ETAR 08-07-2010

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ETAR 08-07-2010

Post by Oscar01 »

Very quiet in this forum.....

Expected today (times are zulu):
01.20 RCH149 90061
02.00 RCH945 77178
04.20 RCH132 33119
05.30 RCH664 70030
06.50 RCH131 66168
07.15 CNV4607 C-40
08.15 RCH115 21110
09.30 RCH591 55139
09.45 RCH682 30604
10.15 RCH267 33116
11.00 RCH890 77174
11.45 RCH535 60006
13.00 RCH572 10195
14.45 RCH391 21102
17.50 CNV61S2 900530 C-26
18.30 RCH135 00183
19.45 RCH508 77185

So not that busy...
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Re: ETAR 08-07-2010

Post by Thomas266 »

Hoi Oscar!
Nice to see you're back :multi: .
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