ETAR 07-08-2010

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ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by andel »

Quiet day today on the scanners :(
But 355.800 AMCC
20 minutes out REACH596
SBS shows 99-0061 C-17
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by andel »

BACKY77 (nice callsign)
SBS shows KC-135 61-0294
Calling AMCC 355.800
But no joy.
Tried Gateway CP 372.675 and had more luck there.
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by joost »

andel wrote:Inbound
BACKY77 (nice callsign)
SBS shows KC-135 61-0294
Calling AMCC 355.800
But no joy.
Tried Gateway CP 372.675 and had more luck there.
now trying [131.975], BACKY is common callsign of 916ARW

Before that RCH695 (showing VIKNG85) came up [372.675] told to switch to (old) AMCC [241.725] and later turned up [355.800] also with no joy
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by Arjan »

Yes indeed, a very quiet afternoon. Between 13.30 and 16.30 only a take off from an Evergreen 747, a Mc Chord C-17, a C-37A and a C-40 could be observed. Together with the landing and departure of a civil Bizzjet!! Luckily there is a pool in the neighbourhood!

Dirty log:

On the ramps:
00453 C-5A Wright Patterson
70036 C-5B Travis
33116 C-17A 183 AS
33115 C-17A 183 AS
80266 C-17A 437 AW
77186 C-17A 437 AW
77172 C-17A 60 AW
10195 C-17A 437 AW
21103 C-17A 62 AW
21111 C-17A 62 AW
55139 C-17A 452 AW (not sure about serial! Blocked and blurred!)
80058/AK C-17A 3Wg
38029 KC-135R Wi Ang
71508/HH KC-135R Hi Ang (not sure about serial! Blocked and blurred!)
20375 C-20H 76 Als
50932 C-40C 932 AW

From the highway I noticed a Canadian Challenger (black c/s) taking off around 13.15. Can anyone help me on the serial??
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by AMC »

The C-17A from 452ndAMW/AFRC was 05-5139 and was parked on spot 23. The C-17A from 3rdWg/PACAF was 98-0056 and parked on spot 15.
KC-135R HH is 57-1508 and parked on spot 11 backwards. CC-144 was 144616 and parked before depart on Ramp 3 spot 4.
Hope this helps!
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by Arjan »

I don't know the spots (is there a map available?), but I get the picture!
It sure does help a lot!

Many thanks and best regards,

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Eric van Lisdonk
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Re: ETAR 07-08-2010

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Here a totally overview from today.

CC-144B 144616 412sqn dep CFC3001
C-5A 70-0453 445AW/AFRC parked
C-5B 87-0036 60AMW dep Reach159
C-17A 88-0266 437AW parked
C-17A 97-0041 437AW arr Reach333
C-17A 98-0056/AK 3W/AK ANG arr Reach328
C-17A 99-0061 62AW arr/dep Reach596
C-17A 01-0195 437AW arr Reach132
C-17A 02-1101 437AW arr Reach306
C-17A 02-1103 62AW dep Reach171
C-17A 02-1111 62AW parked
C-17A 03-3114 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach103
C-17A 03-3115 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach450
C-17A 03-3116 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach697
C-17A 05-5139 452AMW/AFRC arr Reach265
C-17A 05-5144 452AMW/AFRC dep Reach593
C-17A 06-6163 60AMW arr Reach878
C-17A 06-6167 436AW dep Reach175
C-17A 07-7171 436AW dep Reach867
C-17A 07-7172 60AMW dep Reach413
C-17A 07-7186 437AW dep Reach146
C-17A 08-8199 305AMW arr/dep Reach408
C-20H 92-0375 76AS dep Spar70
C-37A 06-0500 89AW dep SAM7874
C-40C 05-0932 932AW/AFRC arr/dep Spar14
C-130H 92-3021 910AW/AFRC dep Herky170
C-130H 92-3285 934AW/AFRC arr Reach695
KC-135R 57-1508/HH 154W/HI ANG parked
KC-135R 61-0294 916ARW/AFRC arr Backy77
KC-135R 63-8029 128ARW/WI ANG arr Reach410

Eric with also credits to Perry Dirkx
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