After finishing my LOGS it's now time to post some pics.
I am not the best photographer or photoshopper but just an impression of our trip.
The beach near NAS NORTH ISLAND is a great place to take picures of the fixed wing aircraft. NAS NORTH ISLAND 04-08-09
If you love F/A-18's than is MCAS MIRAMAR a great place to spot, they are flying from sinrise to sunset. MCAS MIRAMAR 05-08-09
Like I said, till sunsed, I like the light!! MCAS MIRAMAR 05-08-09
During a nice visit this UH-60 was seen being prepared for forest firefighting.Los Alamitos 06-08-09
Just like Ramstein, but this time with mountains as background. MARCH AFB 06-08-09
A nice bird at a very boring base. NAS POINT MOGU 07-08-09
Hope you like them.....