Looking to gift my Father's Photo Collection

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Looking to gift my Father's Photo Collection

Post by piphomer »

Hello all.

My late father, Dave Homer, was a lifelong military aircraft spotter, amateur photographer, and exhaustive cataloger.... as well as a very keen participant on this site, I believe.

My mother is downsizing her house and as such there will be no space to store the vast quantities of photos and slides that my Dad produced and treasured during his life. Rather than throw them away, my mum and I would love to give them to someone who might find them interesting, or useful.

There is far too much for me to list everything he had here, but I will post a couple of photos and a video. Every photo and slide is labelled with the aircraft type, serial number, squadron, location and date of photo. In some cases if the aircraft was shot at a special meet, this is noted too on the little labels my dad meticulously created and printed out.

If you think you might be interested in having some of these albums (for free, of course, although we may need to discuss postage), then please get in touch and we can chat about what we have here and what you might be interested in. :)




Thank you!

Phillip Homer
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