While I agree that everyone had to start some day I think being a bit more critical at your own work and that of others doesn't hurt anyone. While I will take the photo's from this thread as an example I would like to make clear that my statements are not personal. Jimmy, please do not see any personal attack in my statements as none is meant.
I feel that this board isn't critical enough at the photo's posted and is too negative to those who don't like the pictures posted. A lot of the shots posted here are great in quality, newsvalue etc (see the recent Japan thread, those photos make me want to see more, and even go there myself). However, there is a lot of 'rubbish' posted as well, including this thread. If the photographer likes them, by all means please keep on doing what you love to do. The joy in the hobby is the most important of all. On the other hand, I regard these photo's as something for the personal collection. They are unsharp, dark and some have more sky than aircraft.
Of course the gear used plays a part in your shots, but the photographer is the most important of all. That is not only having an eye for composition, but also understanding and mastering your equipment. It's easy to say 'he doesn't have the expensive equipment so give him a break' (a brake is a 'rem' in dutch

), however knowing the limitations of you and your equipment is essential. The best way to learn your equipment is by doing, and getting feedback. The learning curve is the lowest if you start under easy conditions, sun in the back with aircraft on the ground. The photo's as posted here are probably one of the hardest, moving aircraft under bad weather conditions. You really have to know what you are doing to get some good results under these conditions. I know I would struggle, and I would like to think I know pretty well what I'm doing. Even for me there is still a lot to learn.
The main question here probably is, 'What are the objectives of you and of this messageboard'? Do we want to keep it at the level displayed in this thread (again, no personal attack meant), or do we want to take it to a higher level by giving critique, and taking it? I see threads on this board with shots that I regard as mediocre at best, though I see loads of replies with 'nice shots', 'great shots' and 'beautiful'. While I respect peoples opinions, comments like those won't get your shots any better. And if someone gives (reasonable) critique, such as in this thread, people start telling that person off. I (amongst others) don't care what people say about me, and I will say what I have to (as indicated by this post) a lot of others will be put off by these comments. And what does that achieve? We get an environment where we only post 'nice pics', and no-one gets any better at their hobby.
To illustrate my point, I recently posted
this thread at Fencecheck, asking for advice, because I knew I wouldn't get that advice here. I think this is a shame that we can't help each other to a next level of photography, and 'attack' others that do. The best way to learn is to get advice from people that know their stuff. The other way of learning is being critical at your own shots, and deciding what the interest is to the rest of the viewers. There is some big potential in some photographers here, let's get it out!
I know that some people will feel that they are personally attacked by this post, but keep in mind 'wie de schoen past trekt hem aan'. Decide for yourself, do you want to keep taking pictures (kiekjes), or do you want to go to a higher level and start making photos (foto's)? It's up to you!