9A-CRL FA10 cn173 31-01-96 Schiphol
EC-EAS C650 cn0122 20-06-91 Schiphol
F-BSIM HS125 cn25130 29-04-95 Schiphol
LX-MMM B727 cn21853 14-06-87 Le Bourget Paris
C-FCEH FA200 cn507 17-03-88 Schiphol
HB-VIA MU300 cn087SA 18-09-86 Rotterdam
Cyceld up and down to rotterdam to see this bird!!!
D-CFUX LRJ55 cn061 22-08-92 Schiphol
249 G1159A cn413 IAC 03-09-91 Rotterdam
F-BUQP SN601 cn004 12-11-86 Schiphol
CNA-NV C560 cn0025 11-07-98 Le Bourget Paris