T-34A 53-3346 / E.17-18 / 642 / N7643B / N342DB

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T-34A 53-3346 / E.17-18 / 642 / N7643B / N342DB

Post by Antheii »


I seem to have a conflict with Beech T-34A with c/n G-107.

The common accepted version seems to be;
  1. USAF 53-3346
  2. to Spanish AF as E.17-18
  3. to Uruguay AF as 642 (ntu)
  4. to US civil N342DB (still current)
But.... on the US civil registry we also have the N7643B, which has "AF53-3346" as it's construction number. It's status is shown as 'In question' and 'SALE REPORTED', which at first sight could mean it first became N7643B after imported from Uruguay, before being re-registered as N342DB.
But.... apparently the N7643B was already registered in 1963, with a "Last Action Date" of 14 Jan 1977. And this is in conflict with the sale of the E.17-18 to Uruguay which was only in 1991 (and last noted there in 1996).

As the Scramble database already doubts the tie-up of 53-3346 to E.17-18, my best bet at this moment would be that the 53-3346 was sold at some point as N7643B and eventually became N342DB, and that the E.17-18/642 is not the 53-3346 (c/n G-107) but another (former USAF?) T-34.

Who knows what the correct version is?
Also any sightings of any of the above mentioned registrations would be welcome :-)



Some of the internet pages I checked;
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Re: T-34A 53-3346 / E.17-18 / 642 / N7643B / N342DB

Post by EvD »


I checked the N342DB at Oshkosh 26 July 2007 and it had c/n G-107.

No clue about N7643B. Could this have been a test registration prior to delivery to Spain?

Erwin van Dijkman
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Re: T-34A 53-3346 / E.17-18 / 642 / N7643B / N342DB

Post by Antheii »

Hi Erwin,

Thanks for the reply!

I don't have any question marks about the correct ID for the N342DB being G-107.
What I doubt though is that this particular airframe ever went to Spain, and subsequently to Paraguay.

Your suggestion about it being N7643B between USAF and EdA service could be right, but would surprise me a bit; it is not common practice for aircraft which served with the USAF getting a civil registration before being exported to the air force of a friendly nation - and this could only be true when this sale to Spain was in (or shortly after) 1963. Anybody knowns when those T-34A's exactly were delivered to Spain? Aeroflight claims this to be during 1968. This would not rule out your suggestion, but from my point of view a bit improbable.

Besides that, I understand the E.17-18 was exported to Uruguay, where it was assigned serial 642. But it never actually flew in Uruguayan service, as it was used as a spares source - and I seem to remember it was such was noted several times in Uruguay, still in EdA markings as E.17-18 (can't find that back though).
Having the exact dates when it was actually seen, or preferably even photos, might help; does this match the appearance on the FAA register of c/n G-107 as N342DB in September 1997, and in which state was it while in Uruguay ("why buy -as an American- a heavily cannibalized airframe in a county far away, when in your own country other airframes are available in a much better shape?")

Maybe the best proof would be having any sighting of the N7643B between 1963 and 1997 - I wasn't able to find any yet...

So I don't have any proof which story is true, I just have some questions with the general accepted version. But then again, maybe I'm just seeing ghosts :-)


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Re: T-34A 53-3346 / E.17-18 / 642 / N7643B / N342DB

Post by Antheii »

Hmmm.... side note:
Just did some googling on the address (PO Box) given as for the 'Registered owner' for the N7643B.

A lot may have changed (and probably has) in those 50 years since it originally was registered as N7643B, but today the PO Box is in use with the FAA itself for its regional office, including some departments like the Airmen Certification Branch, Civil Aerospace Medical Institute and the like.
Maybe the 53-3346 was just used with the FAA for a limited time from 1963 as N7643B, and back to the USAF before exported to Spain in 1968.... ?? (and indeed I was just seeing ghosts, forgetting the possibility of an USAF aircraft appearing on the civil register while in use with a government agency, and returning to the USAF afterwards...)

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