During a short trip to Lithuania I had the opportunity the visit the national aviation museum at Kaunas-Aleksotas/S Dariaus airport. Besides the aircraft mentioned below, there where several gliders and other small aircraft. Museum is based at the former international airport, on the wall a classic huge stone engraved map of the former USSR with the Aeroflot route-map.
LY-HBQ Ka-26 Policija
612 TS11 Poland AF
06 yellow Mi-2 Lithuania AF
34 white An-14 Russia AF
CCCP-70224 An-2
01 blue L-39 Lithuanian AF
04 yellow Mi-2 Lithuanian AF
05 yellow Mi-2 Lithuanian AF
06 yellow An-24 Lithuanian AF (formed regs clearly visible, LY-AAI and CCCP-46444)
"95 yellow" MiG-21 Russia AF
08 red L-29 Russia AF
12 blue Mi-8 Lithuanian AF
02 white Ka-26 Policija
LY-HBQ, 612 and 06y are preserved inside in good condition, the other aircraft are preserved outside in less fortunate conditions.
The An-14 and Ka-26 O2w are in some kind of storage area.
The Mi-8 misses part of his tail, and has all kind of bumps, accident?
The MiG-21 is painted in a green/brown c/s, without any markings.
The An-2 has a special story as it was used in the strugle for Lithuanian independence during the colapse of the USSR, and restored in this state after it was used by a local flyling club as LY-AGF.
Best regards,
Lithuanian Aviation Museum, Kaunas
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Forum for all news, background, discussions and research on vintage aircraft, warbirds and wrecks & relics (stored, preserved, dumped etc). Actual logs -especially those of active airfields- are preferred to be posted in the appropriate Spotters forums. |
Re: Lithuanian Aviation Museum, Kaunas
Dear SGB,
Very nice log!did you also took some pictures? If so ..... Would you please share them with us, or can we find your pictures somewhere on the internet?
I'm very curious.
Thanks in advance.
Very nice log!did you also took some pictures? If so ..... Would you please share them with us, or can we find your pictures somewhere on the internet?
I'm very curious.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Lithuanian Aviation Museum, Kaunas
Thanks for sharing roald,
It worked.
It worked.
Re: Lithuanian Aviation Museum, Kaunas
Nice photos. Paid a visit to this museum myself last year. See http://forum.scramble.nl/viewtopic.php? ... lit=kaunas
Btw the Mi-8 with the tail missing crashed in 2003 during training flight.
Btw the Mi-8 with the tail missing crashed in 2003 during training flight.