During my holiday in the Slovak Republic, I experimented with some star trail photography. I have been fascinated by this for some time and wanted to try for myself. Below is a first try-out, definetaly not the last one! After reading some tutorials on Internet, my set-up was:
Eos 5D Mk11
Tamron XR Di 28-75/2.8
Shutterspeed: 30 seconds
Aperture: 2.8
Manual Focus
Remote control TC80-N3
The latter I used to lock the shutter release, enabling the camera to make multiple images, unattended. I centered the image on Polaris (the current Polar Star) as it virtually does not move, making a great center for the images.I used 109 images which post-processed in StarStax. As the output file was rather big, I did quit some compression. Looking forward to your C&C (or better; experiences / your examples on this topic!)