LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

March 6th LGGG:
06.42 HAF352B (G-V 678 352 MMYP) final req FL400. Continue climb FL320, FL360. 07.13 contact Brindisi 128.3
06.50 PORTA26 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) continue climb FL270. Initially climb FL330. Cancel IFR flight over or after KAVOS? 07.12 climb and maintain FL335. 07.16 contact Cairo 127.7
07.01 HAF352C (? 352 MMYP) maintain FL220, encourse PIKAD. Req final FL360. Climb FL240. 07.07 continue climb FL360.
08.06 CNV6764 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) contact Nicosia 124.2
08.39 PAT143 (C-12T 84-00143 USAR OSACOM) radarcontact, recleared FL220. CLimb FL280. 08.57 contact [Athens] 134.325.
08.40 HKY600 (C-130J-30 06-8612 37 AS) contact Athens 125.2, checking in FL230 dir SOKRI. Descend FL1330, 08.37 contact Souda 118.125
09.11 ICEBX99 (C-12V 95-00098 USARC) climbing through 192 for FL240, final req FL240.
09.20 VVPD323 (P-3C 161594 USN) passing 10000 for FL230. 10.08 IFR cancelled.
10.20 RRR9405 (Voyager KC3 ZZ337 10/101 Sq) FL240 cleared FP route. 11.03 flight of 5 aircraft, FL240. 11.32 req block altitude FL240-260. 11.36 1 A332 and 4 fighters, Tornado's, req blocked FL's for 50 miles. 11.52 contact Brindisi 135.425.
10.23 RCH790 (KC-135R 61-0267 22 ARW) sq 1406 radarcontact. 11.05 change Makedonia 133.575
10.25 BRNCO87 (MV-22B VMM365?)* passing 150 for FL160.
10.30 CNV542 (C-40A 165831 VR-59) descend FL140. 10.39 contact Souda APP 118.125
10.32 RH02 (C-2A 162154? VRC-40) radarcontact, climb FL210.
10.41 I2249 (P-180 M62249? Guardia di Finanza)
11.03 BRNCO89 (MV-22B VMM365?)* change Malta 123.625.
11.22 LOBO715 (UC-35D 166715 VMR-1 USMC) cleared YNN, VELBA. 11.28 contact Makedonia 133.575
11.29 CNV6764 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) descend FL240. 11.33 Continue descend FL130. 11.38 Souda APP 118.125.
11.58 RCH417 (KC-135R 59-1486 92 ARW) radarcontact FL390. 12.34 contact Cairo 127.7
12.08 PSK309 (? Prescott Support) checking in FL220. sq 7057. 12.47 fly dir SOREV. 12.51 Arr SOREV 1B, RWY in use 21R. 12.54 contact Athens APP 132.975
12.29 HKY600 (C-130J-30 06-8612 37 AS) passing 100 for FL220. Contact proper freq 124.625. Climb final FL260. Dir TRL. 12.54 Request, we're having a pressure issue, request FL080. Descend FL110. 12.57 Climb again FL220.
12.39 SK62 (P-3 USN) dir PLH, FL180. Set course dir ARLOS, req final FL280. 13.01 Malta 123.625.
12.57 PORTA26 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) checking in 2M S of ANTAR, FL345. We would like to proceed to Sitia, Heraklion, BAVES for Souda. Descend FL340, cleared destination via FP route. Sq 7457. 13.14 Descend FL140. 13.25 contact Heraklion APP 123.975
13.07 RSF4336 (C-130H 1623 RSAF) FL220, sq 5316. Cleared to destination via FP route. 13.38 After PAXIS Cairo 127.7. 13.49 contact Cairo 127.7.
13.19 ARIS14 (F-4E 338 MDV) contact 129.675. 13.23 contact Andravida 121.125.
13.31 CNV6764 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) passing FL150 for 190. Climb final FL330.
13.36 BAF639 (C-130H CH-08 20 Sm) FL270, from present position proceed ARA, TRL, FP route.

(all times GMT/zulu)

* see topic http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=102614
Last edited by Wolbie on 09 Mar 2014, 22:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by minotaur »

The March 5th log seems a bit strange. The F-15's along with the three tankers (QID and PANTHER flights) departed on March 4th. So, it's probably a typo error.
Also, if this is the March 4th log, then VVPD323 was P-3C 161594 (visually identified).
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

minotaur wrote:The March 5th log seems a bit strange. The F-15's along with the three tankers (QID and PANTHER flights) departed on March 4th. So, it's probably a typo error.
Also, if this is the March 4th log, then VVPD323 was P-3C 161594 (visually identified).
You're right, should be March 4th, thanks for correcting!
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Monday 10/03/14 LGGG
06.45 BAF639 (C-130H CH-08? 20 SM) sq 1456 app BAVES, passing 165 climbing FL250. Continue climb final FL270. 06.58 proceed via PAXIS. 07.18 app PAXIS, Cairo 127.7.
06.56 RSF5004 (B350 5004 RSAF) climbing through FL124 for FL150, dir SIT. Continue climb final FL290. 06.59 req dir DBA. 07.08 req dir KATEX. 07.11 Proceed to PAXIS, request not approved by Cairo. 07.21 contact Cairo 127.7.
06.57 PAT214 (C-12RV 92-03328 2-228 AVN) leaving FL159 climbing FL230, sq 2026. APP BAVES. COntinue climb FL250. 07.57 contact Nicosia 124.2.
06.59 HRK69A (C-130H 745 356 MTM) passing FL143 climbing FL160 encourse to PIKAD. Reach and maintain FL160. 07.45 contact Preveza APP 120.450.
07.02 BRNCO81 (KC-130J 167984? VMGR-352) sq 7067, 24NM SW of RUSOS out of FL125 climbing FL150. Proceeding MILOS, OLIDA, SOREV, AKORO, KEA, then operational orbit. 07.18 contact Athens APP 132.975.
07.35 HAF337A (F-16 337 Mira)* radarcontact FL280. 07.39 fly to KRK. 07.52 contact Brindisi 128.3.
07.42 HKY180 (C-130J-30 08-8602 37 AS) FL230, cleared via FP route. 08.14 contact Athens 125.2. 09.02 change Nicosia 124.2
07.46 CNV7333 (? USN) [perhaps showing as HABU55 UC-12F 163555 ?] FL240 new sq 7004. Identified position ABILO. Cleared after ABILO to MADEX, BADEL. Expect BADEL 3C arr for RWY03L (LGAV). 08.57 Descend FL130. 08.59 contact ARR 132.975.
07.49 HAF678A (G-V 678 352 MMYP) passing FL145 climbing FL180 final dir PIKAD. 08.08 for descend contact Preveza APP 120.450.
08.34 IAM3104 (Falcon 50 31 St) FL350 cleared via FP route. Proceed to KOR. 09.07 switch 125.2, FL350 to Rhodos. 09.24 climb FL370. 09.56 contact Nicosia 125.5.
08.36 HAF356C (C-130H 742 356 MTM) sq 2024 reaching FL200 to RUTOM. 09.00 maintain FL220, contact Brindisi 128.3.
08.47 BRNCO81 (KC-130J 167984? VMGR-352) FL230 08.59 contact Souda 118.125.
09.03 JALOP39 (C-21A 84-0109 76 AS) radarcontact FL370, FP route, reset sq 7454. 09.43 contact 125.2. Destination LGTL Kasteli. Descend FL250, FL150. 09.49 proceed dir to BAVES. 09.53 contact Heraklion APP 123.975.
09.18 SK61 (P-3 USN) over ARLOS FL290, dest Souda. Proceed PLH then Souda.
09.38 IAM4662 (C-130J-30 MM62195 46 BA) FL270 10.02 call me on freq 133.325. 10.40 contact Nicosia 125.5.
09.47 I2249 (P-180 MM62249? Guardia Finanza) sq 1203, report over BELIX.
10.04 HAF209A (ERJ-135LR 145-209 352 MMYP) encourse to PIKAD climbin FL180. 10.21 descend FL100
10.18 S465 (C-37A 99-0404 99 AS) non standard FL430, fly dir to MAGIS point.
10.31 FALCON1 (C-21A 84-0096 76 AS) dest Souda. 10.37 descend FL140, contact Souda 118.125.

(all times GMT/zulu)

* To LEAB Albacete, see topic http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php?p=684612#p684612
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Tuesday, 11/03/14 LGGG:
06.38 BUNDY21 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) radarcontact passing FL120, continue climb FL290. Will be exiting Athens FIR after PAXIS and proceeding VFR due regard FL335.
Continue climb FL330. 06.40 Proceed dir to position OTREX, AMAXI, SIT then PAXIS. 06.45 proceed now to PAXIS. 07.01 contact Cairo 127.7, cancelling IFR clearance, climbing FL335.
06.46 RSF902 (C-130H 482 RSAF) new sq 7017, radarcontact app TANSA FL240, set course to SIT. Expect SITIA 2A arr for RWY27. 06.49 Start descend FL140. 06.58 Heraklion APP 123.975.
07.54 RRR6670 (C-17A ZZ178 99 Sq) FL330 dir ARLOs sq 1273. After ARLOS SALUN. 07.47 Cairo 127.7
08.00 PEACH68 (E-8C 116 ACW) climbing 140 for FL210, req FL330. Continue climb FL330. 08.34 Nicosia 124.2
08.07 CNV3262 (C-130T 174997 VR-53) climbing through FL130 for 200, req final FL240. Continue climb FL240. 08.16 contact next sector 124.625.
08.21 RSF902 (C-130H 482 RSAF) final FL180, reach and maintain FL180. 08.36 fly dir KOR. 08.44 contact APP 132.975.
08.49 CNV611H (? USN) req WX Souda, RWY 29 in use. 08.51 new sq 7056. 0911 descend FL150, 09.15 Souda 118.125.
08.49 CNV6582 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) sq 1456. 09.09 Makedonia 133.575.
08.58 FNF175 (CN-295M CC-2 Finnish AF) continue climb final FL230, routing dir VAXOS. 10.10 contact Nicosia 125.5.
09.02 IAM4101 (Br1150 41 St) position PLH 56NM, FL260, operational flight for 2h. Destination LICZ (Sigonella). Contact Athens INF 130.925.
09.09 SK64 (P-3? USN) app ARLOS at FL270. Cleared destination via PLH, sq 7073.
09.15 CTM216 (? FAF) sq 7046 fly to SIT. Start descend FL260. Expect SIT 2A arr. 09.21 descend FL140, contact Heraklion APP 132.975.
09.34 IAM4101 (Br1150 41 St) FL270, 52NM from PLH, operation normal. 09.49 24NM from PLH. 11.15 normal operation.
09.51 RRR6669 (C-17A ZZ172 99 Sq) sq 2075, 09.55 position METRU FL320, proceed dir to PLH. Req -> climb FL360. 10.42 switch to Roma 133.250.
10.01 HAF356B (C-130H 745 356 MTM) climb FL240.
10.15 RRR9104 (Tristar ZD948 216 Sq) app SALUN, contact Cairo 127.7
10.23 CTM216 (? FAF) radarcontact passing 155, final FL360. Continue climb FL360. 10.45 contact Athens 134.325, radarcontact FL360, fly to KRK.
10.28 TUSKR24 (CN-235? USAF) descend FL130. FL170 for FL130. 10.28 for further contact Souda Bay 118.125.
10.42 CNV611H (? USN) checking in FL180 dir PLH, request dir EBOKA. Radarcontact FL180 to DEMAG. 11.07 Continue with Malta 123.625.
11.17 CNV7333 (? USN) [shows as HABU55 UC-12F 163555 ?] passing 215 climbing final FL240. PRoceed to Araxos. contact Brindisi Radar 128.3.
11.15 IAM4101 (Br1150 41 St) normal operation. 11.59 crossing FIR boundary, coming back to Sigonella, estimate at 1330z.
12.01 BAH7 (G-IV A9C-BAH Bahrain) sq 5570 20NM SE of KAVOS FL400, set course to SIT and then to DEMAG.
12.22 SHUCK80 (E-3C 83-0009 552 ACW) contact Athens 125.2, checking FL330. Fly dir to MAGIS.

(all times GMT/zulu)
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Thursday, 13/03/14 LGGG:
06.36 2IYA (C-130B 303 356 MTM) just to remind you not to affect more than 10M from the boundary between us and Nicosia. 06.53 req climb FL200.
Leaving FL190 climbing FL200. 07.33 contact 124.625. 08.04 contact MAMBO.
06.48 VIEW01 (C-20E 87-0140 OSACOM PATD) calling KAVOS FL400. New sq 5512. 07.49 contact 134.325, on the radar, follow FP route to TIGRA. 07.12 proceed KOR. 08.25 Brindisi 128.3.
06.56 BRNCO81 (KC-130J VMGR-252) passing 13000 for 14000 ft. 07.04 dir BADEL, your entry point to Athens APP. 07.10 Athens APP 132.975.
07.29 ALEPPOU56 (F-16 340 Mira) radarcontact FL130.
07.42 RFR7000 (Typhoon 3 Sq /XI Sq )* sq 5647, FL430. Follow FP route. Confirmed as 3 Eurofighter Typhoons.
Routing ABILO, RIPLI, KEA, KOR, KRK and then to Roma FIR, landing at Brindisi. 08.16 call 125.2. 08.27 call 134.325. 08.38 Brindisi 128.3.
07.56 S456 (C-37A 99-0404 99 AS) FL400, new sq 2046. Fly dir KOR. 08.11 climb FL430. 08.48 contact 134.325.
08.09 LOBO715 (UC-35D 166715 VMR-1)
08.40 HAF209B (ERJ-135LR 145-209 352 MMYP) FL230. 08.46 descend FL190.
09.05 IAM4663 (C-130J-30 MM62189 46 BA) climb FL270.
09.22 RH01 (C-2A 162158 VRC-40) after SIT proceeding to TOSKA. IFR flight up to TOSKA, after TOSKA due regard with your unit.
09.37 RCH185 (C-17A 08-8198 437 AW) fly to MAGIS. 09.56 Nicosia 124.2.
09.37 2IYB (C-130B 303 356 MTM) radarcontact passing 080 for FL140. 09.58 contact Athens ARR 132.975.
09.53 RSF2401 (A330-MRTT 2401 24 Sq) position METRU, sq 2020. 10.08 Malta 123.625.
10.07 RSF2403 (A330-MRTT 2402 24 Sq) report your routing in Athens FIR. New sq 5532. 10.28 contact Malta 123.625
10.21 TUSKR24 (CN-235? USAF) FL190 10M S of ARLOS. New sq 7060. 10.30 req Souda WX, RWY 29 in use.
11.11 IAF008 (KC-707 272 IDF) radarcontact FL370. 11.55 Athens 125.2, FL370. 12.22 contact Nicosia 124.2
11.11 HAF209D (ERJ-135LR 145-209 352 MMYP) descend FL130. 11.13 Andravida APP 121.125
11.11 IAM4676 (C-130J MM62184 46 BA) 11.58 dir ALKIS now. 11.59 contact Athens 125.2, proceed dir RDS. 12.06 After RDS, proceed to EVENO, then Westpoint. 13.00 Nicosia 125.5
11.17 RH02 (C-2A VRC-40) descend 10000ft. 11.25 Will be participating in the exercise NE of TOSKA. Not participating in exercise at current location. Exercise up to FL100, climb FL110.
In 35NM you'll be out of the exercise area and can descend to lower. 11.33 Proceeding VFR due regard, IFR cancelled 11.33.
11.28 GNY4531 (P-3C CUP 6007 MGF-3) FL270 inbound RUTOM, follow FP route. 12.34 Athens 125.2 FL270 inbound AMAXI.
Proceed to RDS, EVENO. 12.54 set course to LAKAD point. 13.03 from present to EVENO. 13.10 call me on 133.325.
12.10 RCH799 (C-17A 08-8194 62 AW) radarcontact FL380. 13.17 contact Nicosia 125.5.
12.11 JALOP39 (C-21A 84-0109 76 AS) passing 133 for 160. Climb FL180. 12.27 contact Athens ARR 132.975.
12.37 DKING21 (KC-130J USMC) sq 2042, FL260. radarcontact over TANSA, cleared destination via FP route. 13.37 set course to to KRK. 13.39 contact Athens 134.325. 13.50 heading 310. 13.54 dir to OLGAT.
13.11 CNV6622 (C-26D 900531 USN) radarcontact FL220. 13.21 contact Kerkyra APP 122.350.
13.23 RCH556 (C-17A 04-4129 437 AW) checking in FL360. New sq 2274.
13.40 CNV6161 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) dir PLH, SUD.
13.49 RCH545 (C-17A 95-0107 437 AW) contact Athens 124.625. radarcontact FL320, proceed to KFN. Req climb FL340. 14.23 Brindisi Radar 128.3.
13.59 IAM1499 (P-180AM 71 Gr) radarcontact FL330, FP route. 14.03 req to proceed to KUMBI. 14.12 descend FL200. 14.25 climb initially FL280. 14.32 Climb FL300. 14.42 After KAVOS entering Nicosia FIR, contact Nicosia 124.2.
14.20 SK61 (? US) Descending out of 240 for FL210. Proceed to PLH. 14.33 contact Souda APP 118.125.
14.24 NAF46 (KDC-10 T-264 334 Sq) app METRU FL280, req FL360. from present position proceed to ARA. Reset sq 2035.
14.35 RH02 (C-2A VRC-40), radarcontact FL080, cleared to SIT then IRA to destination.
14.52 TUSKR25 (CN-235? USAF) radarcontact, outbound Souda. Proceed to ARLOS. Req FL200 final. Climb & maintain FL200.
14.57 JALOP39 (C-21A 84-0109 76 AS) FL360, app Kerkyra.
15.35 CNV6161 (C-9B 160051 VR-61) radarcontact, climb final FL340. 15.55 Malta 123.625.
15.59 IAM4663 (C-130J-30 MM62189 46 BA) Athens Radar 125.2. Radarcontact, fly to point BADEL. 16,30, radarcontact climbing FL280.
16.03 GAF013 (C-160D GAF) contact Souda 118.125.
16.07 SK62 (? US) passing 142, req dir DEMAG. Continue climb FL280, set course to DEMAG. 16.30 Req-> climb FL300.
16.09 FNF175 (CN-295M CC-2 Finnish AF) recycle sq 1576. Radarcontact, maintain FL200, proceed to RDS, KEA, then follow FP route. 16.17 Proceed dir to ASTIS. 17.23 Athens ARR 132.975.
16.17 BAH7 (G-IV A9C-BAH Bahrain Amiri Flight) radarcontact FL430, cleared to destination, from present to SALUN.
16.31 RCH456 (KC-10A 79-1711 305 AMW) radarcontact FL370. 16.43 Fly dir to PAXIS.
17.02 ARIS A (F-4E 338 MDV) radarcontact FL150.
17.05 BRNCO81 (KC-130J VMGR-252) radarcontact, dir to RUSOS.
17.35 RCH222 (KC-135R 58-0126 22 ARW) contact Athens 125.2.

(all times GMT/zulu)

* reported on FC as RFR7000-7002: ZJ917, ZJ932 and ZJ923 returning from Cyprus to Coningsby, see topic http://www.fightercontrol.co.uk/forum/v ... 55&t=94583
Last edited by Wolbie on 18 Mar 2014, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Monday, 17/03/14 LGGG:
07.14 AIAS12 (F-4E 339 MPK) FL180 to EXONI, then Andravida. 07.23 Andravida 121.125
07.55 TUSKR24 (CN-235 USAF) passing 6700 for FL200. Radarcontact, 20NM NE of PLH passing 070.
08.17 BEAR601 (E-2C+ VAW-124) 14000ft, sq 6115. Destination Souda, confirmed as an E2. 08.20 Radarcontact FL140, 103 NM SE of Souda. 08.31 contact Souda 118.125.
08.18 ALOMA91 (EO-5C N705GG 204 MIB) passing 090. Passing 123 for final FL160. Reach and maintain FL160. 08.30 call Athena Radar 134.325. Dir TRL.
08.21 ALEPPOU 10 (F-16 340 Mira) 08.25 contact Kalamata APP 120.750.
09.03 RH01 (C-2A VRC-40) checking in FL130, sq 2255. Fly SIT then KUMBI. 09.21 fly dir KUMBI. 09.31 Like to cancel, proceed due regard. IFR flightplan cancelled 09.32.
09.59 VVAJ601 (E-2C+ VAW-124) checking in FL150, sq 2272. Cleared SIT then PAXIS. 10.04 Req climb FL190, leaving FL150 for FL190. 10.06 from present position request course 120 for USS ship. 10.20 We are in good communication
and navigation with USS ship at sea. Like to cancel and proceed VFR. Cancel your IFR flightplan at 10.21, radarservice terminated.
10.24 SPAR91 (C-21A 84-0096 76 AS) sq 0614, radarcontact FL350, fly TRL then SOKRI. 10.59 Start descend initial FL260. 11.03 contact Souda 118.125
10.28 APOLLO? A (? HAF) dir Souda. 10.35 contact Souda 118.125.
10.42 RCH746 (KC-135R 58-0124 22 ARW) sq 2276. radarcontact over ANTAR FL400, cleared destination via FP route.
10.53 BRNCO81 (KC-130J 165810 VMGR-252) Malta 123.625

(all times GMT/zulu)
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Tuesday, 15/03/14 LGGG:
06.31 TYLER28 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) [shows as TYLER26] passing 125 for 250, request FL330. Continue climb FL330. 06.45 Cleared dir PAXIS. 06.51 After passing PAXIS we'll be cancelling IFR,
proceeding due regard FL335. 06.54 cancel IFR right now, well climb to FL335. Time 06.45 cancel your flightplan, continue due regard FL335, Cairo freq is 127.7.
06.38 HAF356G (C-130H 742 356 MTM) radarcontact. Reach and maintain final FL180. 06.55 Climb FL240.
07.15 DRAGON21 (U-2S 80-1083 99 RS) sq 2012. Identified, cleared FP route. 07.49 contact Athena Radar 124.625. Radarcontact FL600. 08.21 contact 124.625.
07.41 RCH359 (C-17A 03-3122 437 AW) FL350. Continue present position to TRL, then Souda, Heraklion.
08.01 SVF801 (? Swedish AF) climbing FL180. Radarcontact, proceed dir to NEVRA. 08.23 contact Athena APP 132.975.
08.27 GAF128 (C-160D GAF) sq 2043. Radarcontact, cleared destination FP route. 09.41 Contact Athena APP 132.975.
08.31 HAF356K (C-130H 745 356 MTM) radarcontact, proceed dir to GILOS. 08.57 cleared dir EVENO. 09.27 contact Nicosia Radar 125.5.
08.33 RH09 (C-2A VRC-40) passing 13000 for 14000, PLH. 08.45 Malta 123.625
09.02 SK61 (P-3? USN) continue descend FL130. 09.11 contact SOuda APP 118.125.
09.40 TURAF10 (KC-135R 62-3567 101 Filo) sq 5071, we are at BENEM, non-standard formation of 3 aircraft. Direct coordinates air refueling anchor, approx. heading 270 after that, then to ARLOS. Maintain FL270. Sq 2057. 10.10 contact Athena Radar 127.725.

(all times GMT/zulu)
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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Wednesday 19/03/14 LGGG:
07.29 CTM3001 (? FAF) radarcontact passing FL195, continue climb final FL270. 08.00 By Cairo request continue heading 190. contact Cairo Control 124.7.
08.27 E10E4 (C-130J-30 08-3175 317 AG) FL270. 08.33 Descend FL130. Request, looking for TACAN RWY29. For further contact Souda 118.125.
08.29 RCH581 (KC-10A 87-0118 305 AMW) radarcontact FL350. contact Cairo 127.7
08.51 CEF514 (A319 3085 241.dlt)
08.56 IAM4667 (C-130J-30 MM62192 46 BA) radarcontact over BELIX, FL270, cleared to destination FP route. 09.55 radarcontact FL270, FP route. 10.30 contact Athena 133.325. 10.42 contact Nicosia 124.2
09.01 SUBRG (C680 SUBRG Egypt Gvt) new sq 2055, FL400 radarcontact, to KOR. 09.44 contact Athena Radar 133.725
09.04 RH02 (C-2A 162154 VRC-40) radarcontact climbing FL150, continue FP route. 09.08 over MAGIS Nicosia frequency will be 124.2, until then my frequency. 09.54 Approaching MAGIS, Nicosia 124.2
09.08 RH01 (C-2A 162158 VRC-40) over MAGIS, exit point, Nicosia frequency will be 124.2, until then maintain my frequency. 09.54 Over MAGIS now, contact Nicosia 124.2
09.16 DRAGN31 (U-2S 80-1071 99 RS) with sq 2062, FL600, continue as filed. 09.58 contact next sector 124.625. FL600.
09.43 IAM4673 (C-130J-30 MM62189 46 BA) radarcontact FL280 overhead METRU, proceed to LORNO.
10.22 RCH359 (C-17A 03-2122 437 AW) FL430. New sq 1450. Radarcontact, fly dir EVIVI. 10.28 Climb FL360. 11.06 contact Makedonia 133.575.
10.28 E10E4 (C-130J-30 08-3175 317 AG) passing 10500 for FL180. Final FL270, continue climb FL270. 10.48 Req-> climb FL290. 11.06 contact Cairo 127.7.
11.28 ASF01 (C-130K 8T-CB LTS) radarcontact FL250. 12.21 contact 125.5 Nicosia Radar.
12.00 DRAGN53 (U-2S 80-1066 99 RS) DRAGN53 is above FL600. Maintain FL600. 12.28 Once again confirm flying FL600? Over KAVOS contact 124.2 Nicosia 124.2. 12.33 contact now 124.2 Nicosia Radar.
12.16 QID31 (KC-135R 59-1513 351 ARS) radarcontact FL410. 12.31 contact Athena Radar 125.2.
12.27 CEF514 (A319 3085 241.dlt) radarcontact FL380, FP route. 13.04 contact Makedonia Radar 133.575.
12.59 DUSKY29 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) radarcontact over ANTAR FL335. Climb FL340, proceed SITIA, Heraklion, BAVES for Souda Bay. 13.07 contact Athena Radar 125.2
13.09 COBRA56 (RC-135V 63-9792 55 WG) radarcontact over KAVOS FL320, proceed via FP route. 13.27 contact Athena Radar 125.2.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Friday 21/03/14 LGGG:
07.01 ENKA21 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) continue climb FL310. Continue climb FL350. Request to stop at FL330. After PAXIS proceeding to ANTAR and then GUDIS. 07.20 Radarservice terminated.
07.15 CNV6541 (? USN) radarcontact sq 3705, FL210. Cleared to destination Souda, proceed via FP route. 07.43 Descend FL150, contact Souda Bay 118.125.
07.19 CTM3001 (? FAF) radarcontact sq 2735, climbing FL200. Climb final FL240, Dir LORNO, after LORNO FP route.
07.30 AME4802 (CN235MPA-100 D.4-03 803 Esc) Over LORNO call Brindisi 135.425. 07.38 Climb FL200. 07.53 Brindisi now 135.425.
08.42 QID93 (KC-135R 58-0001 351 ARS) FL310. New sq 2065. 09.16 We accept MARSA with QID94. 09.25 QID93 and QID94 after joined together, you're going to effect Malta FIR?
We would like to proceed to towards METRU to join up with RAMA51 and head back towards ARLOS and then we will proceed into Malta FIR. Proceed for RAMA51. Proceeding to METRU to pick up RAMA51 flight.
08.43 QID94 (KC-135R 59-1492 351 ARS) checking in FL330. Encourse BELIX 45 miles, proceed EBOKA, ARLOS.
08.59 SK61 (P-3? USN) FL270, estimating PLH 09.08. Sq 7064. Identified passed ARLOS, via PLH to Souda. 09.06 Descend FL130. 09.08 contact Souda 118.125.
09.15 KIW079 (B757 NZ7572 RNZAF) FL340, sq 7076. Radarcontact FL340, cleared to destination via FP route, report ready for descend. RWY29 in use at Souda. 09.18 Descend initially FL160. 09.34 contact Heraklion APP 123.975
09.15 CNV6541 (? USN) passing 125 for FL240, request dir EBOKA. sq 2074. Identified, out of Souda 25 miles, proceed EBOKA. 10.11 contact Brindisi 135.425.
09.16 EGY1106 (C-130H-30 SU-BKS/1293 Egypt AF) FL240, sq 5512. 10.35 contact Brindisi 135.425
09.21 RAMA51 (B-1B USAF) blocked FL210 to 220, proceeding to ARLOS.
10.16 RSF2401 (A330-MRTT 2401 RSAF) maintaining FL270. Proceed dir to SALUN. Confirmed as 5 ship, 1 A330 and 4 F15's. contact 127.7 Cairo.
10.19 TUSKR24 (CN-235 USAF) Request descend. Commence descend to FL150. 10.26 Maintain FL150, continue with Souda 118.125.
10.43 RSF2403 (A330-MRTT 2402 RSAF) FL270, flight of 5. PRoceed SALUN. 10.53 contact Cairo 127.7.
11.24 KIW079 (B757 NZ7572 RNZAF) passing 8800 climbing FL200. Request final FL340. Climb FL280 initially. 11.29 Contact Athena Radar 124.625, continue climb FL340. Set course dir to LATAN.
11.33 BAF659 (C-130H CH-07 20 Sm) maintaining FL260 by TOSKA. New sq 2017. Identified 12NM E of TOSKA FL260, follow FP route.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Monday 24/03/14 LGGG:
07.07 AUH04 (B777 A6-ALN Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight) sq 2033, radarcontact FL400, direct to ARLOS. 07.24 contact Malta 123.625.
07.40 E10E3 (C-130J-30 08-3175 317 AG) contact [Athena] 125.2. FL290, ready for descend.
07.46 RCH266 (KC-135R 62-3506 157 ARW/NH ANG) FL340 sq 1421. 07.48 Identified FL340, cleared dir EVIVI. 08.17 Climb FL380. 08.23 contact Makedonia 133.575
07.46 PSK508 (CN-235? N5025? Prescott Support) FL180, cleared dir RDS, then FP route. 09.03 contact Radar 132.975. 10.12 Descend FL100. contact Kerkyra APP 122.350.
07.53 HAF352E (G.1159D 678 352 MMYP) climbing FL330, request final FL410 dir GILOS, Rhodos. Climb FL410. 08.28 contact Nicosia Radar 125.5.
08.39 RCH336 (C-17A 10-0220 62 AW) FL310
08.40 VVPD323 (P-3C USN) passing 170 for 190. sq 7075. Cleared by FP route. 09.10 approaching GUDIS, request dir TOSKA after GUDIS. Cleared dir TOSKA. 09.32 contact Nicosia Radar 125.5.
08.58 TROIC24 (RC-135W 62-4130 55 WG) passing 180 for FL190, sq 7015. Cleared FP route. Climb final FL330. 09.02 cleared dir PAXIS. 09.21 cancel IFR at this time, proceed due regard from PAXIS FL335.
09.06 TOXO19 (? F-4E 117 PM ?) sq 7014, radarcontact FL170. Dir Anchialos. 09.22 Dir PIKAD, contact Anchialos 120.350.
09.24 SK61 (P-3? USN) sq 7067. 09.27 Ready for initial descend. 09.31 contact Souda 118.125.
09.39 E10E3 (C-130J-30 08-3175 317 AG) passing 120 for 190. Maintain FL190. 09.43 Req-> climb FL270. Set course to DBA and contact Cairo 127.7.
09.51 EGY1504 (C-130H SU-BAR/1285 Egypt AF) contact Brindis 135.425
09.56 TOXO19 (? F-4E 117 PM ?) continue with Andravida, radarservice terminated.
10.24 IAM1421 (KC-676A 14 St) app BELIX FL330. Cleared to destination via FP route. 10.40 Req-> climb FL350. 11.07 contact Cairo 127.7
10.35 TOGA29 (E-4B 75-0125 1 ACCS) radarcontact FL350, proceed to TRL then Souda. 10.28 Request descend-> descend FL250. FL350 for 250, TOGA29. 11.05 continue descend FL140. 11.11 [Souda] 118.125, radarservice is terminated.
10.45 TUSKR24 (CN-235 USAF) radarcontact FL190, proceed to PLH then Souda. 10.54 Stop descend at FL150. Continue descend FL130. 10.55 contact Souda 118.125.
11.04 CTM1033 (A340 F-RAJB/081 ET03.060) FL390. Sq 1437.
12.04 QID31 (KC-135R 64-14837 351 ARS) sq 2246. FL400. Proceed to EVIVI.
12.07 RMAF101 (? RMAF) radarcontact FL390, proceed to NEMES direct. Expect NEMES 1B arr.
12.10 PSK309 (L-100-30 N3755P Prescott Support) sq 7052. Radarcontact app TANSA FL220, after TANSA proceed SITIA, MILOS, SOREV.
12.11 TOXO18 (? F-4E 117 PM ?) FL190. 12.17 contact Makedonia 132.375.
12.22 HAF352E (G.1159D 678 352 MMYP) FL400, encourse EXELA. Sq 7031. 12.27 Radarcontact app EXELA FL400, proceed Rhodos, after Rhodos FP route.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Friday 28/03/14 LGGG:
07.06 CTM1512 (? FAF) passing 126 for FL160. 07.10 Fly to TIGRA. 08.29 contact Brindisi 135.425
08.18 GAF321 (C-160D? GAF) passing 117 climbing FL220. Sq 2042. Continue climb final FL220, FP route. 08.33 contact Athena 124.625, maintaining FL220.
08.29 VVPD323 (P-3C USN) final FL230. Reach and maintain FL230. 09.11 like to cancel IFR, proceed VFR at this time, FL235. Change Nicosia Control 123.550.
08.36 RSF5006 (BE350 5006 RSAF) app BELIX, sq 1247, radarcontact. Destination is Heraklion, dir OTREX. REq dir BAVES. 09.11 Descend FL190, FL150. 09.22 contact Heraklion 123.975
08.41 SK61 (? US) FL290 ARLOS, sq 7023. Destination Souda. 08.45 Descend FL150, FL130.
08.48 KIW027 (P-3K NZ4203 5 Sq) climbing FL120, final FL240. Climb FL240, dir TRL. 08.55 contact Athena 134.325. 09.36 contact Kerkyra APP 122.350.
09.03 IAM4101 (Br1150 41 St) call VFR freq 130.925.
09.11 LD59 (P-3? USN) identified, sq 7037. Dir ARLOS. 09.30 contact Malta Control 123.625.
09.41 CNV6321 (C-26D? USN) FL150. 09.56 contact Athena Radar 125.2. 09.58 change Souda APP 118.125.
09.42 RAIDR13 (KC-130J 165739 VMGR-352) FL270. Sq 1252. contact Cairo Control 127.7
09.46 S621 (C-32A 98-0001 1 AS) contact Cairo Control 127.7
09.47 DUKE37 (C-12U 84-00161 52 AVN) sq 7043. We would like to land at LGSA instead of LGKR due to WX.
Identified over ANTAR maintaining FL280. 09.50 Request approved, fly to OTREX, then Souda. 10.28 Descend FL130. 10.38 Souda 118.125.
10.13 PAAF726 (C-130E 4180 Pakistan AF) contact Kerkyra APP 122.350.
10.16 TUSKR24 (CN-235 USAF) position ARLOS FL210, from present position proceed to PLH, and then early contact to Souda for further instruction. Descend FL160. 10.21 contact Souda.
10.21 OTIS71 (KC-130J VMGR-252) proceed to KOR. 10.36 contact Athena ARR 132.975.
10.24 RCH483 (C-17A 08-8198 437 AW) FL310, fly PAXIS. 10.57 contact Cairo 127.7.
10.43 AF1 (VC-25A 92-9000 PAS) radarcontact FL290, FP route to destination, exitpoint is KUMBI. Fly to SIT, then KUMBI. 11.09 contact Athena Radar 125.2, FL290. 11.44 Cairo 124.7.
10.49 RCH032 (C-17A 04-4134 305 AMW) FL360. New sq 1443. 11.34 Makedonia 133.575.
11.17 S44 (C-32A 98-0002 1 AS) FL290. On the radar maintain FL290. 11.54 contact Cairo 124.7
11.34 BLUE62 (KC-135R 61-0305 91 ARS) flight of 8, FL220-240. Reset sq 7004. Request, BLUE62-63 flight of 2 K35R's like to descend to FL150-160. TREND11-16 at your frequency, would like to continue block FL230-240. Flight of 6 F18's.
BLUE62/63 cleared to descend FL150-160. Destination Souda Bay. Descend block FL130-140. 11.36 contact Souda APP 118.125 for further instructions (BLUE63 KC-135R 58-0089 22 ARW).
11.36 TREND11 (F-18 US) dir ARLOS at this time, expect ARLOS time 11.50. 11.51 Contact Malta Control 123.625.
11.49 VVPR73 (P-3 USN) 12.00 Radiocheck. Try to call me approaching point PLH. 12.23 Contact Souda on freq 251.700.
11.59 TRITON37 (RQ-4B? US) 12.02 radarcontact FL600. 12.11 contact Cairo 127.7.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Tuesday 01/04/14 LGGG:
06.02 RSF4377 (C-130H 474 RSAF) sq 7043. Radarcontact FL220 app TANSA. Destination LFSO (Nancy). 06.11 From present position set course to SIT, KOR, exitpoint OLGAT. 06.54 contact Athena APP 132.975. 07.13 call freq 134.325.
Maintaining FL220, FP route, exitpoint OLGAT. 07.38 contact Kerkyra ARR 122.350.
06.17 TOXO14 (? HAF) maintain FL170 upon reaching. FL170, MILOS. 06.32 contact 124.625.
06.24 RSF4378 (C-130H 484 RSAF) Set sq 5511. Radarcontact FL220, set course to SIT then KOR. 07.09 contact Athena APP 132.975. 07.54 contact Kerkyra 122.350.
06.36 RSF4379 (C-130H 1624 RSAF) FL200 app TANSA. Sq 5521. Cleared to destination FP route. 07.21 contact Athena APP 132.975.
07.12 RSF4380 (C-130H-30 1631 RSAF) sq 2021. Radarcontact 15M SE of TANSA, FL200, cleared to destination via KOR, KRK, OLGAT.
07.22 BLUE69 (KC-135R 60-0350 22 ARW) maintain FL130, contact Souda APP 118.125.
07.24 PCH23F (? Pilatus) climbing through 100 for FL130. 10M E of Heraklion. Final FL190. 07.55 contact Cairo 127.7.
07.39 PCH24A (? Pilatus) FL130, continue climb FL190. 08.05 contact Cairo 127.7.
07.54 RED ARROW (Hawk RAFAT) maintain FL270, FP route. 08.32 radarcontact FL270. 08.45 Descend FL130. contact Heraklion APP 123.975.
07.54 RCH304 (KC-135R 63-8035 106 ARS/AL ANG) identified over point ANTAR FL380, follow FP route. Reset sq 1435. 08.33 contact Makedonia 133.575.
08.25 RSF4354 (A330-MRTT 2401 RSAF) exitpoint LORNO.
08.31 S621 (C-32A 98-0001 1 AS) 08.51 contact [Athena] 125.2, radarcontact FL360.
08.55 RFR7280 (? RAF) contact Heraklion APP 123.975
09.12 GAFMED1 (BD700 1404 FBS) radarcontact FL270. 09.16 Descend FL140. 09.18 contact Souda APP 118.125.
09.16 KRF75 (BAe.125 CC3 ZD703 32(R) Sq) descend FL310. 09.27 Resume navigation to KEA, contact Athena APP 132.975.
09.16 SUBGM (G-IV SU-BGM Egypt Gvt) contact Athena 133.725, FL400. 09.35 Proceed OLGAT.
09.27 RCH309 (C-17A 02-1102 62 AW) radarcontact FL350, maintain. 09.44 contact Athena Radar 125.2.
09.58 RCH735 (C-17A 97-0047 437 AW) radarcontact FL350, maintain, FP route. 10.39 Nicosia 124.2
10.17 PSK508 (CN-235? N5025? Prescott Support) radarcontact, climbing final FL190. Reach and maintain.
10.30 GAF596 (A310 1223 FBS) climb FL350.
10.42 RCH106 (KC-135R 62-3538 22 ARW) 10.48 sq 2261. Radarcontact 65NM SE of KOR, maitnain FL400, cleared as filed.
10.45 GAFMED1 (BD700 1404 FBS) contact Malta Control 123.625.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Wolbie »

Thursday 03/04/14
07.05 RCH808 (KC-10A 83-0078 60 AMW) FL370. Proceed PAXIS. 07.33 contact Cairo 127.7.
07.09 AB08 (? US) request after SIT dir BAVES. Proceed SIT direct after BAVES. 07.26 Start descend FL160. FL280 for 160. 07.26 contact Heraklion 123.975.
07.13 RCH125 (C-17A 96-0001 62 AW) FL350. Proceed PAXIS.
07.17 NOW335C (C-130J-30 5601 335 Skv) maintain FL260, new sq 1403. 07.42 req -> climb FL280. 08.21 Makedonia 133.575
07.22 RCH282 (C-17A 96-00002 437 AW) FL320. Sq 2352. Radarcontact over SOTIV FL320, FP route to destination. Proceed direct to SIT. 07.32 Climb FL340. 08.24 contact Malta 123.625
07.50 IAM4668 (C-130J-30 MM62189 46 BA) FL250 RUTOM. 08.27 Athena 125.2, FL270. 08.33 Set course to VAXOS. 08.31 Fly TOSKA direct. 09.23 Nicosia 125.5.
08.06 PSK508 (CN-235? N5025? Prescott Support) maintain FL180, sq 5631. Proceed Rhodos, then FP route. 09.23 contact ARR 132.975
08.16 RSF4388 (C-130H 1624 RSAF) maintaining FL200 over TANSA. New sq 2017. 09.21 maintaining FL200 approaching KOR.
08.17 TI32 (P-3 USN) Checking in passing 095 for FL200. Sq 7030. 08.32 contact Malta Control 123.625.
08.23 RSF4389 (C-130H-30 1631 RSAF) maintaining FL200. New sq 2015. Radarcontact over TANSA.
08.34 CNV6721 (? USN) destintation Souda. Fly to PLH, then to Souda. 09.04 over PLH, radarservice terminated, Souda 118.125.
08.39 MJN290 (C-130H 501 Royal Oman AF) fly dir KRK, KOR. 08.56 contact Athena 134.325.
08.50 RSF4386 (C-130H 474 RSAF) sq 2024, fly to KOR.
08.53 RSF4352 (A330-MRTT 2401 RSAF) FL280 sq 3306. Confirmed as 5 aircraft, 1 tanker with 4 F15's. Identified flying 30M NW of METRU. 08.57 Fly to exitpoint LORNO now. 09.04 Reset sq 2042.
08.58 RSF4353 (A330-MRTT 2401 RSAF) 5M to METRU, identified at FL280. Total number of aircraft 3. Departure from OETB (Tabuk), destination LFJL (Metz). Exitpoint LORNO. 09.11 Climb FL300.

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Re: LOG LGGG Athens 2014 (via LiveATC)

Post by Militaryspotter7 »

Hi can this daily log continue for days 2015 ?
Amazing hard work,

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