EBBR 12-10-2011 CIV: Antonov An-148 CANCELLED again...

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EBBR 12-10-2011 CIV: Antonov An-148 CANCELLED again...

Post by Stratofreighter »

This day could see the first visit of an Ukrainian Airlines Antonov An-148. Should be UR-NTA.
The aircraft, flying PS901 which should have arrived at 12.15 LT, is already delayed to 13.30 hrs though... :idea:

Flight PS902 should have left Brussels back to Kiev at 13.05 hrs local, but of course this will not be possible now...

http://www.brusselsairport.be/en/passngr/flinfo/ :idea:

EDIT: does that thing fly at all? Again a 737 will fill in as it went tech (again)... :evil:
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