Wednesday's moves, Sunny 12C (RW25 was in use)
CS-DRF 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE191H dep 0841
G-CXLS Ce560XLS Aviation Beauport AVB701/2 arr 0947 dep 1016
D-CMHS Ce525B CJ3 HTM Helicopter Service HTM30A dep 0955
OY-CKK Ce560XLS Air Alsie MMD6712 dep 1003
OO-DDA Ce525A CJ2 Abelag Aviation SKS037A arr 1031 dep 1529 to EBBR
CS-DUE 125 Hawker 750 Netjets Europe NJE611E dep 1230 to LFPB
CS-DNY Ce560XL Netjets Europe NJE588P arr 1341 dep as NJE600F at 1655
CS-DLH Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE104F arr 1435 dep as NJE877B at 1535 to EGLF
CS-DFV Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE811A arr 1500 dep as NJE454D at 1556
OE-GVV Learjet 60XR Vistajet VJS264 arr 1505 dep 1816
CS-DRB 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE348G arr 1527 dep as NJE796F at 1642 to Hannover
CS-DRX 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE535B dep 1608 to EBBR?
OE-GVF Learjet 60XR Vistajet VJS201 arr 1715 from EHAM dep 1756
CS-DXB Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE225T arr 1755
CS-DGR Cessna 650 Air Jet Sul AJU652 dep 1806 to LPPS
EGWU 30.11.2011 CIV
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- Scramble Master
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- Type of spotter: Biz mainly
- Le Addeur noir
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Re: EGWU 30.11.2011 CIV
One addition to the above is,
OE-FFB Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC611A arr 16.25,dep 17.11 as GAC845P
OE-FFB Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC611A arr 16.25,dep 17.11 as GAC845P
Drink treble
See double
Act single
and the Emir called up his jet fighters
See double
Act single
and the Emir called up his jet fighters