digitalizing slides

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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by Marcelb »

I am also considering to scan my slides. I have 1000s of slides. A slidescanner can be rented, including the feeder. But this will take quite some time.
This website has a great explaination about using the slide copying adapter for a Nikon camera. Lots of tips.
Another idea is to use a slide projector and fit a digital camera in it. This website (rather old) ... roject.htm tell how. 15 minutes to scan a tray of 50 slides!

This video shows a completely automated photography of slides using a projector!
Scanning slides using a DSLR and a secondhand slide projector for €15. ... r_embedded#!

Did about 1500 sides in an afternoon.
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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by DennisV »

Looking at all options and possibilities it is probably down to the same thing as everything else in photography, which quality do you want/need and what can you afford.
Personally I never considered anything but the best way to scan my slides as I have also always invested heavily in the camera gear and travel, so I was looking at an option to maintain the quality and wanted to scan the negatives/slides in such a manner that the slides would actually be redundant (although I haven't been able to part with them though :D ).

If you only want to scan the slides to be able to show them digital or put them in a folder on the PC I guess that other priorities might apply.
One thing I wanted to prevent for sure was investing a lot of time only to have to redo it all again at a later date on a higher quality. For that reason I never used the Minolata D'image scan speed for scanning my collection for preservation but only for showing a scan. When the decision was made to really archive the analogue collection digitally and getting the max quality out of it the Nikon 5000ED came out as the best option. As I have the time for scanning, buying one of the last new scanners was preferred over having it done by a scan service.
In my opinion, although price is certainly a player in the decision making process, it is also good to think about the future and what you plan to do with the results.

Just wanted to share my thought process on the subject in which quality is always the top priority , and it was a process over many years before the decision was finally made.
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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by Jutter »

I use the 'Roel Reine' method. Photographing slides using a 100mm 2.8 macro lens.
Shoot them on RAW. After 1st sharpening with Canon DPP and if neccesary adjusting the white balance and shadow highlight, than convert them to jpg (auto)adjust with Canon ZB and sharpening again.

I have a Meda light plate on which I put a thick cartboard plate with a rectangle opening just a few mm larger than the slide. On the plate I attached 2 corners for easy placing the slide. Camera on 10 sec. delay. In this 10 sec. I dust off the next slide.

At a evening from 19.00 to 23.00 I can do some 100 slides.
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Iwan Bogels
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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by Iwan Bogels »

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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by Jutter »

Hoi Iwan, kwam je dit toevallig tegen? Ik moet wel zeggen dat dit een stuk sneller gaat dan de RR methode maar:
Afstoffen zal toch ook nog moeten gebeuren.
En wat doe je als een dia een wat andere belichting nodig heeft.
Als de dia maar voor de helft is gevuld, dan breng ik de lens dichter bij de dia. Dit geeft bij mij beter resultaat dan achteraf croppen.

Feit blijft dat het gebruik van de diaprojector op deze manier razend snel is. Zelfs als je dan achteraf nog wat dia's apart gaat digitaliseren.

Was laatst druk bezig en zag 2 vette stofvlekken en dacht die kunnen toch niet op de sensor zitten. Wat bleek de stofjes zitten in de lens en afhankelijk van het diafragma dat ik gebruikte zag je ze wel (f14) of niet (f7.1).

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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by tva2 »

Misschien zijn deze links van toegevoegde waarde.

Tim Voerman
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Re: digitalizing slides

Post by Jutter »

Hoi Tim, de methode die jij hebt gevonden is de veel beschreven RR-methode. Dit is de methode die ik ook gebruik. Al een poosje terug heeft Roel deze methode al met ons gedeeld op het forum. Uiteraard wel scherp van je en goed dat je het meldt.

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