It looks like we have somewhat exhausted the B707 topic. Lets kick off another, we already mentioned a number of types but the IL76 is one of my favourites.
I have named the topic in the low countries, that would include Ostend in my opinion so post your replies with pictures Belgium!
To get things started (and forgive me for making it a complete broadside at the first go) here are some of my shots.
During the eighties Schiphol had a number of visits by Iraqi IL76's to pick up some dark (chemical) merchandise.
There were also visits by Syrian IL76's but I was never so fortunate as to see them.
Otherwise we had to make do with the occasional Aeroflot example
Another friendly neighbor was Lybia in those days
This last one is at Rotterdam ofcourse
Then came Glasnost and all of a sudden there were IL76's available for freight charters. It started with Metro Air, a Swiss company chartering the Russians for humanitarian flights
(hence the red crosses)
then the red crosses were gone and they came on regular freight charters with Schiphol becoming some kind of hub for them
(we even had a Yak40 doing crew transfers)
finally the Aeroflot cheatline disappeared
Following in their wake a whole bunch of companies came and went
Most of them still had the aeroflot cheatline, these were exiting times. Things got really classy when actual colors were applied
Sayakhat at Rotterdam
Heavylift were the freightbrokers for Volga Dnepr in those days
Moscow airways and Uralinteravia only made one visit each to my knowledge, Uralinteravia flew freigth for a group of people that arrived in an Ural Al Tu154.
Most gracious however was Cairo Charter & Cargo
I hope you like this selection and please, if you have some more airlines, cargo companies or air forces please feel free to add.
Stefan Lodewijks also has a topic on more recent visits by the type to Eindhoven:
Kind regards