D7000 / D300s

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D7000 / D300s

Post by wild weasel »

Pffff, i really have no clue what is going on. My guess for now is that i have a real bad sample. None of the pictures i have shot today was on focus, and they are all having tons of noise. Ask Tom, it's really redicilious!

I have some hotpixels too, but they can map that away, so that's no big deal to me, Focus will probably be solved by calibrating, but that noise is really not acceptable...
Andras wrote:
wild weasel wrote: To hell with that D7000, i can throw all my pictures away form today. Gonna get myself a D300s on Tuesday, i'm done with it
So soon? What happened?..

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Re: Happy New Year Eham 01-01-2011 Regular

Post by Andras »

wild weasel wrote:Pffff, i really have no clue what is going on. My guess for now is that i have a real bad sample. None of the pictures i have shot today was on focus, and they are all having tons of noise. Ask Tom, it's really redicilious!

I have some hotpixels too, but they can map that away, so that's no big deal to me, Focus will probably be solved by calibrating, but that noise is really not acceptable...
Mmm.. All new cameras always have little (or big) issues, better wait a few months before buying a new camera i always say ;)

Check here for some additional information regarding your D7000 http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/967578 and http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/968521

Some info here too http://www.flickr.com/groups/nikon_d700 ... 374284098/

There seems to be many back-focus issues with the D7k platform. Nikon is doing their utmost best to turn that around in a quick and fast service if you send it in for repair. In this case you should get another body. (Which could have the same problem) From what i’ve read sofar the people that use it for portrait and non-fast photography are very pleased with it, (ISO wise in dark areas) if you want to push the AF (sports or better said, aviation related) you might end up with results you were not waiting for.

Maybe here you find some more help here http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/967477

So, exchange it for another sample in the store and test it, then you’ll know if it’s up to par and learn your new camera with patience or return it, buy another (maybe D400?) or even another brand. (Canon for the win...:)

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Re: Happy New Year Eham 01-01-2011 Regular

Post by ErikFB »

Or contact The Nikon Service and Repair Department on the Wijkerstraatweg in Beverwijk ( close to EHAM ;-)) if they have a quick and satisfying solution for this problem. They are opened from 08.00 - 16.30 on weekdays.
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Re: Happy New Year Eham 01-01-2011 Regular

Post by wild weasel »


I have made up my mind. cause beside the points of critics i have allready mentioned, i really was surprised about how important look, feel, handling and grip is to me. That D200 is rock solid, handles so well, has a superb grip and is therefor giving me better photography possibility's.

The D7000 has a lack on all of these points, but i did not expect this to be this important to me (i had something like, i will get used to it, but i can't get used to this i'm afraid). I have read a lot of topics/threads/forums about the D7000 allready, and was very aware of the problems the D7000 is suffering from (namely hot pixels and focus issues), but those can be solved pretty easy. I have not seen any complaints about the noise so far, so i was shocked when i found out it has. Will this then be a bad case/sample? probably, but combining all these negative points on the D7000, i now know this is not the camera i am looking for.

I will now buy a D300s instead. is a better investment due to it's quality and relyability, and can be sold against a very acceptable price for when i want to make a switch to a D400 (if it's gonna be named like that), after a year it is out on the market :mrgreen:

And no, i will make the switch to Canon yet, for now i am loyal to Nikon :-D

@Erik: i know the NPS service in Beverwijk, i allways go there for my D200, they're doing an outstanding job, but the D7000 has a little bit to many downsides to me for now. Thanks anywyas!
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Re: Happy New Year Eham 01-01-2011 Regular

Post by Andras »

wild weasel wrote:Andras...

I will now buy a D300s instead. is a better investment due to it's quality and relyability, and can be sold against a very acceptable price for when i want to make a switch to a D400 (if it's gonna be named like that), after a year it is out on the market :mrgreen:

And no, i will make the switch to Canon yet, for now i am loyal to Nikon :-D
If i would buy Nikon now:

budget wise => D300S ( :( A lot of buttons on that camera! ) would be my guess as well...

Andras Brandligt
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Re: Happy New Year Eham 01-01-2011 Regular

Post by wild weasel »

Am i lucky i am a real and true button freak!!! And i even know what they all are meant and used for...........lucky me! :mrgreen:
Andras wrote:
wild weasel wrote:Andras...

I will now buy a D300s instead. is a better investment due to it's quality and relyability, and can be sold against a very acceptable price for when i want to make a switch to a D400 (if it's gonna be named like that), after a year it is out on the market :mrgreen:

And no, i will make the switch to Canon yet, for now i am loyal to Nikon :-D
If i would buy Nikon now:

budget wise => D300S ( :( A lot of buttons on that camera! ) would be my guess as well...
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Re: D7000 / D300s

Post by EHAM »

Wild weasel, if you don't mind, please share the rest of your story as well. How is the D300s, compared to the D7000?
I'm thinking about buying either a D7000 or a D300s this year (I tend to the latter right now). Currently I use two (actually three) quite old D70s and it's really time for an upgrade. My D70s are becoming more and more unreliable. I'm using my cameras solely for aviation photography by the way. I don't care about high ISO performance or video quality.
And what about that AF fine tuning feature? It must be a real hell to find the best setting for each lens. Is it really necessary to do this in order to get the sharpest results? On the good old cameras (like my D70s ;)) there isn't such a feature and I really don't miss it either....
I would be very happy to hear your and other's thoughts about this. The D7000 vs the D300s discussion is a very intersting topic as the current prices are almost equal.
Looking forward to your replies.

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Re: D7000 / D300s

Post by Blokkie »

Hello all,

Take a look here http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/nikond7000/
This is the site to compare and other stuff.

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Re: D7000 / D300s

Post by P.Terlouw »

I am a user of the D300s. I used the D80 and D90 before and have handheld the D7000 as well. The D300s is by far a much more professional camera in handling and feel. AF is superfast and accurate. The only minor issue is the sometimes higher level of noise in shadow aereas of which I hoped the D7000 had improved on. The reason they are at a same price level right now is because the D7000 is brandnew and my guess is price will drop very soon. Remember the the D300s was 1799 when it came out.

But to make a long story short: if you had a choice, I would go for a D300s.
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Re: D7000 / D300s

Post by wild weasel »

Hello Joost...

Of course i will share my experience, no problem at all. First of all i have to say, i allready have brought the D7000 back, it´s not my cup of tea. Right now i have a D200, and that feels solid as a rock! once you get to have the hang on that feeling, it´s a big step back to a consumer level camera, besides that, i´ve got pretty big hands. Having said that, the D7000 is probably a wonderfull camera, and i just had a bad sample, but i´m only going for the professional stuff from now on....

I changed the camera (D7000) for the 300 mm F4 afs, and boy oh boy, have i made the right decision! my D200 really comes alive with this piece of glass in front. Now to the D300s, it´s a marvelous camera and especially now has got a very attractive price tag. Don´t be fooled by all the topics and forums on DPreview or others, it´s only making your choice more difficult instead of easier. I can only share my own experience with you. I will buy the D300s somewhere this year, cause i want a second body with some good ISO performance. Together with that will come the 70-200 2.8 VRII and the 24-70 2.8, both excellent lenses and they will perform very well on the D300s. And again (like P.Terlouw mentioned too), the D300s is a much more professional camera as the D7000 is. Maybe you want to keep in mind that probably this year Nikon will launch the D400 (with the sensor of the D7000, for what its worth) an probably they will launch the mrkII version of the 80-400 mm.

But to be more to the point, I WOULD DEFINITLY BUY THE D300s!

I you have questions, let me know

EHAM wrote:Wild weasel, if you don't mind, please share the rest of your story as well. How is the D300s, compared to the D7000?
I'm thinking about buying either a D7000 or a D300s this year (I tend to the latter right now). Currently I use two (actually three) quite old D70s and it's really time for an upgrade. My D70s are becoming more and more unreliable. I'm using my cameras solely for aviation photography by the way. I don't care about high ISO performance or video quality.
And what about that AF fine tuning feature? It must be a real hell to find the best setting for each lens. Is it really necessary to do this in order to get the sharpest results? On the good old cameras (like my D70s ;)) there isn't such a feature and I really don't miss it either....
I would be very happy to hear your and other's thoughts about this. The D7000 vs the D300s discussion is a very intersting topic as the current prices are almost equal.
Looking forward to your replies.

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