Fence report 0715-1730 (dirty log)
Morning weather was mostly overcast but dry, from noon lots of rain.
(Spotters beware: next monday is Labor Day: a US holiday.)
C130E RS835 dep, RS897 dep+arr
C130J RS88603 dep+arr, RS88604 dep+arr
C21 40112 dep+arr, 40084 dep+arr, 40085 arr, 40087 dep+arr
C40 20042 dep+arr
C130H 11232 dep, 11237 dep, 46707 dep, 56709 dep+arr
C17 55143 arr, 21108 arr+dep, 21104 dep, 00532 arr, 10186 arr+dep, 66163 arr+dep, 66164 dep, 00183 dep, 33113 dep
C5 90015 arr, 80211 dep
KC135 23498 dep
CC144 144616 dep
Ba125 ZD704 arr+dep
On ramp 1730 (additions only)
C130E RS834, RS299
C130J RS88601, RS88602
C130H 64404, 64406, 46705, 56710
C5 60011, 60014, 60013, 70030, 00455
C17 33118, 33114, 66155, 60006
ETAR 04-09-2009
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