EHAM 08-12-2009

ImageImageForum for all matters concerning Amsterdam-Schiphol airport (and control zone, including heliport). Customary language is Dutch, but English is also accepted.

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Re: EHAM 08-12-2009

Post by gatso76 »

Logje Oost om 0615 Lt.:
-HB-VMX Ce550
-VP-CGC Falcon 2000
-OH-III Lj60
-OE-GV(J) Lj60, VistaJet, engine covers
-N444BK Beech 200
-N515TJ Beech 400
-N112EA and N514EA Eclipse

Logje Oost om 1555 Lt.:
-CS-DUE BAe125, 'Zorro' c/s
-N836BA B737 BBJ, taxied in
-N112EA Eclipse
-OH-III Lj60
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Re: EHAM 08-12-2009

Post by ASBvS »

Wat was de regi van de Flyglobespan 737 die omstreeks 10:30 vertrok?

Ook was er een Southern? 747 die (om 10:40) richting 18L ging, deze ging echter later weer terug.
Welke 747 was dit .
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