The March 2012 issue of Scramble has been released this week!
This month's edition features specials about:
- Kandahar airport
In the past few months we received regular reports from Kandahar airport (OAKN/KDN). This airport is nowadays in use with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). We have a detailed map and all the info you need to know.
- Red Flag 12-2
Red Flag, held at Nellis, NV does not need an introduction. We have all visitors listed combined with some spectacular pictures.
- Picture writing
This time the story on the Brequet Provence
- What happened to the Brazilian Xavantes
Although it was withdrawn from use on 3 December 2010, the test unit Instituto de Pesquisas e Ensaios em Voo (IPEV) still operates a couple MB326s. We have those and all the others that were operated by the Brazilian Air Force.
And so much more!
Our monthly returning topics:
- Movements and trips Netherlands, Belgium + Rest of the World, civil and military.
- The latest news, both civil and military.
- Updates on the world's aircraft fleets, civil and military.
- Aircraft mishaps in Dustpan and Brush.
- Wrecks & Relics.
- Warbirds.
- Scramble Intelligence Service.
- Triptease
- Showreports
We are currently building a new website that will replace the one launched in 1993. If you want to be kept up-to-date about the progress we are making and other Scramble news, Scramble at one of the social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
And be the first to know what is going on in the military and civil aviation world and the airfield near you. Besides the monthly magazine, which averages about 150 pages (based on 2010 average), you will have a deeper access to our on-line databases (which are regarded the most informative in the world), airfield guides and lots more on our website. You also get a discount on all our shop items. The magazine is in English, check out for all the details and this issue could be on your doorstep very soon.