My pictures of 1998, part 7: Frankfurt August 1998

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My pictures of 1998, part 7: Frankfurt August 1998

Post by LifelinerOne »

Hello everybody!

I finally found time to resume my archive scanning. I'm almost done with 1998, which was a busy year. In August I also visited Frankfurt for about three days. Here's an impression of those (warm and great) days. Enjoy!

1. First of is this good looking classic DC-10 from Continental:
273-DC10-COA-N14062-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

2. Which had a great surprise, because this was the other side of the DC-10... VASP!
274-DC10-VSP-N14062-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

3. Lufthansa was still flying the A300:
276-A300-DLH-DAIAM-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

4. Air Alfa leased this B757 from Turkmenistan:
278-B752-LFA-EZA012-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

5. USAF activity was still common at Frankfurt. Impressive nose of this Galaxy:
281-C5-USAF-690007-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

6. My only green Herk from the USAF:
286-C130-USAF-780812-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

7. Classic scheme on this Avianca B767-200:
285-B762-AVA-N988AN-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

8. Great looking F28 from SAS:
288-F28-SAS-SEDGP-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

9. Lufthansa Cargo B747F special colors:
289-B742F-DLH-DABZF-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

10. Back in those days, Yaks and Tupolevs from the east were common, like this Yak 42 from the Ukraine:
291-YAK42-DNI-UR42426-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

11. Rather white, but nice A310 from MEA:
292-A313-MEA-FOHLI-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

12. Aero Lloyd A320:
293-A320-AEF-DALAD-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

13. Nice and noisy Tu154 from Balkan:
295-TU154-BAL-LZBTT-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

14. Transaero was one of the few Russian airlines flying Western metal, like this B757:
299-B752-TRS-N160GE-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

15. But Aeroflot used a much nicer plane! IL-86!
297-IL86-AFL-RA86067-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

16. Quite common visitors at Frankfurt, Air Algerie L-100-30:
303-C130-ALG-7TVHL-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

17. Still around, Varig:
302-MD11-VRG-PPVPJ-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

18. Flying cigar of the USAF; C-141 Starlifter:
304-C141-USAF-650221-FRA7aug98 by LifelinerOne, on Flickr

More to follow from Frankfurt in part 8. Hope you liked them!

Cheers! :wave:
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