ETAR 13-08-2010

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Eric van Lisdonk
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ETAR 13-08-2010

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Here a report from today in Ramstein:

SF-260D ST-41 1W arr/dep BAF191
SF-260D ST-45 1W arr/dep BAF191
C-5A 70-0453 445AW/AFRC
C-5A 70-0466 445AW/AFRC dep Reach469
C-5B 85-0006 439AW/AFRC
C-5B 86-0021 439AW/AFRC arr Reach395
C-5B 87-0031 439AW/AFRC arr Reach592
C-5B 87-0042 60AMW dep Reach445
C-5B 87-0045 436AW
C-17A 96-0007 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach463
C-17A 96-0008 62AW dep Reach158
C-17A 00-0177 62AW
C-17A 00-0185 62AW arr Reach856
C-17A 01-0187 62AW arr Reach830
C-17A 01-0190 437AW dep Reach246
C-17A 01-0195 437AW dep Reach674
C-17A 01-0196 437AW dep Reach166
C-17A 01-0197 437AW arr/dep Reach209
C-17A 02-1103 62AW arr/dep Reach658
C-17A 03-3116 172AW/MS ANG
C-17A 03-3119 172AW/MS ANG dep Reach325
C-17A 03-3126 305AMW arr/dep Reach131
C-17A 04-4132 305AMW dep Reach169
C-17A 05-5139 452AMW/AFRC arr Reach698
C-17A 05-5146/HH 15AW/HI ANG arr/dep Reach138
C-17A 07-7175 436AW arr/dep Reach288
C-17A 07-7184 437AW dep Reach581
C-17A 08-8200 305AMW arr/dep Reach161
C-21A 84-0082 76AS dep/arr Valor67
C-21A 84-0085 76AS dep/arr Jalop34
C-21A 84-0111 76AS dep/arr Spar91
C-130H 92-3022 910AW/AFRC
C-130J 06-8610/RS 37AS arr Herky61
C-130J 06-8611/RS 37AS arr Herky98
C-130J 06-8612/RS 37AS arr Herky97
C-130J 07-8608/RS 37AS arr Herky695
C-130J 07-8613/RS 37AS arr Herky150
C-130J 08-8602/RS 37AS arr/dep Herky62/Herky605
C-130J 08-8607/RS 37AS arr/dep Herky606/Herky607
KC-135R 61-0304/D 100ARW arr Koo06
KC-135R 63-8043/AK 168ARW/AK ANG dep Reach397
1x AH-64D 2-159AVN
1x AH-64D 2-159AVN

The Apaches were towed from hangar3 to ramp2. Maybe there were more Apaches towed.
They are scheduled to leave tomorrow.


With also credits to Perry Dirkx
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Re: ETAR 13-08-2010

Post by joost »

RCH164 just called [355.800] for Inbound Message. Heard him also 132.635 Showing 93-0601 via Mode-s
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jp 74
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Re: ETAR 13-08-2010

Post by jp 74 »


there were also 4 F16's in the overshoot.

F16CM 90-828/sp bl Utah 10
F16CM ? /sp Utah 11 Came right over my head
F16CM 91-403/SP rd Gamer 21
F16CM 91-343/SP bl Gamer 22

I didn't put a squadron on it because of this ... 11#p429911" onclick=";return false;

gtz Jeroen
Compromise is failure.
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