Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

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Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by ToVeR »


For 2009 I am planning some firsts (for me) with regards to spotting events:
In July I will be at Fairford for two days. Been there before on Saturdays, but this year I will for the first time combine a visit to the show on Sunday with the departures day on Monday.
In addition there is a fairly big chance I will attend MAKS in Moscow in August (combined with a Monino visit).

Now I am wondering a bit about the requirements to my photographic material and more specifically on the "best" zoom range for these events, mainly the Fairford departures day and the show at MAKS. For static purposes I have a 18-200 zoom lens that provides good results for static photography. However, for the more distant action I am wondering a bit what is needed. My interest is not really in making pictures of details of aircraft, I like them simply nose to tail (or from wingtip to wingtip, for that matter) with not too much margin on either side to the edge of the photo.

Would somebody be able to indicate some good zoom range? I am using a DSLR: the Canon EOS 400D.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by bramos »

A few tips:
Canon 70-200 F4 L USM (possibly together with an 1.4x extender)
Canon 100-400 F4.5-5.6 L IS USM
Canon 300mm F4 IS USM (possibly together with an 1.4x extender)

I don't exactly know what kind of shows the one's you'll be attending are, but I think most of the action is military. There you might be very happy with a big 'tele-toeter', but when you're close to the action and the aircraft are larger, you might want to have the (faster and sharper) 70-200 F4.

Other brands also got alternatives (especially Sigma, with a 120-400, 170-500, 150-500 and 50-500 (I believe)), but they won't match the optic quality of a Canon L-lens. When looking at that aspect, how limited is your budget?

You might want to have a look at a Canon 100-400 vs. Sigma 120-400 topic on this forum as well. Might be handy tips in there ;).
EOS400d + Sigma 18-50 + EF 24-70 F2.8 L USM + EF 70-200 F4 L USM + EF 1.4x II + SlingShot 300AW + 055XPROB + SBH-100
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Re: Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by ToVeR »

I am mainly trying to find out here what kind of equipment in terms of zoom range would be nice for the aforementioned events. And also, if it would be useful I am not against making equipment investments, but I should have the feeling that it is useful for me to have, apart from fore these two events.

Currently I can cover a range from 18 to 400mm. Spread over 3 lenses if I want to, but I started to prefer Canon over Tamron, so I spread it over 4. I know from my current aircraft spotting experience that there is not much I am missing on the higher end combining 300 mm with my Canon EOS 400D. In addition I have a hand a bit unsteady. This is not so much a problem for moving objects (although...), but is cumbersome for slow moving "targets" or objects standing still and only just filling up the 300 mm zoom range.

Actually I read some nice things about the Canon EF 70-300mm F 4-5.6 IS USM. Seems to be more pleasing than the 75-300mm.

Budget: I would not say unlimited, but I see this as an investment for the future as well. So it may be a little bit higher, but I am currently for sure not aiming above €1.000.

But again: first of all I would very much like to know what zoom range(s) would be nice to have for the departures day at Fairford and the show at MAKS.
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Re: Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by jeroenow »

I don't know if it is still possible nowadays but back in the early 1990's I took this Bear with a Nikkor 2.8/80-200mm with focal length 200mm (analog it is) from the ATC-tower at Zhukovsky. So a Bear with 200mm means 400mm for Fulcrums, Flankers, etc I guess...

photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
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Re: Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by nilsko »

For Fairford you're fine with a 70-200 (or along those lines) lens for the taxi shots coming alongside the departure viewing area (for the planes coming from the southside of the base). You are good with a 300mm lens for planes taking the northern route and coming straight to you when entering the runway. See ... index.html for some examples. All were taken with my good ol' EOS 300D with 70-200/f4 L and 300m/f4 L glass-o-rama ;-)
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Re: Useful zoom ranges for RIAT (departures day) & MAKS

Post by Hans »


Last couple of times I visited the MAKS, there was very little in the flying program - especially compared with the 1990's, so I wouldn't bother about it when deciding which lens to buy. On the other hand...... being able to shoot the demo of a Su-30MK-series might be worthwile in its own right ;-) But you need some serious tele for that (like 800mm+)
For the static it's the usual wide angles.

(why am I giving advice here...?? I even didn't take a camera with me !! ;-) )
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