General purpose battery chargers

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General purpose battery chargers

Post by GaRi »


I would like to ask if anyone has tested any kind of Li-Ion GP chargers ( meaning those that can charge different brand of batteries, having movable contacts adjustable to the needed distance).
My doubt is that all the models I have found on the net declare as maximum voltage 7.4V; my Pentax charger goes to 8.4V, while the D-LI50 battery works at 7.2V. What I'd like to understand is if using one of these I risk to damage the battery, to find it not fully recharged or only to wait a bit more to have it done.
Thanks in advance

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Re: General purpose battery chargers

Post by Key »

Gabriele, the only related experience I have is with replacing factory rechargeable batteries in a wireless home phone set by others, albeit from a respectable brand. The result is not very good, their capacity started suboptimal and is now down to almost zero.
All the chargers I use are dedicated, and that works fine (as you probably know).

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Re: General purpose battery chargers

Post by GaRi »

Hi Erik, thanks for your reply. Yes, I agree with you that dedicated chargers are the best choice, but as you know, if I travel with my reflex, one compact, a camcorder and the flash I need to bring four chargers (not keeping in count the one for the mobile), so if a GP works satisfactorily I'd travel lighter. If I decide to buy one and test it I'll write here my opinion.

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