Hello again all!
Time for the last part of our Balkan trip, this time the Bulgarian visits. Unfortunately there were less of those than expected, as the Bulgarians decided we were not welcome at their active bases after all, just before we arrived. Sounds familiar? We had the same thing three years ago with a trip organised by GRAS. Even now they are a Nato member, they are not interested in keeping appointments apparently. This obviously meant that our trip was shorter than originally planned, as we now would only visit some museums.
The first day we drove all the way to Plovdiv, where Krumovo airbase with the main aviation museum is. But while leaving Sofia we passed the Air Force HQ which has a few aircraft on display as well.
Sofia, 11-5-07
(01) MiG-19S pr
(223) MiG-21PF pr
? LAZ-7 pr
Next was the museum of Krumovo, which is immediately next to the military base. Some flying was going on here, so a few helicopters were noted as some kind of bonus after all.
Krumovo museum, 11-5-07
01 A-11 pr (glider)
025 An-2M pr
110 An-14 pr
3 Ar-196A-3 pr
425 Il-2M3 pr
97 Il-14M pr
43 Il-28R pr
11 L-29 pr, Bulgarian mks but ex USSR?
10 L-200D pr
20 L-200D pr
- Li-2 pr, real id CCCP-13381
(12) Mi-1 pr, camo c/s
(LZ-5017) Mi-1 pr, silver c/s, mil mks
209 Mi-2 pr, c/n 544205065
52 Mi-4A pr
53 Mi-4A pr
54 Mi-4A std
302 Mi-8T pr
812 Mi-14BT pr
101 Mi-24D pr
? MiG-15bis std, u/m
? MiG-15bis std, u/m
202 MiG-15UTI pr
21 MiG-17PF pr
22 MiG-17PF pr
30 LiM-5R pr (MiG-17F)
71 MiG-17F pr
150 Lim-5 pr (MiG-17F)
030 MiG-19S pr
506 MiG-19P pr
882 MiG-19S pr
936 MiG-19PM pr
05 MiG-21US pr, c/n 07685143
(20) MiG-21PF pr, spec c/s, l/n 0804
52 MiG-21MF pr
62 MiG-21PFM pr
501 MiG-21F-13 pr
613 MiG-21M pr
021 MiG-23UB pr
50 MiG-23BN pr at entrance
79 MiG-23BN pr
390 MiG-23MLD pr
670 MiG-23MF pr
206 Su-22UM-3K pr
818 Su-22M-4 pr
27 Tu-2T pr
27 Yak-9U pr, real id 7??
55 Yak-11 pr
23 Yak-23 pr
45 Yak-23 pr
63-899/8-899 CF-104 pr
02 Yak-52 pr
in hangar:
LZ-K19 Po-2 pr, ex mil?
LZ-M34 LAZ-7M pr, ex mil?
at airfield:
701 AS.532
703 AS.532
069 L-410UVP-E3 1/16 TrAE
402 Mi-17
403 Mi-17
404 Mi-17
410 Mi-17
432 Mi-17 spec equipment (ELINT?)
434 Mi-17
132 Mi-24D
137 Mi-24D
144 Mi-24V
146 Mi-24V 1/24 VAE
(01) SM-1/300 pr (Mi-1)
(203) Mi-2 pr
44 Mi-4A pr
51 Mi-4A pr gate
(301) Mi-8T pr
? MiG-17 dump far side
? MiG-17 dump far side
A very nice museum, and about half of the aircraft are parked perfect for photography. Next to the stored Mi-4 and two MiG-15s there are a few civilian wrecks and some unidentified parts. Apparently also parts of Mi-8 305 should be here, but we didn’t see anything substantial which could be it. Hind 146, Hip 432 and both Cougars were flying all day, a lot of the others are probably stored. More were present, but due to heat waves and security those were not read off.
After this we drove to the nearby village of Katunitze, as thanks to Scramble and Airliners.net I had found out that no less than 10 MiG-23s should be there. The village was easily found, and we were lucky enough to find a local on a moped who was willing to drive to the MiGs followed by our bus. And when we arrived there the wife of the owner was present as well, and she was willing to open the gate for us and let us into the yard. How lucky can you get!
Katunitze, 11-5-07
MiG-23BN: 23, 31, 36, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 65, 80
All but 23, 31 and 36 had a badge on the nose, which was a large eye. Somebody who knows which unit used this? And in the museum we saw a few badges as well, both Su-22s had one and also MiG-21 62 and MiG-23 390. Any info is welcome!
On the way back to Sofia we made a quick stop at a small civilian airfield near Vojsil, but we didn’t get permission to enter and only some civilian An-2s and Mi-2s were present anyway. For those who are interested, the An-2s were LZ-SNE, LZ-1182, LZ-1233, LZ-1234 and LZ-1236, the Mi-2s were LZ-5027 (526008019), LZ-5033, LZ-5036 (526022029), LZ-5038 (526446010) and LZ-5039 (526447010). There was also the wreckage of an unidentified Ka-26.
Next morning two small museums in Sofia town were visited.
Military Historical Museum, Sofia, 12-5-07
63 L-29 pr, 53-7209
205 Mi-2 pr, 563109093
303 Mi-8T pr, 10303
108 Mi-24D pr, 246-95089
03 MiG-15UTI pr, real id 221 still visible
28 MiG-17F pr, real id 72
939 MiG-19PM pr
67 MiG-21PFM pr, 2920 *
26 MiG-23UB pr, 23Y-37856/A1037856
867 MiG-23MLA pr, 3A-24867 **
511 Su-22M-4 pr, 36511
* this one had a badge with an aircraft silhouette against a sun. Any info on the unit?
** this MiG-23 had two con number plates just above each other in the main wheel bay, one with 17328 on it and one with 17329….
All those aircraft are preserved outside. Inside there is also an interesting display, but no aircraft are present here.
National Historical Museum, Sofia, 12-5-07
113 Mi-24D pr, 246-04394
525 MiG-21bis pr, 75-3025/03025/0304
29 MiG-23UB pr, 23Y-38318
070 MiG-23MLA pr, 3A-24870/17416 *
* this MiG-23 had a badge consisting of a MiG-silhouette. Which unit is this?
And that was the last official visit of the trip. I flew home the same evening, and on the airport the following was seen:
Sofia-Vrazhdebna, 12-5-07
An-2 027
An-26 070, 07(5), 080, 087, 090
An-30 055
L-410 (062), 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069
Mi-2 503, 505
Mi-17 419, 510
So almost the complete transport fleet (apart from the PC-12 which I didn’t need anyway), plus a few helicopters. Not a bad ending
It was a big shame the operational Bulgarian stuff was not photographed; I would have loved some shots of MiG-21, MiG-29, Su-25 etcetera, but still we saw some very nice aircraft and it was definitely worth it.
As always comments, additions and corrections are very welcome.
That’s all folks!
Frank Mink & Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
LOG Balkan final part (Bulgaria)
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Dear Patrick,
a belated 'thank you' for posting this log. Myself and a couple of friends used this as a guide for our mini road-trip to Bulgaria this past weekend (March 8 & 9) and we found it to be most useful.
Now for a couple additions.
First of all, there was an unidentified L-39 (light grey with what looked like a dog's head painted on the vertical fin next to the roundel) added to the MiG-23 'collection' at Katunice. Unfortunately we didn't have the welcome you enjoyed, quite the opposite I should say.
There was an L-29 on a pole in the village of Batak, south Boulgaria.
And the Military history museum now holds more MiGs...
Front yard:
MiG-23UB '29'
MiG-23MLA '070'
MiG-21bis '525'
Back yard:
MiG-23MLA '867'
MiG-23UB '26'
MiG-15UTI '03'
MiG-17F '28'
MiG-19PM '939'
MiG-21bis '501'
MiG-21PFM '67'
I hope these are of some use.
a belated 'thank you' for posting this log. Myself and a couple of friends used this as a guide for our mini road-trip to Bulgaria this past weekend (March 8 & 9) and we found it to be most useful.
Now for a couple additions.
First of all, there was an unidentified L-39 (light grey with what looked like a dog's head painted on the vertical fin next to the roundel) added to the MiG-23 'collection' at Katunice. Unfortunately we didn't have the welcome you enjoyed, quite the opposite I should say.
There was an L-29 on a pole in the village of Batak, south Boulgaria.
And the Military history museum now holds more MiGs...
Front yard:
MiG-23UB '29'
MiG-23MLA '070'
MiG-21bis '525'
Back yard:
MiG-23MLA '867'
MiG-23UB '26'
MiG-15UTI '03'
MiG-17F '28'
MiG-19PM '939'
MiG-21bis '501'
MiG-21PFM '67'
I hope these are of some use.
- Scramble Master
- Posts: 3308
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- Type of spotter: Mil & ex-mil, zowel nummers als platen!
- Subscriber Scramble: patrick dirksen
- Location: Eindhoven (en een beetje Epe)
- phantom_phixer
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