EHAM 15-07-2013

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EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by Dutchman »


Currently planned with:

Dep EK9757 08.00 A6-EFG B77X --> delayed from 14th.

EK147/EK148 13.30-15.30 A6-EDF A388L

Subject to change.

Best regards,


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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by T7 »

0900- D-IPVD Ce525
1135-1300 M-SPEC Be350
1755-1830 OO-FPC Ce525
2005- OO-PRM Ce510
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by tonjochems »

0530 CZ 0457 CAN CKG R83 B2080 FL 0830
0600 0604E CZ 0453 PVG *R81 B2072 FL 0830
0940 0710C SQ 7343 NBO *R72 9VSFF FL 0515
0750 MH 6124 KUL SHJ *R84 *9MMUB FL 1010
1155 SV 0933 JED *R77 *TCACG FL 1705 MY CARGO in FULL new Saudia c/s
1400 SV 6856 RUH *R74 EK74799FL 1700
1520 SQ 7370 SIN SHJ R80 9VSFP FL 1740
1725 UC 1500 UIO MIA *R81 N778LA FL 1925
1920 SQ 7893 LAX R80 9VSFN FL 2115
1530 1930C CK 0205 PVG *R82 B2076 FL 2230E

0750 K4 0246 BAH *S94 74Y FL 0945
0950 CA 1013 PVG S96 74Y FL 1235
1400 RU 0102 ORD *S77 VQBFX FL 2220
1930 EK 9989 DXB CAI *S82 OOTHD FL 2230

0550 DL 0266 BOS E17 N819NW PL 0815 07
0555 DL 0174 ATL E05 *N856NW PL 1320 07
0555 DL 0252 DTW E19* N813NW PL 1025 10
0600 DL 0050 JFK D08 N175DN PL 1025
0625 DL 0258 MSP E18 N812NW PL 0900 09
0700 DL 0049 BOM E07 N176DN PL 0920
0735 DL 0034 EWR G09 N16065 PL 1035 40
0805 DL 0619 DTW E09 N803NW PL 1020 08
0815 DL 0205 BOS E05 N851NW PL 1055 02
0825 DL 0238 ATL G06 N805NW PL 1030 06
0835 DL 0178 PDX E17 N816NW PL 1110 06
0830 0849 DL 0232 SEA E22 N814NW PL 1035 04
0940 DL 0234 DTW E07 N818NW PL 1305 40
1015 DL 0070 JFK D43 N1605 PL 1305 04
1040 DL 0032 ATL F09 *N801NW PL 1700 07
1040 DL 0264 MSP E09 N804NW PL 1320 08
1135 DL 0248 DTW E05 N865DA PL 1710 09
1300 DL 0153 SEA E05 N807NW PL 1455 02
1305 DL 0260 MSP E24 N855NW PL 1455 05

0810 EZY2155 LTN# H03 GEZBA PL 0840
0825 EZY4563 SXF@ M06 H06 GEZDB PL 0855
0825 EZY8869 LGW# H04 GEZWK PL 0855
0840 EZY7001 LPL# H02 GEZSM PL 0905
0900 EZY6161 BRS# H01 GEZET PL 0925
0905 EZY2723 MXP@ M07 H07 GEZDA PL 0935
0905 EZY3001 STN# H03 GEZUW PL 0935
0910 EZY4993 FCO@ M05 H05 GEZDP PL 0955
0925 EZY1831 MAN# H02 *GEZUP PL 0955
0930 EZY7401 SEN# H04 GEZDT PL 0955
1025 EZY7663 LIS@ M06 H06 GEZFV PL 1055
1025 EZY8871 LGW# H02 *GEZDD PL 1055
1130 EZY2157 LTN# H02 GEZBA PL 1200
1235 EZY8873 LGW# H02 GEZWI PL 1310
1240 EZY6771 BFS# H03 GEZBL PL 1305
1255 EZY6921 EDI# H01 GEZUH PL 1320
1555 EZY2727 MXP@ M01 H01 GEZFJ PL 1625
1640 EZY8875 LGW# H02 GEZGP PL 1710
1655 EZY6775 BFS# H03 GEZBL PL 1720
1735 EZY6167 BRS# H02 GEZGF PL 1800
1825 EZY6853 GLA# H01 GEZEV PL 1850
1825 EZY7405 SEN# H07 GEZFD PL 1850
1835 EZY2161 LTN# H03 *GEZAP PL 1900
1835 EZY3005 STN# H02 GEZAI PL 1900
1835 EZY3808 PRG@ M05 H05 GEZGI PL 1910
1840 EZY8877 LGW# H04 *GEZGA PL 1910
2025 EZY6923 EDI# H03 GEZIS PL 2050
2035 EZY2729 MXP@ M02 H02 GEZTG PL 2110
2050 EZY4567 SXF@ M01 H01 GEZIM PL 2120
2050 EZY6453 NCL# H04 GEZFX PL 2120
2105 EZY2163 LTN# H07 GEZTK PL 2155
2110 EZY3009 STN# H06 *GEZEW PL 2140
2115 EZY7011 LPL# H02 GEZTJ PL 2155
2115 EZY8881 LGW# H03 GEZGC PL 2145
2120 EZY1835 MAN# H05 GEZGM PL 2150

1810 DY 3540 CPH@ M06 H06 LNNGE PL 1840
2030 DY 4531 ARN@ Z10 D10 LNDYE PL 2100
2100 DY 1258 OSL@ Z02 D02 LNKKN PL 2130

1015 OHY1299 AYT G02 TCOBJ PL 1115
1100 OHY0303 AYT D18 TCOBZ PL 1200

0835 PC 0283 AYT G02 TCCPJ PL 0925
1300 PC 0671 SAW D22 TCARP PL 1355
1430 PC 0295 AYT G06 TCIZF PL 1520
2155 PC 0477 SAW G05 TCAAO PL 2355

VUELING (for some of us VJEULING :-) )
0925 VY 8300 BCN@ B35 ECJSY PL 1000
1315 VY 1374 ALC@ B13 ECLRN PL 1400
1610 VY 8319 BCN@ B15 ECLLM PL 1705
1740 VY 3322 IBZ@ B31 ECKJD PL 1815
1750 VY 8322 BCN@ B15 *ECICQ PL 1830
1850 VY 8366 AGP@ B15 ECLVO PL 1925
2050 VY 8306 BCN@ B15 ECKDX PL 2125
2235 VY 8356 VLC@ ECLLM PL 0700

0540 0508E CZ 0345 PEK F05 B6502 PL 1340
0655 0652E MH 0016 KUL G05* 9MMRA PL 1200
0710 0701E SQ 0324 SIN G07 9VSVE PL 1115
0650 0747E CX 0271 HKG G04* BHXB PL 1255
0645 0800E CZ 0307 CAN E20* B6526 PL 1320
0815 BGH3001 BOJ# D16 320 PC 0915
0850 TF 0912 BRU@ A04 B92 AR1 PC 0935
0915 CI 0065 TPE BKK A14 G76 B18805 PL 1415
1005 AF 5181 LCY# D49 EIRJX PL 1050 special rugby c/s
1100 TK 1951 IST G09 330 PL 1200
1220 TS 0340 YYZ G05 313 PL 1415
1350 AF 5185 LCY# D14 EIRJX PL 1805 special rugby c.s
1710 IZ 2513 TLV G08 4XBAW PL 1840

1135 SSZ0009AGCI# K35 MSPEC XB 1300
1755 FYG0094NLCY# K16 OOFPC CT 1830
1800 FMY0080 LBG@ K35 FMABT XM 1900
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by T7 »

East at 0705lt:
N240LG Fa900
D-CZZZ Ce560 (about to depart)
N711PE Fa2000
N724DD G4
N515TJ Be400
D-CREY Ce650
OE-G.. LJ60 (engines covered)
EC-JBE EMB120 Swiftair
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by T7 »

Mentioned Malmo Aviation RJ100 (TF912) will be SE-DSR.
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by YS11 »

1155 SV 0933 JED *R77 *TC-ACG FL 1705 MY CARGO in FULL new Saudia c/s

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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by 330/340 »

Vanmorgen LZ-BHH 320 Balkan Holidays.
Grtz, Jan
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by gustav »

Arr. 07:25 N47EG F900
Call sign "101"
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by T7 »

Extra one for East:
1615- C-GIWO LJ35

For those who missed it last Friday:
1204-1300 EI604/605 EI-FCC A320
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by tonjochems »

And another freighter.
1330 1427E 5Y 8280 BAH S84 N458MC FL en dat is een BDSF met een lang bovendek..
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by Alpha4Delta »

I saw a UA 772 (N779UA) landing from the east! Now on it's way to ORD as UA908.

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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by T7 »

Alpha4Delta wrote:I saw a UA 772 (N779UA) landing from the east! Now on it's way to ORD as UA908.

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UA6852 ex FRA and onward UA908 to ORD indeed.
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by Ricardo 767-200ER »

tonjochems wrote:And another freighter.
1330 1427E 5Y 8280 BAH S84 N458MC FL en dat is een BDSF met een lang bovendek..
Any departure time and destinations known for this bird?

Best regards ricardo

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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by Diarto »

Ricardo 767-200ER wrote:
tonjochems wrote:And another freighter.
1330 1427E 5Y 8280 BAH S84 N458MC FL en dat is een BDSF met een lang bovendek..
Any departure time and destinations known for this bird?

Best regards ricardo

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16 july, 1930LT
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Re: EHAM 15-07-2013

Post by ErwinS »

Diarto wrote:
Ricardo 767-200ER wrote:
tonjochems wrote:And another freighter.
1330 1427E 5Y 8280 BAH S84 N458MC FL en dat is een BDSF met een lang bovendek..
Any departure time and destinations known for this bird?

Best regards ricardo

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16 july, 1930LT
Acc tomorrow 1930lt to Kabul
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