ETAR 15-09-2010

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ETAR 15-09-2010

Post by FISHER01 »


Reach106 arr RS C-17A 04-4129
Herky87 Dep RS
Reach217 arr RS C-5B 86-0019
Reach205 arr RS C-17A 04-4132
Reach229 dep RS C-17A 06-6158
Jalop13 dep RS 84-0084
Reach569 arr RS C-17A 05-5141
Valor77 dep RS 84-0111
Herky860 arr C-130 08-8601
Herky864 arr C-130 08-8604
RCH535 arr 07-7175
Reach967 arr RS 98-0054
Jalop93 arr RS 84-0112
Reach279 arr RS 01-0193
RCH*03 dep RS
Herky865 arr RS C-130 07-8614
Reach269 arr RS C-17A 02-1103
Reach369 arr RS KC-10A 84-0189
Bursa17 dep RS C-21 84-0110
SPAR76 arr 02-0042
RCH844 arr 62-1823
RCH288 arr 07-7180
RCH811 dep 05-5141
RCH431 arr 02-1110
RCH186 dep 04-4133
Last edited by FISHER01 on 16 Sep 2010, 15:36, edited 3 times in total.
greetzz. Jos FISHER01 K.™

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Eric van Lisdonk
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Re: ETAR 15-09-2010

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Also heard on the livestream on freq. 129.675 was FAF6794 in the climb-out from maybe Ramstein. Sounds like a FAF Xingu.

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Re: ETAR 15-09-2010

Post by Banter »

Also a sad day as the TDY Herks finally finished . They departed around 1000L back to Youngstown via Lajes and St Johns as
VADER21 , 22 and 24 .

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