EGWU 06.07.2011 CIV

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Le Addeur noir
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EGWU 06.07.2011 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

Moves noted,

A6-TLH CL-605 arr 18.52
CS-D** NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE658F dep 11.10
CS-D** NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE167M arr 13.52
CS-D** NetJets transportes Aereos NJE682T arr 15.??
F-GRUJ Cessna 525B Leadair Unijet LEA046R arr 14.23,dep 14.51
G-CEDK Cessna 750 arr 15.18
G-MEET Lear Jet 40 TAG Aviation(UK)Ltd arr 09.24,dep 11.40
G-CGGN Falcon 7X arr 10.55,dep 12.28
G-SEAJ Cessna 525 CLF670 arr 09.11
M-YSKY R390A arr 18.26
N452NS G-IV-X National Air Services arr 18.39
N625TX Cessna 510 dep 16.36
N817X Falcon 7X arr 08.52,dep 10.44
N999NB G-IV arr 17.01
N37172 Beech 300 arr 18.17
VQ-BGN G550 arr 18.14

NetJets departures,

NJE018Q at 14.33 CS-DRY
NJE371Q at 16.07 (unconfirmed)
NJE337T at 18.45 CS-DRS
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 06 Jul 2011, 21:23, edited 1 time in total.
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: EGWU 06.07.2011 CIV

Post by Darrenbizman »

Full list for today

N817X Falcon 7X (First visit) arr 0852 dep 1044 to LFMN
G-SEAJ Ce525 CLF670 arr 0911 dep 1720 from /to EGGD
G-MEET Learjet 40 TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd arr 0924 from EGLC dep 1140
G-CGGN Falcon 7X TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd arr 1055 dep 1228 to EGLF
CS-DUH 125 Hawker 750 Netjets Europe NJE658F dep 1110
CS-DR(Y)? 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE167M arr 1351
F-GRUJ Ce525B CJ3 Leadair Unijet LEA046R arr 1423 dep 1451 to LFPB
G-CEDK Ce750 arr 1518
CS-DXU Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE682T arr 1542
N625TX Cessna 510 Mustang dep 1636 to LSGG
N999NB G-IV arr 1700
G-MROO Ce525A CJ2 Hangar 8 Ltd HGR809? arr 1731 dep 1841
VQ-BGN G-550 arr 1814 from EGGW
M-YSKY R390 Premier arr 1826
N452NS G-IV-X National Air Service arr 1839
A6-TLH CL605 arr 1852 Nightstop

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Le Addeur noir
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Re: EGWU 06.07.2011 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

NJE167M is confirmed as CS-DRY.
G-MROO appeared to be calling HGR843 on arrival and HGR873 on departure.

Extra inbounds around 19.00,

CS-(DKD)? G550 NetJets transportes Aereos NJE061A arr 18.56.from SBS report.
CS-DRZ Hawker 800XP Netjets transportes Aereos NJE146C arr 19.05
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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