EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by CoHaBa »

ebauer wrote:My first (digital) try-out to catch a jet during landing...Not really satisfied yet... :oops: (pics are unedit, by the way)
For pics that aren't edited, they are really not that bad!
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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by gozoman »

Doesn't anyone have pictures of the Norwegian Viper dropping the parachute? We were surprised by its strange movements, but it seemed to be caused by two deers crossing the runway! :shock:
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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by Robert1975 »

I've got some pictures from the afternoon wave in which the Norwegian Viper 277 just his parachute. The pictures have some heathaze on them, because he was very far on the runway.
I hope you meant this pictures.



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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by gozoman »

Despite the distance and heathaze I like them I lot!
Thank you, Robert! :D

Anyone with the deers, maybe?
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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by dakota »

Some pictures From Monday at Frisian Flag






thats all folk's
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Re: EHLW-Leeuwarden AFB / Frisian Flag / 18-04-2012

Post by gozoman »

I took this picture in north western direction of EHLW on 18-04-2012 during Frisian Flag 2012.
I think they are contrails of participating jets. With my binoculars I saw a pair flying.
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