EGUN 10-05-14

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EGUN 10-05-14

Post by galaxysi »

seen this morning were the following visitors

TROJAN 02 PC12 07-0793 319th SOS AFSOC STUTTGART DET arr/dep
TROJAN 01 PC12 07-0779 319th SOS AFSOC STUTTGART DET arr/dep
C-130H 93-7314 187th AS / 153rd AW WYOMING ANG CHEYENNE ANGB
C-130H 92-1538 187th AS / 153rd AW WYOMING ANG CHEYENNE ANGB
RC-135W 62-4138 / OF 55th WG ACC OFFUTT AFB
RC-135W 62-4139 / OF 55th WG ACC OFFUTT AFB
KC-135R 59-1476 92nd ARW AMC FAIRCHILD AFB (in hanger)

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Le Addeur noir
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Re: EGUN 10-05-14

Post by Le Addeur noir »

Afternoon/evening arrivals should have included the following,

92-3023 C-130H AFRC,757 AS RCH141 from CYYT
92-3024 C-130H AFRC,757 AS RCH634 from CYYT
94-6706 C-130H 130 AS WV ANG RCH977 from CYYT

These 3 Hercs did depart from St John's.

C-130Hs 93-1538 and 93-7314 are both due to depart to CYYT around 14.00 LT on the 11th.
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: EGUN 10-05-14

Post by joost »

C-130Hs 93-1538 and 93-7314 are both due to depart to CYYT around 14.00 LT on the 11th.
Already left yesterday as RCH731 & 741
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Re: EGUN 10-05-14

Post by Glencoe »

Complete Movements

0602 Dep 63-8027 KC-135R 100th ARW QUID 82
0606 Dep 64-14846 RC-135V 55th Wing SNOOP 56
0815 Arr 63-8027 KC-135R 100th ARW QUID 82
0852 Dep 59-1492 KC-135R 100th ARW QUID 88
1048 Arr 07-0793 U-28A 27th SOW TROJAN 02
1103 Dep 07-0793 U-28A 27th SOW TROJAN 02
1108 Arr 07-0779 U-28A 27th SOW TROJAN 01
1121 Dep 07-0779 U-28A 27th SOW TROJAN 01
1339 Dep 93-7314 C-130H 153rd AW RCH 731
1345 Dep 92-1538 C-130H 153rd AW RCH 741
1501 Arr 59-1492 KC-135R 100th ARW QUID 88
1708 Arr 92-3024 C-130H 910th AW RCH 634 n/s
1719 Arr 94-6706 C-130H 130th AW RCH 977 n/s
1732 Arr 92-3203 C-130H 910th AW RCH 141 n/s
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