REQ: Westland WS-58 Wessex production

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Joris Heeren
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REQ: Westland WS-58 Wessex production

Post by Joris Heeren »


According to the official AgustaWestland website, a total of 385 Wessex' were produced (167 Mk1, 3 HAS3, 215 HC2/HCC4/HU5 plus civil variants). I tried to compile a list and found 378 examples (so 7 short). However, I found a gap of 7 serial numbers (coincidence?). Could someone provide details of Wessex serials WA114 through WA120?

The breakdown I found is as follows:
140 HAS1
72 HC2 (plus 1 conv)
3 HAS3 (plus 42 conv)
2 HCC4
101 HU5 (some conv to HC5C)
27 Mk31 for Australia
12 Mk52 for Iraq
2 Mk53 for Ghana
2 Mk54 for Brunei
17 Mk60 civil (of which 16 given as series 1 aircraft)

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Re: REQ: Westland WS-58 Wessex production

Post by Rotorspot »

Joris Heeren wrote:Hi,

According to the official AgustaWestland website, a total of 385 Wessex' were produced (167 Mk1, 3 HAS3, 215 HC2/HCC4/HU5 plus civil variants). I tried to compile a list and found 378 examples (so 7 short). However, I found a gap of 7 serial numbers (coincidence?). Could someone provide details of Wessex serials WA114 through WA120?

The breakdown I found is as follows:
140 HAS1
72 HC2 (plus 1 conv)
3 HAS3 (plus 42 conv)
2 HCC4
101 HU5 (some conv to HC5C)
27 Mk31 for Australia
12 Mk52 for Iraq
2 Mk53 for Ghana
2 Mk54 for Brunei
17 Mk60 civil (of which 16 given as series 1 aircraft)


Hi Joris,

I have WA114 through WA120 as "not built". I have no idea what versions they were, or theire potential customers.

Jos Stevens
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