Over the pas few weeks I have been playing with HDR. All the time I work with Photomatix 3.2 and Photoshop CS4, but I had the feeling something was not going as I intended. Today I found out what it was, but now I'm looking for a way to tackle the problem. Hopefully somebody has the answer, as I'm bit lost here......
This is what happens:
1. I import all images into Photomatix 3.2 and change all the setting in a way that the preview shows my photo the way I want it to look.
2. I hit the "process" button and let Photomatix apply all my settings to generate a TIFF-file.
3. I open the newly generated image in Photoshop CS4 to post process it for publication.
Every time I had a feeling that my Photomatix preview was not identical to what I got in Photoshop, and today I discovered I was right. Below you can see three sequential screen shots of each individual part of the process, and you will clearly notice the difference. The first image is how I want my photo to be. The second image is a bit lighter and less powerful (in dutch: fletser). The third image looks horrible with different grass color and strange lighting, and a total lack of dynamic power.
The only steps I took between image 1 and 3 were: Hit the process button, save the image and open it again in Photoshop. What can go wrong I would think.....
Any suggestions ???