help with PerfectView database requested

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help with PerfectView database requested

Post by airlinepeter »

Hi guys (girls?), i have an old PC,which holds 22000 aircraft (slides) records. It is called PerfectView version 7.1. This is an old PC which holds harddisks.
I need to transfer the data to my new PC (vista premium). Anyone who can help? I can offer some great slides dating back to the early 80s or a reasonable financial compenstation for anyone who can help in the data transfer. Answer in Dutch welcome. cheers, Peter
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Post by kiwi »

Als er in de oude PC dezelfde soort harde schijven zitten als in de nieuwe, zou je ze gewoon uit de oude kunnen halen (kijken welke kabeltjes ze gebruiken) en in de nieuwe in kunnen pluggen, data overzetten en weer afkoppelen.
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Post by bigfoot »

kiwi wrote:Als er in de oude PC dezelfde soort harde schijven zitten als in de nieuwe, zou je ze gewoon uit de oude kunnen halen (kijken welke kabeltjes ze gebruiken) en in de nieuwe in kunnen pluggen, data overzetten en weer afkoppelen.
I think you should answer this question in english.
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Post by kiwi »

bigfoot wrote:
kiwi wrote:Als er in de oude PC dezelfde soort harde schijven zitten als in de nieuwe, zou je ze gewoon uit de oude kunnen halen (kijken welke kabeltjes ze gebruiken) en in de nieuwe in kunnen pluggen, data overzetten en weer afkoppelen.
I think you should answer this question in english.
I would normally do that but the topicstarter asked for Dutch specifically.
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Post by Pieter »

I still work with PerfectView 3.10, yes a 1992 DOS version :D and when I did have my new PC (XP) just copy the PV "map" on my old PC to a memorystick and then on my new PC

Hope this helps


Pieter....PerfectView, just Perfect
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Post by SF-25 piloot »

i've perfect view v3.11 of 1992 :shock: running on Vista premium; In "command window" ofcourse :D

anyway, the hdd you have is probably IDE.
there are cable converters in store available from conceptronic.
this thingie changes IDE to USB.
just connect it and install software and you can cry the data to your new system...
here's a link, it shows what i mean." onclick=";return false;

unfortunately i don't have this item.
good luck with your challange :wink:

flown in HS.748 Srs.2a CS-01
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Post by kiwi »

SF-25 piloot wrote:i've perfect view v3.11 of 1992 :shock: running on Vista premium; In "command window" ofcourse :D

anyway, the hdd you have is probably IDE.
there are cable converters in store available from conceptronic.
this thingie changes IDE to USB.
just connect it and install software and you can cry the data to your new system...
here's a link, it shows what i mean." onclick=";return false;

unfortunately i don't have this item.
good luck with your challange :wink:
IDE is found in all computers, also the new ones. So he wouldn't have to buy a converter because he can just open his pc, connect te old harddrive temporarily, copy it to his pc and then disconnect the old harddrive again.
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Post by RobertMB »

I fully agree with the option mentioned by Kiwi.

Just an important addition: when connecting the "old" IDE drive into the recent PC don't forget to replace a jumper to "slave" position! (if it was the "master" drive in the old PC).

Good luck ! :lol:

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Post by ILSlover »

You can make an external hdd with some help form an adaptor case available at computer stores. With this hardcase you can make an external harddisc operatable with USB. Prizes are somewhere between € 20,- and € 60,- witch depends on size and connector.
Greetz Daniël.

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Post by airlinepeter »

Hi everybody, with your advise I have done some magic and PV now works fine on my new PC. thanks for all the kind reactions. Peter
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Re: help with PerfectView database requested

Post by cpedersen »

Wow, I used to *love* Perfectview. Wrote many a database with that software, years ago.
Had the best data mapping of any db at the time..
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