Usually Chris and I combine the Superbowl with Presidents day / Miami Boat show (a guarantee for high demand of biz traffic)
With the Superbowl being held in New Orleans (not the most exciting area, also from experience as we visited the 2013 edition), we decided to skip the Superbowl and do a Mexico trip instead
Arrived in MEX 05feb early evening on a BA flight from LHR, got a cheap hotel near the terminal as we would have an early flight out already
Mexico City (MEX)
Thursday 06feb = 5x biz
(seen airside from terminal 1)
3911 / CL605 / 5967
ANX-1204 / LJ60 / 60-152
N591CF / Hs125 / 258175
XC-LQB / Hs125 / 257125
XC-LQO / Hs125 / 257046
Monterrey (MTY)
Thursday 06feb = 5x biz
N37AC / LJ31 / 31-012
XA-JBG / Hs125 / 258715
XA-LXT / Gulf.550 / 5509
XA-MMN / LJ35 / 35-221
XA-OOI / CL650 / 6122
On our way to our hotel at NTR (CityExpress with views on the runway) a small detour
Paintball Field:
(junction Avenida del Bosque / Avenida Filiberto Jimenez Orozco)
(XA-SLR) / Hs125 / 25112
Monterry del Norte (NTR)
Thursday 06feb = 46x biz
N110HA / Gulf.200 / 35
N1932M / Phenom / 505-810
N239GA / Gulf.5 / 517
N321VA / Ce650 / 650-7077
N3657R / Be390 / RB-124
N414VG / Gulf.4 / 1117
N502CA / Be400 / RK-525
N582JR / Ce525 / 525B0582
N609MT / Ce550 / 550-0123
N633LG / Ce525 / 525-0992
N728HH / Hs125 / 258166
N78MD / Ce550 / 550-0970
N858AV / Hs125 / 258731
N910CR / Phenom / 505-629
N917HP / BD100 / 20285
XA-AVN / Gulf.5 / 554
XA-CRO / Phenom / 505-306
XA-DGG / LJ75 / 45-0577
XA-EVG / CL604 / 5357
XA-FGL / Gulf.280 / 2119
XA-FUD / Ce680 / 680-0579
XA-LAM / BD700 / 9529
XA-LPK / Ce525 / 525C0025
XA-LPZ / CL605 / 5810
XA-MCT / Ce525 / 525B0629
XA-MJT / CL605 / 5853
XA-MLC / Ce680 / 680A0289
XA-RIN / Gulf.550 / 5042
XA-SCR / Leg.500 / 550-010
XA-TPB / Hs125 / HA-206
XB-AOC / Be400 / RK-333
XB-GFI / Ce550 / 550-0303
XB-HRA / Fa20 / 127 (wfu)
XB-LVS / LJ45 / 45-0376
XB-SKG / Ce550 / 550-0077
XB-THL / Ce551 / 551-0393
XB-UAD / LJ31 / 31-242
XB-URH / LJ45 / 45-0046
Stored at the dump:
N25JT / Hs125 / 25053
XA-AAA / LJ24 / 24-208
XA-LOV / Hs125 / 25283
XA-MKY / Hs125 / 256064
XA-UIC / MU300 / A055SA
(XA-UOW) / Hs125 / 257036 (no reg visible, matching c/s)
XB-JKG / Hs125 / 25146
XB-MSV / Hs125 / 25185
Monterry del Norte (NTR)
Friday 07feb = 2x biz
N100EX / Phenom / 500-130
N304CT / CL601 / 3044
Monterrey (MTY)
Friday 07feb = 2x biz
XA-SAA / LJ45 / 45-0236
XB-ACM / Hs125 / 257171
Queretaro (QRO)
Friday 07feb = 27x biz
N119TC / Be400 / RK-297
N234FJ / Fa2000 / 34
N34LA / Ce525 / 525C0310
N36DZ / Gulf.3 / 450
N531JD / Fa2000EX / 135
N750ML / Ce560 / 560-0247
N842PA / Gulf.4 / 1057
N87PT / Ce550 / 550-0174
XA-FDM / Gulf.4 / 1306
XA-GVT / SF50 / 380
XA-MRS / LJ60 / 60-333
Stored at the dump:
N14DM / LJ24 / 24-341
N187CA / LJ25 / 25-187
N219CA / Fa20 / 193
N380CF / Sabre / 380-51
N601DF / CL600 / 1049
N913SC / Hs125 / 258125
XA-MMD / LJ24 / 24-326
XA-MME / LJ25 / 25-277
XA-RAP / Sabre / 306-88
XA-YUR / Fa20 / 475
XB-IPX / Hs125 / 25188
XB-MMN / Sabre / 306-72
Universidad Aeronautica:
XB-NFE / LJ25 / 25-102
(XB-NOA) / Sabre / 306-128 (fuselage only)
XC-QER / Fa20 / 287
Conalep Aeronautico (off airport):
XB-EGO / Sabre / 282-124
Queretaro (QRO)
Saturday 08feb = 2x biz
N420DD / Ha420 / 420-078
XA-MLS / Be400 / RK-487
Unfortunately seated on the wrong side of the plane while taxiing in at Cancun, otherwise more would got into the notebook
Cancun (CUN)
Saturday 08feb = 20x biz
N24PH / Ce560XL / 560-5571
N315QS / Ce680 / 680-0220
N316GV / Phenom / 505-581
N529QS / Ce680 / 680A0309
N542QS / Ce680 / 680A0091
N655QS / Ce560XL / 560-5655
N68AR / Hs125 / 258234
N732WB / Be400 / RK-403
N786BD / SF50 / 609
N918QS / Ce680 / 680A0339
XA-AAO / Hs125 / 258022
XA-JTM / Hs125 / 258253
XA-UMV / LJ31 / 31-234
XA-XAX / Hs125 / 258757 (c/n needs confirmation)
XB-AOC / Be400 / RK-333
XB-MAU / Ce501 / 501-0181
XB-PZL / Hs125 / 258063
XB-RCT / Gulf.2 / 205
XB-URH / LJ45 / 45-0046
XC-LQU / LJ31 / 31-174
Cancun (CUN)
Sunday 09feb = 2x biz
N533QS / Ce680 / 680A0074
N72AY / LJ35 / 35-419
Guadalajara (GDL)
Sunday 09feb = 19x biz
N315R / Be400 / RK-009
N329PV / Ce560 / 560-0140
N32SG / Be390 / RB-090
N355FA / Hs125 / 258156
N469BB / LJ35 / 35-434
N525MW / Ce525 / 525-0370
XA-ALV / LJ35 / 35-596
XA-CHY / Astra / 265
XA-EGB / LJ45 / 45-0101
XA-EMB / Leg.500 / 550-030
XA-ENR / PC24 / 148
XA-FAF / Be400 / RK-359
XA-TME / Hs125 / 257050
XB-JFA / CL601 / 5140
XB-JMI / Ce650 / 650-0133
XB-MRK / Hs125 / 258101
XB-MSZ / Be400 / RK-247
XB-NNA / Ce500 / 500-0062
XB-VHL / Fa50 / 142
Lot of general aviation moved to the South side of the airport / opposite runway (close to impossible to read off, even not when being airside)
Guadalajara (GDL)
Monday 10feb = 7x biz
N431JA / Fa2000DX / 602
N433DD / LJ35 / 35-161
XA-CAZ / Hs125 / 258152
XA-COE / BD700 / 9297
XA-GJC / Ce650 / 650-0035
XA-MBT / LJ75 / 45-0492
XB-SJK / Hs125 / 257049
We took a direct flight to Toluca (good to see that this airport has liner movements again)
One Toluca Aeropuerto hotel was booked but we last-minute changed it into the Hotel Opus Grand Toluca which was a great call
Most of the times landings from the North, and from the Opus (high floor facing airport) nothing can be missed (while you will not see inbounds from the One hotel)
Toluca (TLC)
Monday 10feb = 61x biz
F-HSUP / Fa6X / 4
M-ABGG / CL604 / 5450
N129GD / Phenom / 505-053
N183T / Gulf.600 / 73115
N247RW / Phenom / 500-019
N401XR / Be400 / RK-300
N428P / Phenom / 505-579
N433DD / LJ35 / 35-161
N435HH / LJ45 / 45-0335
N564BR / Hs125 / 257122
N72AY / LJ35 / 35-419
N7490A / Hs125 / 257173
N826GC / Hs125 / 258263
N86BR / LJ55 / 55-090
N910KS / Hs125 / 257180
N944TB / Hs125 / 257177
N989JW / Fa8X / 420
N994EA / LJ35 / 35-460
N999HW / Gulf.200 / 63
PP-LXS / Fa2000EX / 363
XA-ADE / LJ45 / 45-0052
XA-AGV / Ce680 / 680A0130
XA-AOV / Gulf.4 / 1010
XA-ASP / CL604 / 5302
XA-CAR / Ce680 / 680-0050
XA-CAV / Hs125 / 258088
XA-CDM / Ce525 / 525-1027
XA-COX / Hs125 / 258108
XA-CZG / LJ35 / 35-162
XA-DLN / Hs125 / 258269
XA-ENR / PC24 / 148
XA-FAP / Gulf.450 / 4244
XA-FOF / Gulf.450 / 4076
XA-GGS / Ce680 / 680A0032
XA-GLL / Gulf.200 / 146
XA-GPO / LJ75 / 45-0503
XA-IZA / Hs125 / 258233
XA-JNR / ERJ-145 / 145348
XA-JTM / Hs125 / 258253
XA-LAU / Hs125 / 258295
XA-LMV / Gulf.4 / 1388
XA-MAM / Hs125 / HB-022
XA-MBT / LJ75 / 45-0492
XA-MHA / Gulf.200 / 57
XA-MLD / Ce680 / 680A0189
XA-NOI / H.4000 / RC-015
XA-OVA / Gulf.650 / 6299
XA-OVR / Gulf.650 / 6529
XA-RAA / Hs125 / 258220
XA-SAA / LJ45 / 45-0236
XA-TEI / Fa900EX / 186
XA-TME / Hs125 / 257050
XA-YES / Legacy / 145540
XB-AVG / Hs125 / 258020
XB-FFF / LJ31 / 31-044
XB-PXP / Ce650 / 650-0218
XB-PZL / Hs125 / 258063
XB-SGA / Ce525 / 525-0618
XB-SNT / LJ31 / 31-070
Stored at the dump near Opus Hotel :
(XA-AAL) / Jetstar / 5231
N75NE / LJ24 / 24-351
plus 2x Learjet fuselages unidentified
Toluca (TLC)
Tuesday 11feb = 102x biz
N150WJ / Gulf.5 / 658
N179KC / BD100 / 20676
N191PJ / Hs125 / 258203
N2033 / Hs125 / 258093
N20PJ / Hs125 / 258275
N218MD / Gulf.400 / 1515
N266JW / Hs125 / 258102
N289MA / ERJ-145 / 145574
N32JE / Gulf.4 / 1460
N375DS / Ce650 / 650-0119
N414VG / Gulf.4 / 1117
N543EE / Leg.500 / 550-043
N544QS / Ce680 / 680A0093
N570DM / Ce525 / 525-0055
N571BC / Ce560XL / 560-5013
N599PC / Fa2000EX / 154
N616WG / Hs125 / 258030
N755TV / Hs125 / HB-001
N765RM / Gulf.4 / 1170
N789GG / Phenom / 505-812
N800SV / Hs125 / 258217
N831FR / Gulf.600 / 73072
N875HB / H.4000 / RC-075
N899V / Gulf.550 / 5303
XA-ABD / LJ45 / 45-0338
XA-AEA / Ce560XL / 560-5503
XA-AJL / Gulf.5 / 604
XA-BLZ / Fa2000EX / 251
XA-BPS / Phenom / 505-406
XA-CFX / LJ45 / 45-0209 (not read off, still as XA- on ADSB, but might have been a XB- prefix .. unable to find recent proof/pictures)
XA-CGG / Ha420 / 420-206
XA-CRS / Ce680 / 680-0061
XA-DET / LJ24 / 24-337
XA-DIJ / LJ35 / 35-401
XA-EGL / Ce510 / 510-0324
XA-EMB / Leg.500 / 550-030
XA-ESE / Gulf.450 / 4236
XA-GLF / Gulf.200 / 163
XA-HOZ / LJ25 / 25-249
XA-IBC / LJ60 / 60-124
XA-MMA / H.4000 / RC-013
XA-MMX / Ce680 / 680-0578
XA-MPS / Gulf.5 / 654
XA-MRS / LJ60 / 60-333
XA-MRX / Gulf.5 / 589
XA-OAV / Hs125 / 258256
XA-OLE / Gulf.650 / 6265
XA-ONE / LJ60 / 60-127
XA-PEM / Hs125 / HB-008
XA-PRO / Ce650 / 650-0032
XA-RJT / LJ35 / 35-011
XA-RTS / Ce680 / 680-0016
XA-TVA / Ce750 / 750-0064
XA-UFF / CL601 / 5003
XA-UPZ / Phenom / 505-118
XA-UUW / LJ35 / 35-412
XA-VCY / LJ35 / 35-326
XA-VGS / LJ31 / 31-074
XA-WOW / Gulf.550 / 5368
XA-XAX / Hs125 / 258757 (c/n needs confirmation)
XA-ZPS / LJ45 / 45-0259
XA-ZTK / Gulf.550 / 5054
XB-CRG / Ce680 / 680-0545
XB-DSC / Hs125 / 258207
XB-EER / Hs125 / 25229
XB-GJS / LJ25 / 25-120
XB-HJV / Ce650 / 650-0080
XB-OAE / Hs125 / 258537
XB-OTZ / LJ35 / 35-329
XB-PED / CL601 / 5029
XB-PHP / Ce525 / 525-0232
XB-RFB / Ce650 / 650-0177
XB-RJT / Hs125 / 258181
XB-RKY / Hs125 / 257135
XB-RML / LJ35 / 35-250
XB-RQD / Hs125 / 258248
XB-SCM / LJ60 / 60-061
XB-SJK / Hs125 / 257049
XB-SJP / Be400 / RK-301
XB-SKF / LJ55 / 55-108
XB-SYJ / CL601 / 5057
XB-UOC / LJ60 / 60-406
XB-WZN / CL601 / 5052
XC-LQU / LJ31 / 31-174
Stored at the dump (SE corner):
N15ER / LJ25 / 25-267
N192WF / Gulf.2 / 192
N399FL / CL600 / 1083
N603TS / Hs125 / 256041
XA-AGT / Sabre / 306-58
XA-AVV / LJ25 / 25-079
XA-CEN / Sabre / 306-26
XA-CHP / Sabre / 306-22
XA-DSC / Sabre / 306-56
XA-EMO / Jetstar / 5140
XA-JUL / Hs125 / 258006
XA-PES / Jetstar / 5130
XA-PIC / Sabre / 282-39
XA-RIR / Sabre / 306-36
XA-SVG / Sabre / 306-97
XA-TCA / LJ24 / 24-224
XA-TZW / Jetstar / 5129
XB-RGO / Sabre / 306-34
Mexico City (MEX)
Wednesday 12feb = 5x biz
3911 / CL605 / 5967
XC-LPZ / Gulf.3 / 484
Stored at the ''PGR compound'' (NE corner):
(XC-AAC) / Sabre / 306-21
(XC-LLL) / Ce550 / 550-0473
XC-AA70 / Gulf.2 / 18
Mexico City (MEX)
Thursday 13feb = 2x biz
ANX-1204 / LJ60 / 60-152
XC-LQB / Hs125 / 257125
We left on a Volaris flight to Orlando (to catch some more biz in Florida during Presidents Day/Miami Boat show)
Best regards
Chris Veringa
Jeroen Noordhout
LOG : Mexico 06feb-13feb (biz only)
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Re: LOG : Mexico 06feb-13feb (biz only)
correct according to the official Mexican aircraft registry.XA-XAX / Hs125 / 258757 (c/n needs confirmation)
indeed XB-CFX since 16-08-2023 according to the official Mexican aircraft registry.XA-CFX / LJ45 / 45-0209 (not read off, still as XA- on ADSB, but might have been a XB- prefix .. unable to find recent proof/pictures)