LOG Japan day 8 (24-5)

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patrick dirksen
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LOG Japan day 8 (24-5)

Post by patrick dirksen »

Hi all,

After yesterdays sleeping in we had to get up early again today for the open day at Takayabaru. We arrived before the gates opened and had to undergo a security check, and while waiting we got many looks, especially tall Frank, from all the "regular" public!

JGSDF Takayabaru

23052 LR-2 LR mks, c/n FL186
31251 OH-6D VIII mks, c/n 6561
31275 OH-6D WH mks
31277 OH-6D III mks
31292 OH-6D WH mks
32623 OH-1 III ATH mks
41811 UH-1J WH mks, also a Metabaru nadge "WAH 2 avn jay bird"
41851 UH-1J WH mks
43114 UH-60JA WH mks
43128 UH-60JA WH mks, also a badge with "Western army helicopter 1st avaition"
52953 CH-47JA WH mks
52964 CH-47JA WH mks
52970 CH-47JA WH mks
73437 AH-1S III ATH mks
73442 AH-1S III ATH mks, 48 anniversary mks
73446 AH-1S III ATH mks
73447 AH-1S III ATH
8417 SH-60K 22 Kok

in hangar:
31307 OH-6D nn
41887 UH-1J VIII mks

This was a rather small open day, but the sun that came through a few times made it more than worth it. Most aircraft on static display also flew in the (small) flying display. A lot of the helicopters were parked in front of the main hangar (which was out of reach for sure); those participated all in a quick flypast (or better: fly over). Unfortunately a Huey and a Cobra were spares apparently and escaped us that way, and one of the Cobras in the flypast was also not read off. Since these didn't return they probably came from Metabaru. We missed a free flight in a Chinook here by the way! In a corner of the static area a queue formed during the morning, and we had no clue why (the sign with it was in Japanese obviously). When we tried to ask we finally understood a group of people would get into a Chinook and do some taxiing. Since there was hardly any other thing to do we decided to join the queue and see. But some 15 minutes before the action was going to happen a few helicopters that participated in the flypast came back, so we decided to get out of the queue and take some pictures of those instead. But when the group had been loaded into the Chinook it didn't just taxi, it also took off, hovered a while, and then flew a short circuit as well! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. By the way, OH-6 31112 should be preserved here, but we couldn't find it. Anyone who knows where it is?
All in all we spent a large part of the day at the airfield, and when we were satisfied we decided to go back to Kumamoto (where we had also spent the night) for some W&R we didn't get to yesterday. First of all was another army camp.

JGSDF Kumamoto (32 50 31.90 N, 130 43 57.30 E)

41899 UH-1J VIII mks
22013 LR-1 pr, I HB mks (is this unit Honbu Kanri Chutai??)
31132 OH-6D pr, XII mks
41646 UH-1H pr, MH mks

When we arrived here a football match was being played at the sports field on base, when suddenly the game was paused because a Huey came in to drop someone off. Nice timing! The three preserved aircraft are difficult to see through the bush, but we managed to see the three that should be preserved next to each other. Note that the coordinates get you to an empty field on Google Earth, but that's the position where they are. The preserved F-86 that you can see just a bit northeast of here has gone. There should be two more choppers at that spot, but we couldn't see those from outside.
We knew there should be a shop with a preserved Sabre in town, but had not been able to find the right spot at home. But on the internet we had found a picture of the aircraft on which the telephone number of the shop (painted on the wall) was visible as well, and with our navigation system this was easy enough to find.

Standard work wear shop, Kumamoto (32 49 34.80 N, 130 43 05.70 E)

53-304/CT F-86F pr, USAF c/s, real id unknown

This is preserved in front of a shop along the river, and is easily accessible from outside. We got permission to climb on it so we could look for an id, but no luck.
And there was more in town!

University, Kumamoto (32 49 57.15 N, 130 41 49.00 E)

36-5014 F-104DJ pr, 203 Hik mks

This is preserved on the roof of one of the buildings of the university in town, and if the barrier at the entrance is open (like in our case, even late on a Sunday) you can drive and walk up to this building. There is even a staircase on the backside of the building, leading to the roof. This bird was a nice bonus for us since it's the only twoseater Starfighter we found during our trip.
We finished the wrecks and relics hunt in Kumamoto at the local science museum (32 48 31.00 N, 130 41 58.00 E), where a few civil bits (including a former Coast Guard Beech 18) are preserved. This was already closed when we arrived, but when we asked someone we were allowed to have a look at the aircraft anyway. As said before, very friendly people the Japanese!!
And with this town "finished" we started our journey south again, towards the famous airbase of Nyutabaru. Tomorrow we would start here and see if this base would live up to its reputation!

As always additions, corrections and comments are very welcome.

That's all folks!

Frank Mink & Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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