Lasham (EGHL/QLA) - 2008

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John Creasey
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Lasham (EGHL/QLA) - 2008

Post by John Creasey »

Lasham (QLA/EGHL).
Saturday, 16th February 2008 (10:45L - 11:15L).

G-FJEB Boeing 757-23A, Flyjet (24290/212)
* ... 919274522/.
VP-BSQ Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (26672/2343)
VP-BSW Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (26695/2423)
VP-BSV Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (26692/2421)
VP-BSX Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (26699/2485)
VP-BTG Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (25383/2146)
VP-BTI Boeing 737-522, S7 Airlines (25387/2179)
* ... 919274522/.
Z3-AAH Boeing 737-522, Macedonian Airlines (26675/2345, EX: VP-BSU)
* Re-registered Friday, 08th February 2008 and to be ferried to East Midlands (EMA/EGNX) for re-painting.

Visible from Lasham village and to the South of the airfield were five of the seven former S7 Airlines aircraft, though 'VP-BTG' and 'VP-BTI' are the only frames identifiable. A panoramic view can be seen here; ... 919274522/

To the West 'G-FJEB' resides with an untitled frame minus both portside and starboard engines. The frame is destined for Federal Express after freighter conversion.

All seven Boeing 737 frames are visible from the North side and Lasham Gliding Society, though not all identifiable, with 'VP-BSV' and 'Z3-AAH' confirmed to the West. The seven aircraft remain in the green S7 Airlines scheme though minus red 'S7' tail emblem and forward fuselage titles.
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Post by BOEING7E7 »


Does anyone has an update which S7 Airlines B737s are currently
present and parked outside?

Besides 7 of these S7 B737s following were present on 16 March.

N490AN - Fischer Air B757
G-FJEB - Untitled B757

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Lasham (EGHL/QLA) - 2008

Post by Wijgert IJlst »

Seen outside on Saterday the 12th July:
B.737 5U-BAG Republique du Niger
This goverment aircraft was parked next to some of the civil (stored?) green colored B.737 at the maintenance company, near the ATC part of the field.
Kind Regards / Groeten,

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Post by Bokkum »

Lasham 13/07/2008:

VP-BTG B735 (S7)
VP-BTI B735 (S7)
VP-BSQ B735 (S7)
VP-BSU B735 (S7)
VP-BSV B735 (S7)
VP-BSW B735 (S7)
VP-BSX B735 (S7)
5U-BAG B732 Republique du Niger
N9748C B727 DHL (not read off)
OO-DHR B727 DHL (not read off)
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LOG: Lasham (QLA/EGHL), 27/09/2008.

Post by John Creasey »

Lasham (QLA/EGHL).
Saturday, 27th September 2008.

EC-JQX Boeing 737-329, Hola Airlines (MSN23774/1443)
* Complete white untitled scheme. Aircraft in temporary storage.
C-GOAF Boeing 737-86N/W, Sunwing Airlines Inc. (MSN29883/1083)
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
C-GTSN Boeing 757-28A, Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter Ltd. (MSN24543/268)
* Complete scheme and titles of former Zoom Airlines (Z4/OOM). Aircraft in temporary storage.
D-AIAI Airbus A300B4-603, **Unknown** (MSN391)
* Complete scheme of Lufthansa (LH/DLH) minus titles. Aircraft withdrawn and stored prior to parting-out.
G-XLAG Boeing 737-86N/W, GE Commercial Aircraft Services Co./Celestial Aviation Trading 14 Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
G-XLAK Boeing 737-8FH/W, Royal Bank of Scotland Aviation Capital/MCAP Europe Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
G-XLAN Boeing 737-86N/W, GE Commercial Aircraft Services Co./Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
G-XLAO Boeing 737-86N/W, GE Commercial Aircraft Services Co./Celestial Aviation Trading 54 Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
G-XLAP Boeing 737-96NER/W, GE Commercial Aircraft Services Co./Celestial Aviation Trading 6 Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
G-XLAR Boeing 737-96NER/W, GE Commercial Aircraft Services Co./Celestial Aviation Trading 6 Ltd.
* Complete scheme and titles of former XL Airways UK (JN/XLA). Aircraft in temporary storage.
[OO-DHN] N9748C Boeing 727-31C, European Air Trasnport (MSN20113/711)
* Aircraft withdrawn and stored.
OO-DHR Boeing 727-35F, European Air Transport (MSN19834/489)
* Aircraft withdrawn and stored.
VP-BAA Boeing 727-51 (MSN19123/334)
VP-BAJ Boeing 727-30/W (MSN18936/249)
5N-BKQ Boeing 737-522, AeroContractors Co. of Nigeria Ltd. (MSN26695/2423)
* Complete scheme and titles. Aircraft in temporary storage.
5N-BLD Boeing 737-522, AeroContractors Co. of Nigeria Ltd. (MSN26675/2345)
* Complete scheme of S7 Airlines (S7/SBI) with forward fuselage 'aero' title. Aircraft in temporary storage.
5N-BLE Boeing 737-522, AeroContractors Co. of Nigeria Ltd. (MSN26672/2343)
* Complete scheme of S7 Airlines (S7/SBI) minus titles. Aircraft in temporary storage.
5N-BLG Boeing 737-522, AeroContractors Co. of Nigeria Ltd. (MSN25387/2179)
* Complete scheme of S7 Airlines (S7/SBI) minus titles. Aircraft in temporary storage.
5N-BLH Boeing 737-522, AeroContractors Co. of Nigeria Ltd. (MSN25383/2146)
* Complete scheme of S7 Airlines (S7/SBI) minus titles. Aircraft in temporary storage. ... 924/detail
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G-XLAP at Lasham

Post by raameagle »

Can somebody confirm where this is parked please as I called there and read the others off John's list, but not G-XLAP?

Regards and thanks

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John Creasey
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Re: LOG: Lasham (QLA/EGHL), 27/09/2008.

Post by John Creasey »

Viewing of G-XLAP the former XL Airways UK B739/W is restricted from outside the perimeter of the airfield. Despite this, views can be obtained between EC-JQX B733 and 5N-BLD B735 as per the link below; ... 537169924/

Although not visible in the image, the rear of the unit can be seen.

This view-point can be located from the south of the village;

Should you require anything further please do hesitate to contact me.
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Post by John K »

Further to last posting on 27 Sep 08, visit on 15 Oct produced the following:-

EIDGZ 738 Futura + 2 others unidentified in full FH c/s
ECJQX 733 all white
CGOAF 738 + 6 UK reg`d 738/9
5NBLE/G/H ex Sibir c/s - no sign of the other two
N239CG all white 737 possibly BBJ
CGTSN ex Zoom 757
Also two other unidentified 737s with stylised orange letter F on white tail
The resident 727s VPBAA/J and the DHL wrecks.

Any identification on the 4 737s above please?
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