K / Astra / 35
N113WJ / Gulf.4 / 1173
N114EB / Ce560 / 560-0795
N124DT / Gulf.3 / 390
N13SY / Hs125 / 258103
N149LP / BD700 / 9019
N15Y / Gulf.4 / 1318
N163FJ / Fa7X / 163
N167JN / Ce560XL / 560-6100
N170SD / Ce560XL / 560-5091
N194K / Fa50 / 194
N1DH / CL601 / 5145
N1UM / Ce501 / 501-0011
N2000A / Fa2000EX / 255
N218PH / Fa2000 / 218
N220GS / LJ35 / 35-220
N228PC / Ce560XL / 560-5600
N239AX / Fa900 / 39
N240RP / LJ40 / 45-2025
N245TT / Gulf.550 / 5003
N267LG / Gulf.4 / 1266
N27XL / Ce560XL / 560-6096
N2929 / Gulf.550 / 5053
N302CJ / Ce525A / 525A0302
N303WS / BD100 / 20045
N308QS / Ce680 / 680-0116
N333YJ / Be400 / RK-159
N339QS / Ce680 / 680-0191
N353PC / BD100 / 20053
N388AC / Gulf.550 / 5125
N390GM / Be390 / RB-172
N394AK / Gulf.4 / 1470
N401HF / Gulf.550 / 5039
N404MS / Be400 / RK-283
N404TC / Gulf.4 / 1411
N40KJ / Gulf.4 / 1070
N411YF / Fa2000 / 161
N427TM / Hs125 / 258720
N440CX / Hs125 / 258900
N444CW / Ce650 / 650-0064
N450BD / Gulf.3 / 412
N492TM / Be400 / RK-580
N513ML / Hs125 / 258641
N549FX / BD100 / 20374
N577JC / Ce750 / 750-0122
N577QS / Ce560XL / 560-5735
N592VP / Ce560 / 560-0092
N600MV / Hs125 / 259036
N602RF / Gulf.200 / 146
N604CD / CL604 / 5402
N604QS / Ce560XL / 560-5204
N605ML / Hs125 / HB-068
N612JN / BD100 / 20297
N617QS / Ce560XL / 560-5509
N623CT / Fa2000EX / 142
N630QS / Ce560XL / 560-5130
N648QS / Ce560XL / 560-5574
N704JM / Hs125 / 258367
N727BG / LJ60 / 60-218
N728LB / Gulf.4 / 1296
N729AG / Hs125 / 258729
N777DB / CL604 / 5502
N777TC / Gulf.4 / 1137
N795XJ / Ce750 / 750-0295
N800WP / Hs125 / 258459
N801P / Hs125 / 258191
N804BH / Hs125 / 258596
N80AT / Gulf.4 / 1410
N819QS / Ce560 / 560-0786
N828CC / BD700 / 9209
N832QS / Hs125 / 258683
N841QS / Ce560 / 560-0799
N848CC / CL604 / 5660
N849WC / LJ60 / 60-211
N875TM / Hs125 / 258523
N878DB / Gulf.550 / 5167
N880QS / Hs125 / 258570
N900RX / Fa900 / 183
N910VP / Ce750 / 750-0110
N917SC / LJ60 / 60-125
N923SG / BD700 / 9354
N939AJ / Legacy / 939
N962SS / Gulf.4 / 1121
N96GA / Be400 / RK-238
N970KG / Gulf.4 / 1356
N975QS / Ce750 / 750-0175
N9871R / Fa2000EX / 43
N9889 / Gulf.200 / 9
XA-CXW / Fa7X / 32
XA-FUD / Ce680 / 680-0053
New York Teterboro Apt. (TEB) 13jun 08.05-10.35
47biz (earlier ones seen not mentioned):
C-FJDS / Ce550 / 550-0807
G-SRDG / Fa7X / 36
N117LR / LJ55 / 55-075
N143QS / BD700 / 9499
N145PK / Ce560XL / 560-5809
N189J / Gulf.4 / 1068
N224MC / Be400 / RK-165
N236QS / Fa2000 / 136
N262QS / Fa2000 / 162
N273MC / LJ60 / 60-181
N297MC / BD100 / 20127
N300UJ / Gulf.3 / 316
N334FX / CL604 / 5586
N343FX / CL605 / 5761
N347K / BD100 / 20240
N35BP / Gulf.200 / 16
N38CP / LJ60 / 60-108
N425FJ / Do328 / 3189
N440QS / Gulf.450 / 4025
N450JE / Gulf.4 / 1233
N4818C / Gulf.4 / 1385
N482GS / Be400 / RK-482
N50VC / BD700 / 9539
N527FX / BD100 / 20124
N534QS / Gulf.550 / 5103
N545FX / BD100 / 20302
N560JM / Ce560 / 560-0010
N572MS / Gulf.4 / 1352
N602QS / Ce560XL / 560-5518
N606QS / Ce560XL / 560-5338
N619MJ / LJ55 / 55-021
N63007 / Phenom / 500-145
N667LC / CL605 / 5740
N707QS / Gulf.200 / 66
N711P / Be400 / RK-578
N711VT / Gulf.280 / 2033
N719XJ / Ce750 / 750-0179
N784JS / Ce525B / 525B0050
N80EJ / Phenom / 500-056
N823ET / Be400 / RK-360
N915RB / Ce750 / 750-0042
N918QS / Ce750 / 750-0223
N932EA / Be400 / RK-032
N945TM / Fa900EX / 64
N998AL / LJ40 / 45-2130
N998BM / Fa20 / 474
N999AA / Gulf.4 / 1286
Newark Liberty Intern. (EWR) 13jun 11.10-16.40
N315TS / BBJ / 30772
N607QS / Ce560XL / 560-5340
N638SF / LJ31 / 31-219
N876QS / Hs125 / 258586
N996QS / Ce750 / 750-0196
XA-CHE / Gulf.450 / 4201
New York Teterboro Apt. (TEB) 13jun 17.05-19.45
48biz (earlier ones seen not mentioned):
G-STMT / Fa7X / 148
N111HZ / Fa7X / 137
N1327J / Ce525 / 525-0009
N1368M / BD700 / 9536
N142QS / BD700 / 9485
N155NS / Hs125 / 258549
N156VP / Ce750 / 750-0056
N1640 / Gulf.280 / 2019
N178BR / Ce560XL / 560-5354
N19MK / Ce680 / 680-0304
N219RB / LJ25 / 25-255
N256BC / Hs125 / 258256
N261PW / CL605 / 5858
N283DJ / Gulf.200 / 51
N333QS / Phenom / 505-186
N338FX / CL604 / 5656
N340FX / CL605 / 5723
N346QS / Ce680 / 680-0013
N355RM / LJ55 / 55-033
N403CT / Hs125 / 258818
N403TB / Gulf.4 / 1191
N444WB / LJ35 / 35-105
N456TM / Be400 / RK-585
N488TM / Be400 / RK-556
N501LS / CRJ-200 / 7584
N517LR / Hs125 / 259017
N601AD / CL601 / 5186
N601BE / CL601 / 5103
N604GS / LJ35 / 35-604
N605BA / CL605 / 5925
N66ZC / CL605 / 5834
N702LK / BD700 / 9474
N70EW / BD700 / 9026
N715JC / Fa10 / 99
N74TS / Fa50 / 106
N757XJ / Ce750 / 750-0257
N778CR / Gulf.450 / 4056
N794RC / BD100 / 20193
N795BA / Gulf.550 / 5031
N803QS / Ce560 / 560-0775
N804AC / Hs125 / HA-189
N813QS / Gulf.550 / 5160
N839QS / Ce560 / 560-0690
N83SV / Fa900EX / 77
N896QS / Hs125 / 258640
N922QS / Ce750 / 750-0293
N966QS / Ce750 / 750-0166
N999GY / Ce750 / 750-0063
Best regards,
Chris Veringa
Jeroen Noordhout
LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
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- Airplaneman
- Scramble Senior
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 27 Mar 2005, 16:12
- Type of spotter: CIV/BIZZ at SPL
- Subscriber Scramble: Airplaneman
- Location: Heerenveen
Re: LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
Nice log guys,is it a little bit easy to spot at TEB and HPN?
And how are the spottingfacilities,and are there some nice places to get there?
Rgds mark
Nice log guys,is it a little bit easy to spot at TEB and HPN?
And how are the spottingfacilities,and are there some nice places to get there?
Rgds mark
Last edited by Airplaneman on 21 Jun 2014, 20:50, edited 1 time in total.
Re: LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
Note that this part is English only.Airplaneman wrote:Hallo Chris en jeroen,
Is het allemaal goed te doen op TEB en HPN?geen last van security? En wat goede spottetsplaatsen?
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- Airplaneman
- Scramble Senior
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 27 Mar 2005, 16:12
- Type of spotter: CIV/BIZZ at SPL
- Subscriber Scramble: Airplaneman
- Location: Heerenveen
Re: LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
It's already in English.sorry about the Dutch storygatso76 wrote:Note that this part is English only.Airplaneman wrote:Hallo Chris en jeroen,
Is het allemaal goed te doen op TEB en HPN?geen last van security? En wat goede spottetsplaatsen?
[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
Rgds mark
[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
Re: LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
Hi Mark,
All credits and a big thanks to Jeroen for putting this log together; now it's my turn to answer the replies
White Plains / KHPN
Compared to most General Aviation fields in the US, White Plains isn't the easiest one. If you follow the signs to the airport, you'll end up at the active side of the airport where most of the space is used up by large hangars, offering no views. Just drive around on this side of the airport and you will be able to see some planes in nooks and crannies but, you'll not make that many.
The other side of the airport gives a better view; just go to the other side of the runway and follow your gut-instinct. Just drive around, enter each and every driveway and in that way you'll be able to see quite a lot of planes
Well, Teterboro is the busiest biz-airport in the world but, by far not the easiest one for spotting. If you've got a car with you I would recommend just to drive around and write down as much as possible without stopping. The authorities at TEB don't like our hobby at all so, hanging around is not a good idea and, basically, there is no place to hang around at all.
Best thing to do at TEB is staying the night at the Hilton Hasbrouck Heights
Okay, that is an expensive hotel but if you're with the 2 or 3 of you it might be worthwhile. Opt for a high level floor with airport-view
If someone wants to know more about this area don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to answer all questions you have
bright regards
All credits and a big thanks to Jeroen for putting this log together; now it's my turn to answer the replies
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
White Plains / KHPN
Compared to most General Aviation fields in the US, White Plains isn't the easiest one. If you follow the signs to the airport, you'll end up at the active side of the airport where most of the space is used up by large hangars, offering no views. Just drive around on this side of the airport and you will be able to see some planes in nooks and crannies but, you'll not make that many.
The other side of the airport gives a better view; just go to the other side of the runway and follow your gut-instinct. Just drive around, enter each and every driveway and in that way you'll be able to see quite a lot of planes
Well, Teterboro is the busiest biz-airport in the world but, by far not the easiest one for spotting. If you've got a car with you I would recommend just to drive around and write down as much as possible without stopping. The authorities at TEB don't like our hobby at all so, hanging around is not a good idea and, basically, there is no place to hang around at all.
Best thing to do at TEB is staying the night at the Hilton Hasbrouck Heights
Okay, that is an expensive hotel but if you're with the 2 or 3 of you it might be worthwhile. Opt for a high level floor with airport-view
If someone wants to know more about this area don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to answer all questions you have
bright regards
- Airplaneman
- Scramble Senior
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 27 Mar 2005, 16:12
- Type of spotter: CIV/BIZZ at SPL
- Subscriber Scramble: Airplaneman
- Location: Heerenveen
Re: LOG: New York area 11-13jun (biz only)
Cheers mate for your info about TEB and HPN.redcan wrote:Hi Mark,
All credits and a big thanks to Jeroen for putting this log together; now it's my turn to answer the replies![]()
White Plains / KHPN
Compared to most General Aviation fields in the US, White Plains isn't the easiest one. If you follow the signs to the airport, you'll end up at the active side of the airport where most of the space is used up by large hangars, offering no views. Just drive around on this side of the airport and you will be able to see some planes in nooks and crannies but, you'll not make that many.
The other side of the airport gives a better view; just go to the other side of the runway and follow your gut-instinct. Just drive around, enter each and every driveway and in that way you'll be able to see quite a lot of planes
Well, Teterboro is the busiest biz-airport in the world but, by far not the easiest one for spotting. If you've got a car with you I would recommend just to drive around and write down as much as possible without stopping. The authorities at TEB don't like our hobby at all so, hanging around is not a good idea and, basically, there is no place to hang around at all.
Best thing to do at TEB is staying the night at the Hilton Hasbrouck Heights
Okay, that is an expensive hotel but if you're with the 2 or 3 of you it might be worthwhile. Opt for a high level floor with airport-view
If someone wants to know more about this area don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to answer all questions you have
bright regards
Rgds mark
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