Uit mn hoofd de 9V-SKA vanmiddag +/- 14.15 vanaf Heathrow en vanavond de 9V-SKF naar Heathrow.
EDIT 09.35 28-09-08
Eventjes de 4526 move,s van gisteren gecheckt
SIA 317 9V-SKA A-380 entered my SBS box at 14.11
SIA 318 9V-SKF A-380 op 19.36
Hopelijk wat mensen mee geholpen.
Gr Mark
Zojuist rond 10:15lt een zeer zwaar en lang gebrom hier over Purmerend heen.
Iemand wellicht info via SBS-1 radar log of dit de AN22 was???......
Geluid ( zeer gaaf) hield lang aan.
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
Overhead Ede around 10.15 and around 11.00 2 Bo 105 helicopters
I think German ones but I have no serial
They were flying in the direction SSB and later back
Greetings Raymond
Today I saw again 2 Bo 105 helicoters above Ede from the German army
But I do not know were they are coming from and the serial is also unknown to me?
Greetings Raymond
Few minutes ago over Beek (between Zevenaar and Doetinchem) a Cougar very low. Was too late to catch him on photo
On SBS-1 I can see S-450 is flying, are there more in the air at the moment?
Raymond wrote:Today I saw again 2 Bo 105 helicoters above Ede from the German army
But I do not know were they are coming from and the serial is also unknown to me?
Greetings Raymond
A few minutes ago there were 2 Bo 105's visible over Ede again. Now heading South.