ETAR 26-06-2010

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Le Addeur noir
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ETAR 26-06-2010

Post by Le Addeur noir »

A few noted here today,

76-0160 C-12C Cobra 66 dep
03-3126 C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH516 arr 21.50
07-7174 C-17A 6 AS,436AW
07-7176 C-17A 3 AS,436 AW RCH337 arr 18,43,dep 22.05 to KNTU
08-8193 C-17A 62 AW dep RCH559
08-8198 C-17A 6 AS,305 AW RCH245 arr/dep
09-0525 C-37B 99 AS,89 AW SAM7466 dep 10.52

Full report to follow.
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and the Emir called up his jet fighters
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Re: ETAR 26.06.2010

Post by mikebursell »

Noted mid afternoon were C-17s:-
55142 March
21112, 33114, 33118 Mississippi
21100, 91189 437 AW
00175, 88193 62 AW plus another McChord that departed as we were in transit between the E end and the hill.
Herks noted were 8602/86OG, 8603/37AS, 8604, 8605(confirm?), 8606, 8607, 8608, 8609, 8610, 8613, 8614.
Look forward to your full report Mr T.

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Le Addeur noir
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Re: ETAR 26.06.2010

Post by Le Addeur noir »

This should be something like the full report(some moves were missed between 18.30 and 19.30),

87-0040 wt C-5B 22 AS,60 AMW RCH894 dep 08.40
76-0160 C-12C (USMTM Riyadh)? Cobra 66 dep 08.26 to destination unspecified
96-0003 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH340 dep 13.48 to KWRI
99-0061 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH163 dep 16.02 to OAKN
00-0175 gn C-17A 62 AW (no movement of this airplane noted)
00-0184 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH150 arr 17.17,dep 20.32
02-1102 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH158 arr 21.47,dep 27th/16.22 to KCHS
08-8193 gn C-17A 62 AW RCH559 dep between 08.30 and 19.30
03-3126 bl C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH516 arr 21.50
04-4133 bl C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH411 arr 15.49,dep around 19.00
08-8198 bl C-17A 6 AS,305 AMW RCH245 arr 16.26,dep post 22.00
07-7174 bl C-17A 3 AS,436 AW RCH454 arr 14.17,dep 17.19
07-7176 bl C-17A 3 AS,436 AW RCH337 arr 08.43,dep 22.05 to KNTU
89-1189 y C-17A 437 AW RCH285 arr 10.52,planned dep later canx due tech issues.
96-0006 y C-17A 437 AW RCH111 dep 12.10
02-1100 y C-17A 437 AW RCH895
05-5142 or/y C-17A AFRC,729 AS RCH398 arr 13.46
02-1112 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH334 arr 10.01,dep 15.54/27th as RCH850
03-3114 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH??? arr 07.20
03-3118 bl C-17A 183 AS,MS ANG RCH444 arr 08.33,dep 12.27/27th to KADW
09-0525 C-37B 99 AS,89 AW SAM7466 dep 10.57
62-3504? bl KC-135R 191 ARS,UT ANG RCH??5 arr 07.27,dep 27th/14.25 as RCH253 to OAIX

C-130J '8605 was seen during the day.

A distinct lack of reports here from the regulars.Wo sind sie Eric und Miles?.
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Eric van Lisdonk
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Re: ETAR 26.06.2010

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Le Addeur noir wrote:This should be something like the full report(some moves were missed between 18.30 and 19.30),

A distinct lack of reports here from the regulars.Wo sind sie Eric und Miles?.
I'm at home, why you ask??

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