EGWU 26.05.2014 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 26.05.2014 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NHT Monday 26th May visitors,

CS-DKE G550 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE655L arr 13.04 dep 14.39 to EGGW as NJE473P
CS-DQA Cessna 560XLS NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE288C arr 13.42 dep 14.51 to LFPB as NJE423K
CS-GLA BD-700 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE109T arr 18.02 from LFBD dep 27th/09.10
D-CAWS Cessna 680 Aerowest arr 15.39 dep 27th/10.10
EC-LTF BD-700 TAG Espana SA TGM091 arr 14.09 dep 27th/12.08
G-SJSS CL-605 TAG Aviation (UK)Ltd arr 18.22 dep 18.57 to EGLF
G-SUGR ERJ-135BJ Air Charter Scotland EDC941 arr 15.18 dep 27th/17.05 as EDC7AX
HB-JGJ G550 G5 Executive EXH412 arr 12.35 dep 27th/10.48 as EXH421
I-STCC Cessna 510 Sur Aviation DSP512 arr 17.46 dep 18.53 as DSP513
LN-IDB Cessna 560 Encore Hesnes Air HSG03 arr 17.39 dep 27th/16.25
M-CICO Falcon 50EX Asia Universal Ltd arr 18.25 dep 27th/08.18
M-YNNS Falcon 7X NS Falcon Ltd arr 17.59
N455QS G450 NetJets Inc arr 16.28 dep 27th/10.06 to LFPB
N528QS G550 NetJets Inc arr 16.51 dep 18.07 to EGGW
N534QS G550 NetJets Inc arr 17.24 dep 29th/11.46
OE-ING CL-605 Vistajet VJS398 arr 16.14
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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