SUNDAY, MAY 1 2011.
Day 1 of a ten-day trip to the USA to visit some CONA activities:
Serials between brackets were not read by us.
CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS are more then welcome !!
Savannah IAP, Ga
Gulfstream IV SU-BGM Egypt Gv
Gulfstream IVSP N49RF NOAA USA Gv
T-6A Texan II 00-3570 CB 41FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 02-3646 CB 41FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 03-3701 CB 41FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 05-3777 CB 41FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 05-3787 CB 41FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 06-3818 CB 37FTS USAF AETC
T-6A Texan II 06-3825 CB 37FTS USAF AETC
F-16C 85-1410 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 85-1412 TX 457FS USAF AFRC c/a "457FS"
F-16C 85-1449 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 85-1457 TX 457FS USAF AFRC c/a "457FS"
F-16C 85-1458 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 85-1472 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 85-1475 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 85-1554 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 86-0229 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16C 86-0246 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
F-16D 85-1571 TX 457FS USAF AFRC
C-20B 86-0204 89AW USAF AMC
C-5B 87-0043 nm USAF AMC
KC-10A 85-0029 60AMW USAF AMC
C-130H 80-0320 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0321 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0322 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0323 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0325 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0326 158AS USAF ANG
C-130H 80-0332 158AS USAF ANG
F/A-18A++ 163158 VE-212 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A++ (163166) VE-200 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18D 164965 WK-05 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
UC-12B 161515 5B Beaufort USMC
F/A-18A's were marked F/A-18A++.
Still present are the F-86L and F-84D (both preserved together) and the instructional C-130A 54-0477.
MCAS Beaufort Air Show, SC
Nanchang CJ-6A N31103 P-088 ChinaAF "It's not a Yak" c/n 0232019
Nanchang CJ-6A 53 N53CJ ChinaAF "Miss Stress" c/n 2432062
F-16A (75-0745) (USAF ADS) USAF travel exhibit
P-51D 44-13806 NL351DT USAF "Crazy Horse"
P-51D 44-73843 NL10601 VF-G USAF
TB-25N 44-30734 N9079Z USAF "Panchito"
F-16C 91-0376 SW 20FW/F-16 East USAF ACC
F-16C 91-0398 SW 20FW/F-16 East USAF ACC
T-6A Texan II 08-3924 XL 84FTS USAF AETC c/n PT-483
B-52H 60-0041 BD 93BS USAF AFRC
F-16D 92-3925 157FS USAF ANG
C-31A 85-1608 Golden Knights USArmy
UH-1H 66-16624 N624HF 61 USArmy
UH-1H 70-16426 N426HF USArmy
MH-65C 6545 Savannah USCG
AH-1W 165331 TV-27 HMLA167 USMC c/n 26355
AV-8B+ 165312 CG-06 VMA231 USMC
AV-8B+ 165356 CG-09 VMA231 USMC
C-130T 164763 Blue Angels USMC
EA-6B 160432 nm USMC
F/A-18A+ 162429 VE-214 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 162884 VE-201 VMFA115 USMC spec.mks
F/A-18A+ 163094 VE-213 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163133 VE-218 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163141 VE-210 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163155 VE-206 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163156 VE-205 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163161 VE-207 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163162 VE-205 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163168 VE-204 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163169 VE-203 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163171 VE-202 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163174 VE-215 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18A+ 163175 VE-200 VMFA115 USMC
F/A-18C 164204 DR-203 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164270 DC-04 VMFA122 USMC
F/A-18C 164871 AB-400 VMFA251 USMC marked 164881 on left side !!!
F/A-18C 164883 AC-215 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164885 AB-403 VMFA251 USMC
F/A-18C 164887 AC-217 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164889 DR-200 VMFA312 USMC "Fight's On"
F/A-18C 164902 AC-201 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164962 AC-204 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164971 AC-210 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164972 AC-211 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18C 164973 DR-212 VMFA312 USMC
F/A-18D 164656 WK-11 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164685 WK-10 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164699 WK-01 VMFA(AW)224 USMC spec.mks
F/A-18D 164723 WK-02 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164738 WK-04 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164866 WK-12 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164888 WK-07 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164901 WK-15 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
F/A-18D 164959 WK-03 VMFA(AW)224 USMC
MV-22B 165844 EM-11 VMM261 USMC
MV-22B 168004 EM-03 VMM261 USMC c/n D0134
UH-1N 158289 TV-07 HMLA167 USMC
F4U-4 97143 N713JT JT-416 (VF653) USN
F/A-18C 163745 45 VFA106 "VBF-17" USN spec. c/s
F/A-18C 164226 AD-306 VFA106 USN
F/A-18C 165171 NH-410 VFA86 USN
F/A-18C 165198 NH-404 VFA86 USN
F/A-18C 165199 NH-411 VFA86 USN
F/A-18C 165205 NH-405 VFA86 USN
F/A-18C 165206 NH-406 VFA86 USN
F/A-18C 165402 AG-407 VFA131 USN
F/A-18C 165408 NE-406 VFA34 USN
F/A-18C 165526 AG-404 VFA131 USN
F/A-18D 163468 7 Blue Angels USN
F/A-18F 165803 AD-215 VFA106 USN
F/A-18F 166926 NJ-157 VFA122 USN
P-3C 156521 LL-521 VP30 USN
SBD-5 54532 NL82GA USN
SNJ-4 (27522) N934JT JT-9 (VMF213) USN
T-34C 164169 E TAW5 USN spec. c/s USCG mks c/n GL-349
T-34C 164172 E 5-TW-15 TAW5 USN spec. c/s USMC mks c/n GL-352
T-44A 160984 G-4 VT31 USN spec. c/s
T-45C 165598 A 1-TW-101 TW1 USN spec. c/s
T-6B Texan II 166064 E-064 TAW5 USN spec. c/s c/n PN-55
Also here: "Geico" T-6's: N65370 / 1, N60734 / 2, N52900 / 3, N7648E / 4, N58224 / 5 and N62382 / 6.
OV-10D N875MC (ex 155470) Mosquito Control. N926CP Cessna 172 Civil Air Patrol c/n 8914, Cessna 182T N590CP c/n 82171. L39C NX139CG "CG-200"
Seven preserved aircraft outside (4) and inside (3) gate still present.
All hangars were visit, and all F-18's present were read.
1) BuNo's for Blue Angels coded 1 till 6
2) Id of Jet Provost flying in the morning
(XP567) N8272M
Hunter AAF, Ga
C-17A 97-0041 437AW USAF AMC
AH-1S "66-15013" USArmy pres
AH-64D 00-5140 USArmy
AH-64D 00-5176 USArmy
AH-64D (00-5)187 USArmy
AH-64D 96-5008 USArmy as 05008
AH-64D (96-5)014 USArmy
AH-64D 97-5025 USArmy
AH-64D 97-5030 USArmy
AH-64D (99-5)093 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5094 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5097 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5102 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5106 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5111 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5115 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5117 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5118 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5119 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5124 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5125 USArmy
AH-64D 99-5141 USArmy
CH-47D 83-24124 USArmy
CH-47D 84-24167 USArmy
CH-47D 87-0112 USArmy
CH-47D 89-0133 USArmy
MH-47G 04-03749 USArmy
MH-47G 05-03753 USArmy
MH-47G 05-03761 USArmy
MH-47G 06-03786 USArmy
OH-58D 92-0587 USArmy as 00587
OH-58D 93-0964 USArmy
OV-1D 67-18922 USArmy pres
U-21A (66-18019) "18105" USArmy pres
UH-1C "15023" USArmy pres
UH-60A 81-23563 63C USArmy
UH-60A 82-23696 Med USArmy
UH-60A 83-23843 Med USArmy
UH-60A 84-23956 Med USArmy
UH-60A 84-23999 Med USArmy
UH-60A 85-24415 Med USArmy
UH-60A 85-24428 Med USArmy
UH-60A 85-24456 Med USArmy
UH-60A 85-24463 Med USArmy
UH-60A 86-24495 Med USArmy
UH-60A 87-24617 Med USArmy
UH-60A 87-24618 Med USArmy
UH-60A 88-26004 Med USArmy
UH-60A 88-26020 Med USArmy
UH-60A (88-26)034 Med USArmy ra 034
UH-60A 88-26040 Med USArmy
UH-60A 88-26072 Med USArmy
UH-60L 05-27039 USArmy
UH-60L 05-27048 USArmy
UH-60L 05-27051 USArmy
UH-60L 05-27056 USArmy
UH-60L 05-27075 USArmy
UH-60L 90-26218 USArmy
UH-60L 92-26426 USArmy
UH-60L 94-26574 USArmy
UH-60L 94-26595 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26693 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26694 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26695 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26697 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26700 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26702 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26704 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26705 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26707 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26708 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26712 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26715 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26717 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26719 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26721 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26722 USArmy
UH-60L 96-26723 USArmy
UH-60L 98-26797 USArmy
MH-65C 6542 Savannah USCG
MH-65C 6604 Savannah USCG
Brunswick, Fl
F-104C 56-0919 (GA ANG) USAF pres
Jacksonville IAP, Fl
F-102A (57-0817) "61357" USAF pres
F-106A 57-0230 USAF pres
F-15A 76-0080 USAF pres
F-16A 79-0296 01 (125FW) USAF pres c/a "125FW"
F-15C 78-0476 159FS USAF ANG
F-15C 78-0519 159FS USAF ANG
F-15C 86-0143 159FS USAF ANG
F-15C 86-0155 159FS USAF ANG
F-15C 86-0162 159FS USAF ANG
F-15C 86-0179 159FS USAF ANG
F-15D 80-0058 nm USAF ANG
WC-130H 64-14866 125FW USAF ANG as 44866
T-33A 53-5325 USAF pres
NAS Jacksonville, Fl
During the evening many BuNo's could be read from outside the base.
CP-140 140108 CF
F/A-18A 161941 1 (Blue Angels) USN pres
P-3C 157319 LN-319 VP45 USN
P-3C 157322 LK-322 VP26 USN
P-3C (158570) LL-570 VP30 USN
P-3C 158927 LF-927 VP16 USN
P-3C 158934 nm USN
P-3C 158935 LN-935 VP45 USN
P-3C 159325 nm USN BuNo NOT correct !!
P-3C 159514 LL VP30 USN
P-3C 160287 nm USN
P-3C 161002 002 nm USN
P-3C 161006 OB-006 VPU1 USN
P-3C 161010 LL-010 VP30 USN
P-3C 161014 nm USN
P-3C 161332 nm USN
P-3C 161334 LL VP30 USN
P-3C 161336 nm USN
P-3C 161409 LT-409 VP62 USN
P-3C 162314 LN-314 VP30 USN
P-3C (162315) LD-315 VP10 USN
P-3C 162318 LD-318 VP10 USN
P-3C 162776 nm USN
P-3C 163001 nm USN
P-3C 163290 nm USN
LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
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LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
Last edited by K2G on 14 May 2011, 18:15, edited 10 times in total.
- Melchior Timmers
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- Posts: 1590
- Joined: 13 May 2006, 18:06
- Subscriber Scramble: Melchior Timmers
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Re: LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
Nice list Hans!
P-3C 159325 is reported as being w/o 21mar91. Maybe misread for 157325 (EP-3E?) or 159326?
P-3C 159325 is reported as being w/o 21mar91. Maybe misread for 157325 (EP-3E?) or 159326?
Melchior Timmers
Editor Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
1118 ZN Schiphol
The Netherlands
Internet:" onclick=";return false;
Editor Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
1118 ZN Schiphol
The Netherlands
Internet:" onclick=";return false;
Re: LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
Great list Hans,
The Bleu Angels at Beaufort are.
Hope this helps.
The Bleu Angels at Beaufort are.
Hope this helps.
I want 1D mark V, APS-H,
no need for Full Frame
no need for Full Frame
Re: LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
Hi Hans,
At the flightline F/A-18D from the BA was parked 163468/7. The Jet Provost was the N327RM. Currently working at our log will sent it to you when ready.
Tim Raats
At the flightline F/A-18D from the BA was parked 163468/7. The Jet Provost was the N327RM. Currently working at our log will sent it to you when ready.
Tim Raats
Re: LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
Hi Tim,Tim Raats wrote:Hi Hans,
At the flightline F/A-18D from the BA was parked 163468/7. The Jet Provost was the N327RM. Currently working at our log will sent it to you when ready.
Tim Raats
The Jet Provost was the N8272M (ex RAF XP567).
Re: LOG: USA 2011 trip Day 1 01MAY11
UH-1H 66-16624 N624HF 61 USArmy
UH-1H 70-16426 N426HF USArmy
These two UH-1Hs that you saw at the Beaufort airshow are operated by the AAHF - the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. They also have a number of Cobra's (the Sky Soldiers demo team) and a single airworthy AH-1F. While the AAHF flies and maintains these helicopters, some if not most of them are still property of the US Army. The AAHF is based out of Tara Field (Hampton, GA) and they have about 15 UH-1Hs for spare (and two ultra rare UH-1Ms) outside their hanger. In the back of the storage hanger, they have about 8-9 AH-1F's, most of them are ex National Guard (TN, MD, etc). Their operational hanger contains the AH-1s of the Sky Soldiers team, a AH-1F and about 4 flyable UH-1Hs.
PS: please do not "raid" the place - if you ask nicely, they are more than happy to show enthusiasts around!![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
UH-1H 66-16624 N624HF 61 USArmy
UH-1H 70-16426 N426HF USArmy
These two UH-1Hs that you saw at the Beaufort airshow are operated by the AAHF - the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation. They also have a number of Cobra's (the Sky Soldiers demo team) and a single airworthy AH-1F. While the AAHF flies and maintains these helicopters, some if not most of them are still property of the US Army. The AAHF is based out of Tara Field (Hampton, GA) and they have about 15 UH-1Hs for spare (and two ultra rare UH-1Ms) outside their hanger. In the back of the storage hanger, they have about 8-9 AH-1F's, most of them are ex National Guard (TN, MD, etc). Their operational hanger contains the AH-1s of the Sky Soldiers team, a AH-1F and about 4 flyable UH-1Hs.
PS: please do not "raid" the place - if you ask nicely, they are more than happy to show enthusiasts around!
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)