For each category three prices were given and the speakers of the evening also selected an overall winner out of the five number ones.
We hope everybody joining the competition enjoyed doing so!
The Scramble editorial team enjoyed selecting the best photos, thank you for entering them.
A big thank you goes to the sponsors of this event that allowed us to offer an impressive price list.
Unfortunately also on this contest Canon was unwilling to contribute as all winnnig pictures were made with Canon equipment.
Below this text the winning pictures are shown.
The winners were:
Category: Powerrr!
#1 - Roel Reijne: Dutch Air Force Instruction flight in an F16 or Apache simulator.
#2 - Tim de Groot: Flash Aviation Shop 50 Euro gift voucher
#3 - Dirk Jan de Ridder: Scramble Storage Box + T-shirt
Category: Schiphol
#1 - Tim de Groot: Singles & Twins Flying School Instruction Flight in a GA aircraft
#2 - Martijn Rooze: Aviodrome Entrance ticket for two in Aviodrome museum + mistery visit
#3 - Tim de Groot: Scramble Storage Box + T-shirt
Category: The early days
#1 - Roel Reijne: Flash Ballonvaarten Balloon ride
#2 - Gerrit van de Veen: Aviodrome Entrance ticket for two in Aviodrome museum + mistery visit
#3 - H.W. van Boeijen: Scramble Storage Box + T-shirt
Category: Airplane as a side issue
#1 - Martijn Rooze: CAE Hoofddorp Instruction flight in a B737 or Fo100 simulator
#2 - Martijn Rooze: Aviation Mega Store/LHS 50 Euro gift voucher
#3 - Andras Brandligt: Scramble Storage Box + T-shirt
Category: Photoshop
#1 - Wolfgang Mendorf: Focus Media 1 Year subscription to Focus magazine + Aviation Mega Store/LHS 50 Euro gift voucher
#2 - H.W. van Boeijen: Focus Media 1 Year subscription to Focus magazine
#3 - Richard Baas: Scramble Storage Box + T-shirt
Category: Overall Winner
Roel Reijne: Scramble 1 Year subscription to Scramble magazine
Congratulations to the winners! The winners will be contacted on the e-mail address soon for further details.
The overall winning picture: