EGWU 28.05.2011 CIV

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EGWU 28.05.2011 CIV

Post by Darrenbizman »

Today's busy moves so far today

G-OJAJ Falcon 2000EX TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd arr 0856 dep 1033
N440TC G-IV-SP GTH440 arr 0940 from KTEB dep 1039
EC-KPP Falcon 10 LSX122 arr 1003
HB-VMO Ce560XL arr 1031

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Le Addeur noir
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Re: EGWU 28.05.2011 CIV

Post by Le Addeur noir »

Today,s moves,

N66SG Lear Jet 45 HJL1SG arr 08.18,dep as HJL2SG at 08.50
G-OJAJ Falcon 2000EX TAG Aviation(UK)Ltd arr 08.56,dep10.32
N440TC GIV-SP GTH440 arr 09.38from KTEB,dep 10.39
CS-DHI Cessna 550B NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE837G arr 09.43,dep 11.01 as NJE766D to LIRN
EC-KPP Falcon 100 LSX122 arr 10.01,dep 10.46 as LSX123 to EGGW
HB-VMO Cessna 560XL SkyWork arr 10.30
D-CYOU Cessna 680 Air X arr 11.41
EC-LII EA-500 Jet Ready JRY031 arr 11.58
CS-DFV Cessna 560XL NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE142R arr 12.09
HB-JEC CL-300 Legendair AG arr 12.24
CS-DXU Cessna 560XLS NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE845F arr 13.08,dep 16.22 as NJE068E
CS-DFR Cessna 560XL NetJets Transportes Aeeeos NJE025R arr 13.20
OY-SIR Falcon 2000 Aligap A/S arr 13.23,dep 14.12 to LFMN
CS-DRQ Hawker 800XP NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE376G arr 13.55
HB-IMJ GV G5 Executive EXH161 arr 14.10
CS-DUH Hawker 800XP NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE040Q dep 08.53
CS-DUG Hawker 800XP NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE264F dep 10.54
VQ-BDG CL-605 dep 14.20 to EGLL
Drink treble
See double
Act single

and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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