18/200mm lens or 70/200mm

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18/200mm lens or 70/200mm

Post by geert »

Just wondering, what lens gives the best result?

I know there are more factors, but what do you guys recomend?
18/200, so I don't have to change lenses, or
70/200. I have to change lenses then.


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Re: 18/200mm lens or 70/200mm

Post by bramos »

Definately the 70-200. There's like a law that says that each lens with a zoomfactor (largest focal length divided by the shortest focal length) bigger than 4 or 5 is rubbish.

Don't know if I completely agree, but I do keep away from these megazooms. Furthermore, the 70-200 has a fixed aperture over the complete range, is L (so sturdy and with beautiful colours) and can be fitted with an (1.4x) extender/converter to increase its focal length to 98-280.
EOS400d + Sigma 18-50 + EF 24-70 F2.8 L USM + EF 70-200 F4 L USM + EF 1.4x II + SlingShot 300AW + 055XPROB + SBH-100
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Re: 18/200mm lens or 70/200mm

Post by Flyboy »

geert wrote:Just wondering, what lens gives the best result?
Sounds like the other question about 300mm.
18-200 mm is a nice lens on holiday: no need to change a lens: no dust on the sensor.
70-200 (2.8 VR??) is definately something different.

But I think this is not your question....

Try to figure out what type of spotter/photographer you are, how much time/effort/money you want to put in in and then decide what you want to buy and start saving money.

"Think before you click or click before you think: thats the question." :popcorn:
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Re: 18/200mm lens or 70/200mm

Post by Andras »

If you want quality, absolutley the 70-200 (factor 3), the other is factor 11 !! That means loss of quality with a Capitol Q. I can tell you about all the technical do's and don't's, I won't . No disscusion here lol.

Andras Brandligt
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