To give you some insight into these movements, it's just a small log of part of the day, mostly afternoons, because I work untill 3 o'clock.... I also leave out the regulars, which consist of the major american carriers and a couple of local airlines (Tiara, Insel, Venezolana), who all have multiple arrivals per day (about 20+). Check this link to see what's expected everyday at the airport:" onclick=";return false; Unfortunately, the bizzjets and bizzprops are not included in this schedule, and are unexpected surprises for me when I check the general aviation platform, which is located across the runway, on the southern side of the airport.
Flying starts as early as 6 in the morning (local time, about 10am GMT) and lasts untill about 22.30/23.00 local with the final arrival of the day, an American Airlines Boeing 757 loaded with tourists....
Lighting conditions are not super, the sun passes almost straight overhead, and after mid-day there are some good opportunities to photograph, mostly along the taxitrack from the terminal (airfield guide spot 3) to the runway threshold (airfield guide spot 2). Waiting airliners can be photographed reasonably well at the holding area near runway 11 (spot 2). As soon as I get my hands on a camera I will try and post some exaples on the board... Photo conditions at the other side are more difficult, as most bizzers are parked very near to the terminal, close together and only visible behind a 10ft high fence (spot 6) (I have not yet explored the possibilities to get access to the platform, I might do so in the near future). A bit further away from the terminal is another viewing area (spot 7)(near the old terminal building) where it might be possible to get some decent shots of the arriving and departing small aviation (the fence is old and worn, with some holes in it) because you're near to the point where they leave the runway and taxi to the GA terminal.
When I have some time to spare I will try and send an update on the spots for the airfield guide. As far as I can see some things have changed (for the better that is, traffic signs etc.) so an update is in order.